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Posted in Sometimes I Hate The Postal Service Posted 6 years ago
@LordLucre: Ugh. That fricking sucks.
The postal service around here is notorious for that, too.
They just leave the note that you missed it, but didn't even bother coming to the door. :/

Ours has done that, too! I figure they have deadlines or something. Luckily I'm home most days around the time mail comes, and doubly luckily I live in a cul de sac, so they have to pass by my house twice. And if they just leave a slip the first time without trying to actually deliver, I cross the street to my neighbor's house and wait for them to come by a second time and make them give me my stuff.

The worst thing that ever happened to me, though, was last year a package from Japan went missing. My wife and I use this service called Tenso, where you can buy Japan-only products and have them sent to a post office box run by Tenso. They will package all your packages into one parcel and ship them to you in another country, in case some sellers won't ship outside of Japan due to costs and hassle. (Not illegal stuff and no liquids or anything like that.)

Well, we had $200 worth of merch reach customs in New York and just disappear. And we couldn't rebuy anything, because they had either sold out in the online shops we use (like Booth) or because they imposed a quantity limit.

We just kept hoping our stuff would eventually turn up, as the months went by. And then I happened upon an ebay auction THAT HAD MY STUFF. The exact things I had ordered, in the exact quantities, from one particular seller. I knew that was absolutely my stuff, but I was scared to tell the seller up front in case they took the listing down and ghosted me. So I paid $100 for just a small portion of my original parcel from Tenso. Then once it was safely in my hands at home, I messaged the seller and asked how they had ended up with my package. And he told me that he went to a postal auction in Atlanta (nowhere near my home state). The post office somehow must have damaged my package to the point where my address wasn't readable, then they just opened all my stuff up and sold it at auction!

I never did recover any more of it. That guy promised to help me track more things down, and I even sent him a list with pictures and he decided he couldn't be bothered. I'll never get that other stuff back.
Posted in Multiplayer or solo? Posted 6 years ago
Do you prefer to play games with others, or fly solo?

I like a solo game the best. Unless I can play with my wife. I don't like a split screen, but if we can both play the same game on the same console, or be on two computers and join one another, I love it! I don't care to play with strangers online, though. I've never found anyone really reliable to play with like that.
Posted in Steam sale Posted 6 years ago
The only thing I ever used Steam for was to buy a copy of a game I had on disc that was too outdated to be played on modern computers. And I played for like a day and never again. I like physical copies of things. I just feel safer that way for some reason.
Posted in When you create a character, is it you? Posted 6 years ago
@vengeance: I only made myself in Sims 4 for one reason, and that was when Pets came out, I promised my cat I would make a sim of him. And I didn't want him to be raised by anyone else. lol!
Posted in Sims 4 Posted 6 years ago
@vengeance: You can "get famous" from other careers, too! I have a 5-star celebrity writer. You just use the old careers rather than getting new versions of musicians, singers, and authors, which were already part of the game.

I heard Sims 2 was all free at some point, but I'd already bought them all long ago. I haven't played in ages, though. The computer with all my custom content on it is old and I had way too much stuff to transfer from one computer to another. Though I guess now they make thumb drives that can hold several gigs. I have it installed on my gaming computer but the resolution is weird now. I just sure miss the packs it came with.

I can't wait to see how the Sims 4 magic stuff will look. I kind of hope it comes with other supernatural stuff, too. I'd like to have a zombie sim. lol
Posted in When you create a character, is it you? Posted 6 years ago
A lot of games today let you customize the appearance of your player character. Do you find that you gravitate toward making a character who looks and acts like you, or do you go for something completely opposite and with totally different goals and morals than yourself?

I make males and females at a pretty even ratio, and I don't try to make anyone who looks like me intentionally. I tend to use other races and builds than my own, really. But I almost always play a "good guy." Even when I want to try playing as a member of the dark side, like a mass murderer or a thief, I tend to just do it for a little fun, then don't save those characters. I always tend to make a goody two shoes, even when I would like to see how the other side lives.
Posted in A game you could never beat? Posted 6 years ago
@vengeance: Those old Disney and other cartoon games were no joke!

