Boss Rimi's posts
Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 6 years ago

@kozi: Hey there! How are you doing?

Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 6 years ago

Tengo sueño. I'm sleepy. Well..tired really.
Didn't get much sleep last night. Had a bad dream.
Hope everyone is doing well.

Posted in AddyArts!
Posted 6 years ago

@addy: Sometimes I like to sketch between classes in college. But all this break, I haven't even doodled once.
I can't really think of anything to draw. Which is a shame. Sometimes the creative bug bites me and I doodle a lot!
Yeah I can imagine it takes a ton of practice. lol
Oooh that looks really cute!

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
It was a windy morning when Maddie had woken. Clint lay there in bed beside her, perfectly comfortable but awake. "Hmm.." He hummed in response to her question. Yes he was awake, but he was tired and he didn't want to get up and go to work. It was like when he was going to school and he hated having to get up to go to school. He wasn't really a huge morning person. Still, he knew that he had to get up, so he slowly sat up on her bed and yawned loudly, rubbing his eyes sleepily. "H-how'd you sleep Mads?"

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko smiled warmly, his small forms of affection always made her happy. When he suddenly released her, she nodded. "Alright then. I'll go and make us some breakfast." She said softly and hesitated a bit before walking out of the room and to the kitchen. She grabbed some eggs to make them sunny side up. Two eggs each. She had bacon as well and was making blueberry waffles with a hint of vanilla. The smells wafted through the air which only made her hungrier. She just hoped that he liked this. She remembered that he said one day he wouldn't want to eat human food. He'd lose the craving for actual food. So that made her want to really enjoy these little moments that they had together because once the last bit of humanity left him, he'd be fully a vampire and she'd be alone in a sense.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Mitsukuni's eyes widened and tears threatened to spill from the corners of his eyes. Why was Takashi so kind to him? He knew he was a handful. Anyone else would have yelled at him for his behavior. He assumed that Kyoya would. Maybe. Maybe not. Okay he wasn't so sure anymore.
He enjoyed the head pats. It made him feel a lot better. At least he was getting some attention now. Still, deep down inside he still did feel bad about what he had done. He needed to fix this! But how? Looking at Takashi, he smiled and hugged his cousin. "We should invite that girl to the club after school. And...I promise I will try to be nicer to her. I will be there with you." It was going to be difficult. He never once had to share his cousin with anyone other than the club members. Sharing was not his strong point.
"Oh..?" Haruhi looked to Kaoru, food in front of her lips. "What is it Kaoru?" She asked him. "Yeah, what is it, you can tell us." Hikaru spoke quietly when his twin leaned across the table to close the distance. The three of them were now huddled over half eaten food. "I spoke to Alice. She told me her mother plans on sending her back to her grandparents in France. The airplane leaves Friday morning. First thing. And, she says she's sorry about what happened. She didn't mean to make you upset. She still hopes that you will rescue her. And you're going to. We are going to. I'll talk to Kyoya, tell him what she told me. I'm hoping he'll have something up his sleeve."
He enjoyed the head pats. It made him feel a lot better. At least he was getting some attention now. Still, deep down inside he still did feel bad about what he had done. He needed to fix this! But how? Looking at Takashi, he smiled and hugged his cousin. "We should invite that girl to the club after school. And...I promise I will try to be nicer to her. I will be there with you." It was going to be difficult. He never once had to share his cousin with anyone other than the club members. Sharing was not his strong point.
"Oh..?" Haruhi looked to Kaoru, food in front of her lips. "What is it Kaoru?" She asked him. "Yeah, what is it, you can tell us." Hikaru spoke quietly when his twin leaned across the table to close the distance. The three of them were now huddled over half eaten food. "I spoke to Alice. She told me her mother plans on sending her back to her grandparents in France. The airplane leaves Friday morning. First thing. And, she says she's sorry about what happened. She didn't mean to make you upset. She still hopes that you will rescue her. And you're going to. We are going to. I'll talk to Kyoya, tell him what she told me. I'm hoping he'll have something up his sleeve."

