Boss Rimi's posts
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Mia looked over at the tall blonde male who a bunch of people had gathered around. From where she sat, he seemed like a very good person. Friendly. Clearly since so many people seemed to like him. She smiled politely, it was nice to know that everyone here seemed to be very kind people. She was expecting quite the opposite.
You see, sometimes having so much money made you a bad person. It was nice to know that these people were still very kind and didn't think very highly of themselves. They didn't look like the snobs back in other schools she had been to. "I see. He seems nice." She answered. " all do." She added after a moment of thought. It was true, even though she didn't know them very well yet. It was easy to see though just by looking at them.
Haruhi smiled back at Mori-Senpai and looked at Tamaki who had made his grand entrance as was custom now. She laughed softly and shook her head. It was always amusing to see the prince walk in so lavishly.
The twins listened closely to what Alice had to say. Kaoru was taken aback. "What do you mean? We are here to rescue you. Just like you asked remember?" He whispered. Hikaru chuckled quietly. He knew where this was going. "What do you mean you can't? You're seriously going to just go? You're really going to leave your friends behind? Seriously?!" His voice rose, they had to make this look realistic. They had to make it believable. "You know, we thought you were our friend Alice. All the years we spent together, they didn't mean anything to you?" He asked. Kaoru was catching on and rested a hand on his twin's shoulder. "Let's just go. We tried. Clearly she'd rather make her mother happy than herself."
You see, sometimes having so much money made you a bad person. It was nice to know that these people were still very kind and didn't think very highly of themselves. They didn't look like the snobs back in other schools she had been to. "I see. He seems nice." She answered. " all do." She added after a moment of thought. It was true, even though she didn't know them very well yet. It was easy to see though just by looking at them.
Haruhi smiled back at Mori-Senpai and looked at Tamaki who had made his grand entrance as was custom now. She laughed softly and shook her head. It was always amusing to see the prince walk in so lavishly.
The twins listened closely to what Alice had to say. Kaoru was taken aback. "What do you mean? We are here to rescue you. Just like you asked remember?" He whispered. Hikaru chuckled quietly. He knew where this was going. "What do you mean you can't? You're seriously going to just go? You're really going to leave your friends behind? Seriously?!" His voice rose, they had to make this look realistic. They had to make it believable. "You know, we thought you were our friend Alice. All the years we spent together, they didn't mean anything to you?" He asked. Kaoru was catching on and rested a hand on his twin's shoulder. "Let's just go. We tried. Clearly she'd rather make her mother happy than herself."

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
"Right...well I'll come pick you up after work. I'll have to clean up quickly before we go though." Clint explained. It worked better this way, at least he wouldn't look all messy and have oil stains on his hands and clothes when they did head out to shop. It would be interesting, shopping with her but he was sure nothing bad would happen. "Could call in sick." He hinted with a smile.

Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 6 years ago

Hello everyone!
@kozi: Oh yeah, the nose thing is just...ugh! I hate it!
I love sleeping but that nose thing just makes me dread having to sleep.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Mitsukuni smiled up at his taller cousin. Yay! He had made Takashi happy. This was good. He only wanted to make his cousin happy, it's why he decided to let him befriend this girl. He still didn't trust her completely, but he wanted to give her a chance. What did she have that his cousin seemed to like so much? She seemed so...ordinary. There was nothing interesting about her. His eyes lowered down to focus on the cake and began to eat it in silence.
Mia glanced up at the male who had spoken up. He seemed very calm and polite. Like Takashi. It had to be part of the requirements to get into the club. That's what she believed. "Oh!" She looked at the smaller male who was digging into his cake and sipping his tea. She looked at him, then at Mori-Senpai, then back at Kyoya-senpai.
"Hey!" Haruhi whined, getting Mia to look their way. She looked back at Kyoya and smiled. "Ah, thank you Kyoya-Senpai!" She said politely. "I really appreciate it..." She said and lifted her teacup to take a small sip. "I see that some members are missing. The twins you mentioned and Tamaki-Senpai. Will they not be here today?" She didn't mind, she was just curious.
"Woah, she walked away." Hikaru said. "That counts as a loss. A disqualification automatically. We win." Kaoru answered with a smirk. When the older woman left and opened the door, both twins looked towards Alice who made a beeline towards them. "Hello Alice." They both spoke in unison. "Are you okay?" Hikaru asked. Kaoru leaned closer and whispered in Alice's ear, "We need to go. The three of us. The car is waiting and I'll fill you in when we are in the car. But we are here to take you from here." He said. Hikaru pulled them all into a small group huddle. "We will wait until dark. You will open your window, then I will come, you jump out your window, I will catch you. Kaoru will wait for us in the car. We have to wait until your mom sleeps. Or we can just walk out now."
Mia glanced up at the male who had spoken up. He seemed very calm and polite. Like Takashi. It had to be part of the requirements to get into the club. That's what she believed. "Oh!" She looked at the smaller male who was digging into his cake and sipping his tea. She looked at him, then at Mori-Senpai, then back at Kyoya-senpai.
"Hey!" Haruhi whined, getting Mia to look their way. She looked back at Kyoya and smiled. "Ah, thank you Kyoya-Senpai!" She said politely. "I really appreciate it..." She said and lifted her teacup to take a small sip. "I see that some members are missing. The twins you mentioned and Tamaki-Senpai. Will they not be here today?" She didn't mind, she was just curious.
"Woah, she walked away." Hikaru said. "That counts as a loss. A disqualification automatically. We win." Kaoru answered with a smirk. When the older woman left and opened the door, both twins looked towards Alice who made a beeline towards them. "Hello Alice." They both spoke in unison. "Are you okay?" Hikaru asked. Kaoru leaned closer and whispered in Alice's ear, "We need to go. The three of us. The car is waiting and I'll fill you in when we are in the car. But we are here to take you from here." He said. Hikaru pulled them all into a small group huddle. "We will wait until dark. You will open your window, then I will come, you jump out your window, I will catch you. Kaoru will wait for us in the car. We have to wait until your mom sleeps. Or we can just walk out now."

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
I know I said I wouldn't go anywhere.. Clint looked up from his cup of coffee. His eyes now on Maddie who was making him some toast as per request. "But?" He nudged. She wanted to go somewhere didn't she? That's why she had said what she said in that tone. There, she had said it. She wanted to go with him. It was to be expected. No one could stay indoors without wanting to step out for a little while. Besides, staying inside all the time drove people mad. Or could lead to you being depressed. "You want to go with the store?" He asked. He didn't think she'd want to go with him to work. She'd be bored there. Plus it was pretty loud in there sometimes and pretty hot as well.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
His eyes had changed back to normal. Back to their regular milky white color. It was as if his eyes had never been that red color at all. "Y-you're welcome." She whispered, her body tensed at the kiss and relaxed afterwards. "Umm..." She looked around the room, straightening it out while she thought of something that she could say. "How are you feeling? Still ill?" She asked, glancing his way. She climbed onto the bed, sitting back on her heels. Her hand reached over and ran through his hair softly. "Would you like me to get you anything else?" Resting her hand on his forehead, it still felt pretty warm. He was getting better thought. Maybe tomorrow would be the last day.

Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 6 years ago

@kozi: It's the worst thing about being sick. I absolutely hate it. That and the watery eyes are what kills me the mos because it's just so annoying. That tea I had really seemed to help a lot though. o u o