@Bioshock: Games used to be harder in general, I think. Well, of course, there was no "save point" and definitely no handy "autosave" feature. By the time you got to the end your thumbs hurt so bad you just wanted to quit. lol

@Monorea: I have this one game, I forget what it's called...for Xbox 360. I bought it used and started playing and I LOVED it. It was one of the most fun games I'd ever tried. Then I was talking to this NPC who was supposed to progress my story, and I turned around and he was gone. He just vanished. I left and came back, I reloaded my save. Just...gone. I did a Google search to see where I was supposed to go next, and read that the game was glitched so that sometimes quest-required NPCs would just DISAPPEAR, leaving you unable to progress any further in the game. And I bought it years after it came out, and they never put out any patches or fixes. I was devastated and never touched it again.

@macsen191: I don't know if those can be beaten, or if they just go on forever... I haven't played a lot of Fallout but I know even once you complete the main quests in Skyrim, there are radiant quests that just keep respawning in the guilds.

Posted in What was the last movie you saw? Posted 6 years ago
I just saw Aladdin this afternoon. It was really good. I know a lot of people were upset Will Smith was the genie, but, I's not like Robin Williams could reprise the role; someone had to do it. And I thought he did an excellent job making the character his own. I didn't think anyone else was a very good actor except for the Sultan, but it was still easy to enjoy and it was amazing to see a childhood favorite brought to life like that.
Posted in A game you could never beat? Posted 6 years ago
Is there a video game you have never been able to beat, no matter how hard you tried?

I have two. One was Castle Quest, an old NES game. You have to go through this huge dungeon. I think there are a few enemies but I can't remember. The thing is, it's a huge puzzle. There are all these different locked doors and you have to run around trying to get the correct key for each door. And there's a point in the game, several hours in, where you can't jump high enough to get to a ledge you need to reach. For me, I just had to give the game up there. Every time I played, I got stuck at that point. And you couldn't really save your game back then, so any time I replayed I had to start from scratch. My cousin taunted me over it and bragged that she could beat any game. But, you know what? She couldn't beat Castle Quest. LOL!

The other was Castlevania: Lament of Innocence. (I think that's the name...) Like usually, you have to defeat Dracula at the end. It was pretty challenging, but I did it. However, after that--without being able to resupply or save your game--you have to fight Death. At that point I have always exhausted my resources and have not been able to beat that final boss.
Posted in LARPing anyone? Posted 6 years ago
I played VtM like 20 years ago. More than anything, I liked reading through the rule book, for writing inspiration. I did join an actual LARP group but I was terrible at it. I'm very shy and being around so many people - many of them professional actors - made me feel more inadequate than ever. A friend of mine invited me to join her group, and it turned out that another friend of mine not only LARPed with that group, but she was the prince of their city!

For the most part, I'd stay close to a friend of mine and chitchat while watching everyone else act out their scenarios. It was just hard to join an established group when I didn't know anybody, in real life or in the game, and I didn't understand the mechanics whatsoever. They rented out a section of a park to play at night. There was a cabin so we had a bathroom and a kitchen to use, and we would walk the block and pretend we were feeding and prowling around. Some of it was cool but they really weren't teaching me how to play the game and I couldn't figure out from the book what all the hand gestures were supposed to do and stuff, so eventually I just quit going.

It also bothered me that nobody dressed up, really, but this one lady kept encouraging me to cosplay and flattering me about how good I would look in black and with this or that kind of jewelry. I was starting to get into the idea, then realized she was trying to squeeze money out of me by having me commission her for costume and jewelry creations. Which would have been fine, except nobody else was dressing up so it just seemed like a con.

I wish I weren't such an introvert and could make friends easily. It was neat how they'd game from sundown to midnight, then go to one of their houses and have a sleepover and brunch with cocktails the next morning. But I was shy, didn't know them, didn't feel accepted as a member of the group, didn't know how to play, and was underage. lol

So, not a great experience for me, but I loved the book. I still have it, and others from White Wolf. I've done some writing-based roleplay using them as a base but I would never LARP again.

Oh! And I played a Nosferatu. Her only disfigurement was a clawed hand (they said I could do it that way) so I wore a single glove to every game.
Posted in What's Your Favorite Book Series? Posted 6 years ago
The ones I've followed most closely (more than 2 books) are Kendare Blake's "Three Dark Crowns" series and Richelle Mead's "Vampire Academy." The final volume of Three Dark Crowns comes out this September. I'm super excited but also sad! I have all of Vampire Academy but only read the first two books. lol I actually loved them a lot, but when a new volume of a series comes out, I always like to go back to the beginning and read from start to finish, so I remember everything going on. And that series got long fast. I still don't have all the spin-off volumes but it's a series I love so I really want to get back into it.
Posted in The Void Posted 6 years ago
Last year I took my vacation time around Thanksgiving so I could get that holiday out of the way and start cleaning and decorating for Christmas. But I also intended to spend a lot of time doing enjoyable things online, like gaming and chatting with long-distance friends.