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
"Well I'd invite you to my room, but you look too comfortable so I won't have you get up and walk." Clint explained. He was so tired though, so that was another reason why he didn't invite her to his room, he too was already really comfortable beside her. When she moved over to give him some room, he was quick to adjust himself on the freed up space and yawned softly. "Goodnight Mads, sweet dreams. And remember, I'm right here. You'll be okay, I'll be okay. It was just a nightmare."

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko had set the hand towel back into the bowl of water. Her attention now on making him something to eat and his tea to drink. She was already making arrangements in her head of how they would eat together here in their room. They would most likely eat in silence. Not because she didn't want to talk to him, but because she didn't want to disturb him or give him a headache. A small smile appeared on her tired face when he kissed her forehead. It was a small gesture, but sweet nonetheless. When he wrapped his arms around her, she rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes, listening to him. What he said surprised her. "You want to eat at the table?" She repeated. "Are you sure?" She was more than happy to eat with him at the table. She knew it wouldn't be too long until she would eat by herself, so she wanted to take advantage of the moments when they could eat together.

Posted in smol chibi bribe -full
Posted 6 years ago

@bean: Oh my gosh, he's absolutely precious! Thank-you so much!

If you're still accepting offers the next time I am on the hunt for art, I'll be sure to order from you again!

Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 6 years ago

@kozi: Cotton Candy Slushie?! :o
That sounds amazing! I bet it's super sweet!

Posted in voltbun || let the bunnies take over || open
Posted 6 years ago

Booping this up because I think I can?

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
"I didn't think that you would actually like her and want to be her friend. I was just trying to be nice!" He complained. Mitsukuni frowned. He didn't like being lectured by anyone. He just wanted to be free to do whatever he wanted without dealing with the consequences. He listened to Takashi mention that he should be upset with Tamaki since he was the one who said they should invite Mia to the club to begin with. "You're right.." His voice was quiet, his eyes looked around, trying to find Tamaki but not seeing him anywhere. "I.." he frowned and looked back up at his tall cousin. "I guess you think I'm a bad person for not letting you see her. But if you want to see her then you should. If you then you should talk to her more."
Kaoru listened to the information that Alice was giving him. He and his brother had only a few days to figure something out. Drive out there before school and somehow bring her back here. Maybe if they got in contact with her father about this then he'd be able to help them out. Regardless, he had information now he'd need to share with Kyoya. If anyone was smart and could figure out a plan, it was him. "We'll be there." He said, then he heard the line go dead and he sighed. She had hung up. "Hikaru, I have something I need to tell you. I'll tell you at the end of school though since we need to talk to Kyoya about it too."
Kaoru listened to the information that Alice was giving him. He and his brother had only a few days to figure something out. Drive out there before school and somehow bring her back here. Maybe if they got in contact with her father about this then he'd be able to help them out. Regardless, he had information now he'd need to share with Kyoya. If anyone was smart and could figure out a plan, it was him. "We'll be there." He said, then he heard the line go dead and he sighed. She had hung up. "Hikaru, I have something I need to tell you. I'll tell you at the end of school though since we need to talk to Kyoya about it too."

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
"Sounds pretty scary.." Clint started and gently shook her where she lay. " you want me to sleep here for the night? Maybe it will keep the nightmares away or something?" He offered. He didn't mind sharing a bed with her. It would just be like a sleepover. Friends did this all of the time didn't they. "Actually..just move over. I'll just lay here and make sure all of the scary monsters don't get to you." He murmured, already laying down beside her. The kitten meowed, wanting to be on the bed as well. Clint sat up and reached down to puck up the kitten and placed it on his chest after he lay back down.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko's humming came to a slow stop once she noticed he had drifted off to bed. A smile on her face, she resumed what she had been doing and when the water got room temperature, she left to pour it down the sink and replaced it with cold water again. Then she was back in their room, rubbing the cold hand towels on his chest, neck, shoulders, forehead, his arms. This went on until he woke. By that time she was starving and tired. But as she had said, she was right there. She hadn't left. Her hand rested on his forehead, warm. Not hot though. The fever seemed to be going down thankfully. "Hey.." She spoke quietly. "Sounds like someone is hungry. Would you like me to make us some dinner?" She asked. "I'll bring it here so you won't have to get up. And if you want I can make you some more of the tea as well."