Boss Rimi's posts
Posted in [S] RIGs
Posted 6 years ago

@nyreen: Thank-you again for selling!

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko smiled softly, nodding at his comment. "You're welcome. Rest well." She answered quietly and listened to his retreating footsteps. Setting the dishes on the rack to dry, she busied herself on washing the laundry. She would clean the house, and fold the laundry when it was done. She put it away quietly, occasionally glancing towards Allen who looked to be sleeping peacefully. Kaneko walked to the kitchen and began to make some of that tea she made him to help him get better. He hadn't drank any today, so she thought it would be nice to have some ready for him when he woke.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Mitsukuni ran towards the table that had been picked and happily took his seat once his tall cousin had pulled out his chair. "Thank you." He looked at Mia, surprised since they had said it at the same time. She was sitting now across from him. His eyes narrowed and he had a cute pout on his lips. "You still don't want me here do you?" Mia asked quietly, giving Mitsukuni a small smile. The boy looked at her then down at his bunny and shrugged his shoulders. "He likes you and I don't know why." The smaller male muttered.
"We resent that first comment." Hikaru said with a frown. He lit up once more at the mention of the game. "Because maybe there's something in it for you?" He suggested. Both twins assumed that she didn't really know them the way that Alice did. "It's a guessing game. Who is who. You win, we leave Alice alone. You lose, you let us talk to her. Just talk to her." Kaoru explained. Hikaru grinned. "I think we should play the game inside. It's a little warm out here and your house looks really nice from what I can see." He noted.
"We resent that first comment." Hikaru said with a frown. He lit up once more at the mention of the game. "Because maybe there's something in it for you?" He suggested. Both twins assumed that she didn't really know them the way that Alice did. "It's a guessing game. Who is who. You win, we leave Alice alone. You lose, you let us talk to her. Just talk to her." Kaoru explained. Hikaru grinned. "I think we should play the game inside. It's a little warm out here and your house looks really nice from what I can see." He noted.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
"Well I have to get a few things for this little furball don't I?" Clint asked. It was such an obvious question so he wasn't even sure why he had asked it. Maybe he only asked out of habit. Maybe he just wanted her to confirm his actions. Clint watched as she began to make eggs for breakfast, "Coffee and eggs? Well this is a nice surprise." Usually he was the one making the food in the house. It felt nice to have a break though.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
The water was cold, but she didn't mind it. Kaneko busied herself in cleaning the dishes, but she kept listening to what Allen was saying. It was true, he had told her that the last thing he had seen was snow. He told her that he had found it beautiful. "Yes, I remember you did mention that." She answered, nodding her head as she scrubbed the dishes clean. "So you grew up here, moved to the manor, ran away from the hunter towards here and then the hunter found you..." She trailed off. They knew what had happened. "I wonder if there are any other photos hidden around throughout the house." She said to herself. Kaneko was curious. If that boy in the photo was indeed Allen, she wanted to see more of them. She wanted to get a little glimpse into his childhood.

Posted in [S] RIGs
Posted 6 years ago

@nyreen: The items aren't showing up in the trade?

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
"My stomach is making growling noises and probably eating itself." The younger one whined. When cake was brought up, Mitsukuni gasped. He was right! What would happen to all the cake? Who would be responsible for eating it and all the sweets? And the strawberries? "You're right Takashi! I have to fight and stay so I can eat all of the cake!"
Mia smiled softly, holding back a chuckle. That was adorable to witness. "Thank-you." She said softly, entering the large room that was always so beautifully decorated. "Haru-chan! Haru-chan! I'm dying!" Mitsukuni whined again. She looked around, picking any table to sit down at. Haruhi smiled at Mia and looked up at Mitsukuni. "Ah, what are you talking about honey-senpai?"
"Hello miss." Kaoru greeted the woman politely. "We know this. And we're not here to take her back to school. We're here just to talk to her as friends often do." He explained and looked to his brother who nodded, agreeing. They could hear the coughing from upstairs and gave a pointed look at the woman. "Sounds like she needs water." Hikaru hinted. "We'll go get her some water now if you don't mind. Actually, we were wondering if you would be interested in playing a game with us." Kaoru said with a mischievous grin on his face. One that Hikaru wore as well while he leaned against the door frame to prevent her from closing the door.
Mia smiled softly, holding back a chuckle. That was adorable to witness. "Thank-you." She said softly, entering the large room that was always so beautifully decorated. "Haru-chan! Haru-chan! I'm dying!" Mitsukuni whined again. She looked around, picking any table to sit down at. Haruhi smiled at Mia and looked up at Mitsukuni. "Ah, what are you talking about honey-senpai?"
"Hello miss." Kaoru greeted the woman politely. "We know this. And we're not here to take her back to school. We're here just to talk to her as friends often do." He explained and looked to his brother who nodded, agreeing. They could hear the coughing from upstairs and gave a pointed look at the woman. "Sounds like she needs water." Hikaru hinted. "We'll go get her some water now if you don't mind. Actually, we were wondering if you would be interested in playing a game with us." Kaoru said with a mischievous grin on his face. One that Hikaru wore as well while he leaned against the door frame to prevent her from closing the door.

Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 6 years ago

@kozi: Ooh very nice!
All different colors and styles I'm guessing?

Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 6 years ago

@kozi: Ooh that sounds really pretty! o u o b
I want more wigs, but I don't really have the room for them. Unless I were to clear out my bookshelf. :/

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
The silence was killing her. What was going through that beautiful mind of his? Kaneko watched him in silence. Watched him get up on his own. She instinctively stood up as well and slowly gathered up the dishes to take them to the sink. His comment reached her ears, "You think you might have lived here before you lived in the manor?" She asked him softly. Maybe that was why he had wanted to live here. Maybe subconsciously he led her back here because it was an old home of his. One that he may have felt safe in before.

Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 6 years ago

@kozi: It's red. Think Little Mermaid. :3
Thanks, me too. I'll have more toast later though if I get hungry again.
Well I like it. It looks very regal.

Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 6 years ago

@kozi: They really are. ; n ;
But I feel okay at the moment. I have been drinking water and eating saltine crackers.
Apologies for the late response though, I was styling my wig. I straightened her out and will give her loose curls this weekend.
Your new avatar is lovely by the way!

Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 6 years ago

@queen of trash: Good idea. :3
My mom tends to do that too whenever she makes food. Or she just leaves his serving in the microwave.
@kozi: Right? At least I'm no longer dying. I'll admit though, I was tense the entire time because I was just waiting for the stomach pain to happen.

Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 6 years ago

@queen of trash: Ooh yum! That sounds really good.

@kozi: Well the good news is I was able to eat my toast with no pain! So I guess I'll be eating toast for a few days. Hehe
No problem! I know IcyHot patches do wonders. I use them too on my lower back sometimes.