Count Trashula's posts
Posted in » The White Chrysanthemum : custom art [ pending closure ]
Posted 3 years ago

@blue: awesome! I'll go ahead and send the trade so I don't forget and you can accept it whenever, if that's OK with you.
As for which one, I had a hard enough time narrowing it down to those few so I'd be thrilled with any of 'em, really.
As for which one, I had a hard enough time narrowing it down to those few so I'd be thrilled with any of 'em, really.

Posted in » The White Chrysanthemum : custom art [ pending closure ]
Posted 3 years ago

@blue: I'd love to get art of any of these (whichever one interests you)

Posted in cat training ideasss
Posted 3 years ago

I'm no cat expert, but it definitely could be boredom/attention-seeking. There's not much you can do about not being home, so making sure she's stimulated while you're away and not rewarding the behavior with attention is your best bet. My suggestions, without knowing what you may or may not already do/have:
A perch by a window she can look out of.
Interactive toys and puzzles (this shows some decent examples of what I mean).
Hidden treats she can hunt for.
Possibly TV? There are videos made to entertain cats, such as bird footage, that some people play when they're not around. Not sure if this would help or not.
Scratching posts/panels; while it could just be for the noise, she may also enjoy the feel of it. If she likes scratching in a vertical position like that, offer vertical areas like upright posts or wall-mounted pads that are OK to scratch and reward her when she uses them.
Double-sided cat tape (examples); just be sure to check that it's safe for use on walls.
Make sure to get in at least one extra long play session daily, more if you can.
Vary your playtime so she doesn't get bored of her toys; switch them out regularly and put most of them away when not in use.
Try to get an idea of when she usually starts her clawing/noise-making and intercept her by initiating play or cuddle time before she does it.
And most of all: Ignore it and only give her attention when she's stopped and given up. If cats get attention for a behavior, they'll keep doing it until it no longer has any effect.
I hope at least some of this might be helpful to you. Good luck with kitty.
A perch by a window she can look out of.
Interactive toys and puzzles (this shows some decent examples of what I mean).
Hidden treats she can hunt for.
Possibly TV? There are videos made to entertain cats, such as bird footage, that some people play when they're not around. Not sure if this would help or not.
Scratching posts/panels; while it could just be for the noise, she may also enjoy the feel of it. If she likes scratching in a vertical position like that, offer vertical areas like upright posts or wall-mounted pads that are OK to scratch and reward her when she uses them.
Double-sided cat tape (examples); just be sure to check that it's safe for use on walls.
Make sure to get in at least one extra long play session daily, more if you can.
Vary your playtime so she doesn't get bored of her toys; switch them out regularly and put most of them away when not in use.
Try to get an idea of when she usually starts her clawing/noise-making and intercept her by initiating play or cuddle time before she does it.
And most of all: Ignore it and only give her attention when she's stopped and given up. If cats get attention for a behavior, they'll keep doing it until it no longer has any effect.
I hope at least some of this might be helpful to you. Good luck with kitty.

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 3 years ago

no problem!
@Miss Sandman: thanks, sending my half now!
no problem!
@Miss Sandman: thanks, sending my half now!

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 3 years ago

@Miss Sandman: 12k sound fair? can add more if you want; i don't think i've seen one for sale recently
@Shy: sure, i'll send it over!
@Shy: sure, i'll send it over!

Posted in Happy vday to meeee
Posted 3 years ago

what better day? you got more plans for it than i do, anyway

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 3 years ago

@llyr: yeah, you got it right

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 3 years ago

@Hadsvich: Sure, I'll send a trade!
@Anarchist Beauty: Sending trade now!
@llyr: Sending you a trade, as well!
@Anarchist Beauty: Sending trade now!
@llyr: Sending you a trade, as well!

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 3 years ago

@Hadsvich: oh dang i JUST got the pre-launch crate from the BOLT thing and forgot to remove it from my list! sorry about that, taking it off now ;v;
but if you have any of the other stuff i'm looking for, i am all for it.
but if you have any of the other stuff i'm looking for, i am all for it.

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 3 years ago

updated with some of the new items for sale.

Posted in Pixel Perfect: Item/Layer Reports - UPDATE 1/1/24
Posted 3 years ago

I noticed while playing around in my inventory that tattoos and necklaces both layer over the neck/shoulder portion of jackets and shirts. Necklaces layering over shirts makes sense, but not jackets, and tattoos layering over either one also makes putting together outfits with these items kind of difficult. I can come back with visual examples if needed.
edit: Mouths and noses also both seem to layer under facial hair instead of over it. Would it be possible to change this?
edit: Mouths and noses also both seem to layer under facial hair instead of over it. Would it be possible to change this?

Posted in I miss when these sites were busier
Posted 3 years ago

I don't really get the appeal of most other social media formats as opposed to forums. Everything's organized, there's plenty of room for long and ongoing posts, and things stay where they are so you don't have to be present in real time to be part of the conversation. But it is what it is, I guess. I'm not holding out hope for forums and avatar sites to make a big comeback, but it would be nice if they did.
That said, the things about avatar sites that always held my attention in the past just don't seem to happen much, if at all, any more. Contests, people being interested in art shops/requests, sharing writing, debates and heavier, longer-lasting topics, etc. Avatar sites used to feel a lot more engaging. There was a wide variety of opinions and experiences, regular ongoing threads where anyone could contribute, and a lot of sharing and exchanging going on. If it's mostly small talk or chatting about NPCs and events, I don't feel as encouraged to post more.
That said, the things about avatar sites that always held my attention in the past just don't seem to happen much, if at all, any more. Contests, people being interested in art shops/requests, sharing writing, debates and heavier, longer-lasting topics, etc. Avatar sites used to feel a lot more engaging. There was a wide variety of opinions and experiences, regular ongoing threads where anyone could contribute, and a lot of sharing and exchanging going on. If it's mostly small talk or chatting about NPCs and events, I don't feel as encouraged to post more.

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 3 years ago

@YukiThePanda: you got it!

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 3 years ago

@blue: sure thing, sent you a trade