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
The coffee pot whistled, signaling that the water was ready to be poured. She had put some of the medicinal herbs in the water before hand and had set it on the stove top to boil. While she was waiting for that, she grabbed a small plate and set down a little porcelain tea cup with a golden rim and a nice floral design on it. The plates had green vines with leaves on them. Lovely.
Something she had purchased when it was on sale. It was finally peaceful. Her father's men hadn't come looking for her and Allen. Her father was probably out, but he never called and if he did, she dind't notice since she had gotten rid of her old phone. She shut off the flames and gently picked up the teapot off of the stove, pouring the tea into the teacup. Once she had, Kaneko set the teapot down on the stove top and carefully picked up the small plate with the teacup. She walked towards their bedroom. Down the hall in silence. Slowly, so nothing would spill. Her knuckled lightly knocked on the door before opening it and walking inside.
"Allen are you awa-" Kaneko stopped mid-sentence. Her eyes on his own. They were no longer white, instead a bright red. Like blood. "Oh dear. Umm..I-I made you some tea Allen. I thought it might help you fell better faster. Would you like some?"
Something she had purchased when it was on sale. It was finally peaceful. Her father's men hadn't come looking for her and Allen. Her father was probably out, but he never called and if he did, she dind't notice since she had gotten rid of her old phone. She shut off the flames and gently picked up the teapot off of the stove, pouring the tea into the teacup. Once she had, Kaneko set the teapot down on the stove top and carefully picked up the small plate with the teacup. She walked towards their bedroom. Down the hall in silence. Slowly, so nothing would spill. Her knuckled lightly knocked on the door before opening it and walking inside.
"Allen are you awa-" Kaneko stopped mid-sentence. Her eyes on his own. They were no longer white, instead a bright red. Like blood. "Oh dear. Umm..I-I made you some tea Allen. I thought it might help you fell better faster. Would you like some?"

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
"Right, I'll be sure to get that on my way home from work. Some toast would be great Mads, thank you." Clint answered. Already he was making a mental list of the things that he would need to purchase for the cat. He'd have to look for anything labeled kitten since it was just that. A kitten. Regular cat food would be too tough for the kitten to eat. He looked down at the kitten now inching towards the bowl of eggs and sniffing it. Then the kitten began to eat it and Clint started to imagine how the kitten would grow up. What it would be like. Would it be an introverted cat? Or an extroverted cat? Would it be close to Maddie? Or would it want to run away and be free?

Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 6 years ago

@kozi: Just need the small details really. Well...eyes and clothes actually. Everything else is done. Oh, and shoes!
Yeah I think I'll wait for the common surge and see if any of the commons can help. ; u ;
Thanks! I can actually breathe through my nose now which is great. My eyes sometimes water still though.

Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 6 years ago

@kozi: Oh dear, that's no fun. D: Me? I'm okay. Still somewhat sick but getting better. Very tired though. Drinking some apple juice and trying to make a new avatar but I'm stuck. Been working on it all day yesterday but I'm just coming up blank now.

Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 6 years ago

@kozi: Hey Kozi, how you been?

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Mitsukuni looked at his cousin then looked at the cake. He wanted to get the first slice, but that wouldn't be polite would it? Maybe Takashi wanted to see if he could give the first slice to Mia? Maybe that would make him happy, and he wanted to make his cousin happy. He looked at Mia, "Would you like some cake?" He asked her. Mia smiled and nodded, "I would, thank you." She replied. Carefully, Mitsukuni used the pail to cut out a slice then served it on a small plate with a small fork for her. "Thank-you very much! W-what should I call you?" she asked him. Mitsukuni looked both surprised and confused, muttering something and proceeding to serve his cousin a slice of cake and lastly himself.
The twins nodded. "Alone. We won't visit, we won't call. Nothing. No contact of any kind." Hikaru answered. Kaoru nodded in agreement and when they were allowed inside, he walked in with his twin. They were both very confident. No way that she would be able to tell them apart. "Alright, this game is simple. Which one of us is Hikaru and which one of us is Kaoru. Am I Kaoru? Or is he Kaoru?" Kaoru explained. Am I Hikaru? Or is he Hikaru?" Hikaru added. "It's your turn to guess. Who is who?" Hikaru asked the woman. He wrapped an arm around his brother's shoulders and they both leaned close with a blank look on their face, waiting for her to answer.
The twins nodded. "Alone. We won't visit, we won't call. Nothing. No contact of any kind." Hikaru answered. Kaoru nodded in agreement and when they were allowed inside, he walked in with his twin. They were both very confident. No way that she would be able to tell them apart. "Alright, this game is simple. Which one of us is Hikaru and which one of us is Kaoru. Am I Kaoru? Or is he Kaoru?" Kaoru explained. Am I Hikaru? Or is he Hikaru?" Hikaru added. "It's your turn to guess. Who is who?" Hikaru asked the woman. He wrapped an arm around his brother's shoulders and they both leaned close with a blank look on their face, waiting for her to answer.

Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 6 years ago

rolls through wearing a face mask
Evening everyone.