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@kozi: Heya!
@totalanimefan: Just getting some replies in, enjoying orange juice and reading up on drama on twitter.

@kitalpha hart: Oof, well I hope work isn't too bad for you. And I hope you get plenty of sleep. :3
@totalanimefan: Yes, I promise to take it easy and relax during the remaining months of freedom that I have before school. Heh

@kitalpha hart: Well, did you at least have a restful nap?
Oh nice! Days off are always needed. Any plans for that day?

@totalanimefan: Will do! Unless I forget but I will try not to.

@kitalpha hart: Well it's nighttime here too. It is currently 11pm here where I live.
I should be sleeping but here I am. lol

@totalanimefan: Yeah I plan on it after classes are done for the day. Hopefully they can explain it to me.

@totalanimefan: Apparently this will be my last semester where I will be allowed financial aid. I'm not sure why though. D:

@kitalpha hart: Good morning! Although it's evening here.

@kozi: Hmm, I think it does. xD
I hope you have a yummy breakfast though.

@kozi: You look like a dark fairy. I like it. Haha The whole theme you got going on is really nice.
Oh yeah, eating is probably really important. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day after all. xD

@kozi: I'm doing pretty good. A little tired is all.
I should be reading but instead I'm just lurking and watching Netflix. lol
I noticed you changed your avatar. Looks nice. :3

@kozi: Oh hai! waves How are you?

@totalanimefan: I've been taking semesters off so I do get my breaks.
But I really don't want to cause like, I want to be done with this quickly.
I want to just work and maybe settle down finally or something. I dunno.

Hehe, thanks! It's always nerve wrecking but I'm going to do my best!

Okie, have a goodnight! Talk again later.

@totalanimefan: I'll be taking a math class, an English class, a marketing class, and a US history class.
My major is Business Administration. I'm working on my Administrative office assistant cert., Administrative office professional cert., Retail management cert., and Business Administration Associates Degree.
I know, but my mind is already like thinking about that. I have my bag prepared for school already. I have my schedule, I'm pretty much ready and this isn't even my first semester. lol This is my 5th? I think. I have a total of 15 classes left to take before I get everything done and can graduate.

@totalanimefan: August 26th I think. I know it's in August. Just don't know the exact day.
I'm going to be so busy and stressed out. I already know it.
I'm lowkey excited and terrified though.