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Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 6 years ago
Hearing those words made her feel warm and soft inside. She felt color rise to her cheeks and she gently squeezed his hand. "Don't worry Allen, you know I enjoy reading to you." She answered. It was true. She found it fun to do and he seemed to enjoy it always. She slid off the bed, making her way to the bookshelf and grabbing one of the many books then making her way back onto the bed. There, she sat beside him and opened the book to the page where they had last left off then began to read aloud to him.
Posted in AddyArts! Posted 6 years ago

@addy: If I had an actual scanner I'd show you! It's half inked. I need to ink the legs and feet, then I can color him in. I should finish him sometime. D:

Aww, well all projects are pretty tough I think. Just gotta motivate yourself to see it through. I know it's easier said than done though, but I believe in you!
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
Mia listened carefully to every word that the taller one was saying. His voice was so quiet. He had such a calm but serious personality, it was what drew her attention to him from the very start. Of course, she'd never admit to it. He was much too great for someone like her. The thought made her laugh in her head. He deserved much better than her.

Mitsukuni frowned and looked at his cousin under worried brows. This question was one he didn't feel like answering. They didn't even know her! They couldn't be sharing such personal things about themselves with her. The smaller male relaxed when he heard his cousin's answer. It was a good one. Vague which was good. Mia blinked and cocked her head to the side. Slowly she nodded. "Ohhhh..." She said, thinking she understood what he was saying. "I understand what you mean Mori-Senpai." She thought she did anyway.


Hikaru gasped and quickly moved so he could catch her and sighed when he did. He wasted no time in running off towards the car with her in his arms. He opened the back seat and set her down inside then buckled her up and closed the door. Then he walked around to the passenger's side and took his seat. "Let's go before that woman runs after us and takes our plates." Hikaru warned, starting to fasten his seat belt as the car roared to life and Kaoru drove off towards the school once more.
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 6 years ago
"Alright, I am officially sick." Clint said. He made sure he grabbed his keys and wallet and phone. He walked to the kitchen and tore a page off his notepad on the refrigerator door. Clint began to write down a list of things that they needed to get for the kitten that way they didn't forget anything. "Food labeled kitten..." He said to himself. He noticed Maddie wasn't there. "Why do girls take forever to get dressed?" He asked himself and glanced over to the kitten who was busy looking under the couch in awe.
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko smiled softly. She sat beside him, listening to the silence that fell over them in that room. Did he really feel better when she was around? Perhaps he just didn't like being alone. They had become inseparable. "Okay, I'll stay right here with you." She responded quietly, lightly kissing his cheek. "I love you." She cooed and chuckled then looked around the room and looked at the books they had. "Would you like me to read to you?" She asked. It was something they did at times to fill the silence. Although other times the silence was welcomed and enjoyed.
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko nodded, "Very well then." She said quietly. "Would you like me to leave you so you could rest?" In truth, she just wanted to curl up beside him and sleep. She wasn't sleepy, just tired. Her body felt tired and sometimes she feared she was catching the fever as well. If that were true, she hoped she could at least make it until he was fully better. It would make things easier.
Posted in AddyArts! Posted 6 years ago

@addy: Hmm, that is true. I will have to check some of those promps down and save them for later. :3
I think the last thing I drew was an Oni oc. Although he's not finished.

Well I think whenever you pick it up again, you'll do great and I will look forward to seeing what you create!
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
"Oh really?" Mia began and giggled, that sounded like a lot of fun! "So you have little costume parties? Ah, that sounds like such fun and I bet all of your costumes are amazing!" She commented, taking another bite of her slice of cake. It was so good, very sweet! Takashi's comment confused her though. "Mori-Senpai? What do you mean? Aren't you able to be yourselves everywhere?"


Kaoru waited and would look over at his brother waiting there like a silly lovestruck child. Kaoru smiled and looked down at his phone, their plan had even fooled him. He was impressed. Hikaru looked up at Alice and was a little nervous but he was sure he'd catch her. "It's okay Alice, I'll catch you. You can trust me!" He said to her as he waited for her to jump. It was a big jump, from the second floor but he wouldn't let her get hurt.
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 6 years ago
"Don't worry, you didn't burn anything so that alone is a great thing." He said, sticking out his tongue at her teasingly then continuing to eat his breakfast. "I'm surprised you're not eating anything though. You should be eating breakfast you know, most important meal of the day after all." He chuckled after saying that though. That was so childish of him to say.

Once he finished his breakfast, he finished up his coffee and stood to take the dishes to the sink. "I'll call in sick and get ready so we can go." He said and headed to his room to get ready then called up his boss who wasn't too happy. "I know, but it was pouring hard yesterday and well it's only natural to get sick in a downpour." Cliff sniffled and managed to cough away from the phone. "Huh? Oh, okay sir. Thank you." After hanging up he laughed and made his way to the living room.
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 6 years ago
"Oh...right." Kaneko looked down at her hands. She should make him his herbal remedy. She still had the books so she could look through them and get the herbs they needed. Kaneko was sure that they still had some extras in little plastic bags. "Would you like me to make that for you instead?" She asked. She would if he wanted him to. Ah, she should just make it anyway!
Posted in Hello everyone! Posted 6 years ago

@the emo duck: Welcome! I feel like I have seen your name somewhere before. On another site.
Dushka? Is that you? If it's not then this is probably really weird but if it is you, then maybe you remember I always used to call you that. ; u ;
Either way, welcome to Voltra and I hope you enjoy your stay!
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 6 years ago
Clint snickered, "Fair play." He answered. "I am honestly concerned for your safety. However, we'll be in a public area so I'm sure you'll be just fine." He said, sipping his coffee. "Just stay close okay? Just in case?" Clint knew he was probably annoyingly over protective, but people always seemed to want to hurt her so of course he was going to worry about her. When she asked about the eggs, he nodded. "I like them. I think you did a good job Mads." He told her.
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
Mia smiled and nodded. "Likewise Kyoya-senpai." She answered. She watched him walk away then looked back at Mori and his cousin, honey. "So, what is it that you all do here exactly?" She asked them curiously. "Do you really just sit and eat cake while drinking tea?" She asked.

At this, Mitsukuni looked at her and shook his head. "Well kind of but not really." He said. "We keep customers entertained. We talk to them, listen to them, have cake and tea with them. It's nice. Everyone is happy. Here, there are no favorites. We spend time with everyone who wants to spend time with us."


Kaoru and Hikaru walked out of the grand house. They headed back to the car and leaned against it for a while. "All part of the plan. Alice is very smart. She learns well and very fast, I'm impressed." Hikaru said and looked at his brother. "Wait in the car, I'll go get her now." He said. Kaoru nodded and got behind the driver's wheel. He waited patiently while Hikaru made his way towards the house again. He noticed her window and waved up at her then stood below her window with his arms out so he could catch her if she did end up jumping. It was a crazy plan, but crazy was all they knew. The twins never schemed something 'calm'. No, it had to seem impossible and it would always work. If not, they always had a backup plan.
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 6 years ago
Clint laughed softly. "I was expecting you to tell me to go to work and lecture me on why skipping work is a bad thing." He said to her. He took a bite of his toast and started to eat his eggs. This breakfast was just right. He didn't like to eat too much but eggs were something he enjoyed eating for breakfast. Only for breakfast. "I'll call the boss after breakfast then we can get ready and head out."