Count Trashula's posts
Posted in Voltra Defense Centre: Rolling Game and Hangout
Posted 3 years ago

@Goblin: RIP i felt that

Posted in Voltra Defense Centre: Rolling Game and Hangout
Posted 3 years ago

well, i hope your brain is all powered up cause now you gotta share with me, too.

Posted in Voltra Defense Centre: Rolling Game and Hangout
Posted 3 years ago

what's all this about brownies

Posted in Voltra Defense Centre: Rolling Game and Hangout
Posted 3 years ago

Ooh, new number! *rolls*

Posted in Restless Slumber: The Decaying Door (VOTING CLOSED)
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in Terrifying Tiny Tales: Two Sentence Writing Contest
Posted 3 years ago

ok i'll try.
1. A relative said I had my mother's eyes.
I'm not sure how he knew, but his are next.
2. My wife passed away last year, but she'll always be with me.
I just wish she'd quit staring at me like that.
3. Every night since I've moved into this apartment, I've been kept awake by the sounds coming from beneath my unit.
I live on the bottom floor.
1. A relative said I had my mother's eyes.
I'm not sure how he knew, but his are next.
2. My wife passed away last year, but she'll always be with me.
I just wish she'd quit staring at me like that.
3. Every night since I've moved into this apartment, I've been kept awake by the sounds coming from beneath my unit.
I live on the bottom floor.

Posted in Voltra Defense Centre: Rolling Game and Hangout
Posted 3 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Yeah, that sounds like a pain. It was summer when I was there, and cooler at night, so I would just crack the windows and wrap up in a blanket and I'd be fine until the sun came back in the morning; then I had to get up 'cause the car turned into an oven. But I was working in the mornings while I was there anyway, so I didn't mind it so much then.
Have fun, and get better soon! idk if it helps you, but Tylenol (or equivalent) was the only thing that did me any good while my back was hurting all week.
Have fun, and get better soon! idk if it helps you, but Tylenol (or equivalent) was the only thing that did me any good while my back was hurting all week.

Posted in Voltra Defense Centre: Rolling Game and Hangout
Posted 3 years ago

@Totalanimefan: It was OK once I figured out how to lay across the seats, but it got really hot early in the morning. I think being in a more remote area made a difference; compared to the chaos of being in the house, it was like having a quiet little pod to sleep in. A pod with bucket seats...

Posted in Voltra Defense Centre: Rolling Game and Hangout
Posted 3 years ago

@Totalanimefan: I love the clicky sound of doggie toenails on the floor, but they're probably not great for sleeping. I remember when I stayed at my dad's once, their dogs kept running around in the living room, trying to climb on the couch with me, keeping me up. I couldn't take it and slept in my car lol

Posted in Voltra Defense Centre: Rolling Game and Hangout
Posted 3 years ago

oh no, I finally did it: forgot to roll with my post. well, not this time. >:^|

Posted in Voltra Defense Centre: Rolling Game and Hangout
Posted 3 years ago

@Totalanimefan: I, too, have slept in uncomfortable positions just so the cat could be comfortable lol. And if it's not that, it's them waking up a few hours later and getting into shit, which wakes me up way too early... As for the antibiotics, I just finished them the other day. At last I can have my coffee again...

Posted in Voltra Defense Centre: Rolling Game and Hangout
Posted 3 years ago

@Totalanimefan: My stomach pain is just from the Crohn's; I'm pretty much used to it by now ;v; I hope your back feels better! Do you know why it's hurting?

Posted in Voltra Defense Centre: Rolling Game and Hangout
Posted 3 years ago

@Totalanimefan: not bad so far. back pain is gone, stomach pains come and go but luckily hasn't gotten worse yet.

Posted in Voltra Defense Centre: Rolling Game and Hangout
Posted 3 years ago

doing another roll, nothing to see here