Well, our power got knocked out. And while it came back on within 24 hours, our internet line got damaged. We called to let the company know, and they just wanted to go through their troubleshooting checklist, even though we told them we could literally see the problem and it was external. So the rep decided to be a total dick and not only did he run through the checklist very slowly--twice--but when he finally acknowledged the line was the problem, he set our service date out for the farthest possible time. We found out because after 5 days of no internet, we called and they said it would be another 5 and that their end showed that was the date we requested.

After that they handed us over to a supervisor to file a complaint against that employee. We didn't ask to, they just offered. And the super took down a lot of details and wanted that guy's name. Hope he got fired. LOL! When the repairman finally showed up, he gave us his personal cell number and said to just call him directly from now on.

Anyway...we ended up without internet for 9 days. Ruined my plans for my staycation entirely. I was so bent out of shape and disappointed and angry that I did no cleaning or Christmas prep, no writing or anything fun. I pretty much sulked the whole time. I never realized how dependent on the internet I'd become until I had none!
Posted in Sims 4 Posted 6 years ago
The weather was crappy today and I wasn't feeling great, so I literally played this game all day long. I have regrets cause my desk is not comfortable, but on the bright side my sims have a beautifully decorated home and everyone has a significant other now. lol

I've been playing The Sims since the original game came out. Someone told me, "You can set people on fire!" and I was sold.

My all-time favorite sims series is The Sims 2, because the expansions just worked so well. The one where you could become a business owner? They have never been able to make another business pack that runs so smoothly or gives you so many options. I loved seeing customers line up in my store, and having my sim's cash register skills level up. I liked how critics could rate me, and make or break my reputation. Restaurant dates were so fun then, too. You could propose marriage at the dinner table at a fancy restaurant! And apartments were way better than in The Sims 4. Sims 4 gives you specific apartment lots and you can't make your own. You can't even delete some of the traits on those lots. I miss being able to build my own apartment buildings. And the last Sims 2 expansion with the hobbies? SO GOOD. I really miss having my sims being able to build their own muscle cars. It's just a darn shame.

Yet...Sims 4 is a close second. Why? The inclusivity is unbeatable. Not only can you make trans sims without mods, but they even gave us Pride stuff this year: pride clothing, a pride flags, and unisex bathroom doors. THANK YOU! Also, the graphics are really beautiful. Sims 2 had better gardening, but it's still pretty good in 4. I like all the different recipes and cooking styles. I miss how Sims 2 had more TV stations if you got a satellite dish, but now we have video gaming and we can watch full-length sim-movies. lol So many cool festivals. Seasons has so much more to do than ever before.

I still miss things from the original Sims, though. That game had the best music by far. I burned Makin' Magic's "soundtrack" onto CD even. lol I miss how you had to trim hedges, water your plants, and feed your fish and clean their tanks. I miss how your stalker would leave you a black rose on your doorstep. I miss how with every career level gain, the kind of car you drove got nicer. Most of all, I miss how easy it was to murder sims. LOL!! I mean, that's what I signed up for! XD

Sims 3. Sims 3 is my least favorite. I thought the sims were so, so ugly. They looked cartoony and they always had double chins. There were honestly too many color/pattern options; it took real-world hours just to decorate a room or dress your sim (if you're into that kinda thing). It would take them all day to drive to work or whatever location you picked. Now, I did love how you could place any lot of any size just about anywhere, and I hate how limiting S4 is in that. Some of the expansions were incredible. I loved the way they did University. I loved World Adventures a lot, for all the crypt-crawling you get to do. So while this was my least favorite Sims game, I still really enjoyed it and have yet to uninstall it.

I'm making myself want to play more, but it's bedtime! Thanks for reading my late-night sleepy rambles. I will be back for this thread cause I love sims so much!
Posted in What is the last game that you beat? Posted 6 years ago
The Resident Evil 2 remake, Claire's story A. Love the game. They really did it justice and then some. I'm playing through Leon's B now and it really confused me that it started off in a different place and there are zombies where zombies should not be, and Tyrant is after me from the get-go. I HATE THAT GUY! I would enjoy it so much more without him. But, hey, I paid $5 and got my precious submachine with infinite ammo, so that's something.