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Posted in This is over! Posted 6 years ago
a pedophile is a pedophile whether theyre currently having sex with the minor or not. dating a minor is what you call grooming a child and its classic pedophile behavior. zero grey area there. and its not the teens fault for being in a situation theyre not equipped to consent to, its the adults fault. it is an adults responsibility not to put themselves or a child in that situation. there is no accident or excuse, an adult should not date a minor.

Took the words right out of my mouth. I can't believe the majority of people were defending the 30-year old. That sounds like a community I would want to avoid. Ick.
Posted in For everyone who loves dollar tree Posted 6 years ago
I really don't go there but it's kind of neat. They sell books for only $1 so on rare occasions I'll pick up a few. But I really only go there on holidays to look at the decorations and glassware. But I hardly ever buy anything.

Hopefully orangey will be out of office in just a year and a half. If he's not I might need to move to Canada for my sanity.
Posted in If you could change ONE thing.... Posted 6 years ago
What kind of workbook? Like a therapy thing or for school? Just wondering.

1. About your body - nothing
2. About your past circumstances - nothing
3. About your future circumstances - maybe a more enjoyable job
4. About someone close to you - nothing

I don't really feel comfortable wishing for big changes in my life. You know how those movies always turn out... lol Wishing for one thing just makes you want another. Change one thing and it's a domino effect. Overall I'm pretty satisfied with my life. My job's no fun but it sure pays well enough.
Posted in Albion Online Posted 6 years ago
Is it Albion from Fable? I've dabbled in each of the Fable games. They aren't bad, but for some reason I can't stick with them.
Posted in For those of you who Roleplay... Posted 6 years ago
I takes me less than five minutes to write a post, unless it's more than two large paragraphs. I type very fast and stories just feel like they write themselves. When another character speaks to mine, I feel more like I'm taking dictation as mine responds, rather than spending minutes or hours or days deciding what to "write" in reply.

If you're not having fun roleplaying and it takes you so long to think of what to write, maybe it's just not the right story for you and you need either a fresh RP or a new RP partner. For me, it's very jarring when the other person takes all night to respond. It really kills the mood and breaks up the scene so it doesn't flow naturally. Maybe that's just me.
Posted in Comic Books? Posted 6 years ago

Sunstone by stjepan sejic. Slice of life comedy. NSFW

He did one of my favorite comic series, "Death Vigil." Seriously underrated. "Sunstone" is still on my TBR. He's lately started spamming Instagram, after not using it in a long time, if you're interested!
Posted in The Bachelor Posted 6 years ago
@Deaa: I agree completely about Courtney. Demi is a nut! I don't know why she stuck around so long, except...she's a blond white girl. lol

I was also let down by the lack of drama over the girl who faked the Australian accent. I thought that was very weird, but they never showed her again. I was hoping she'd keep faking it with Colton and not to anybody else, and for people to react. So much lost opportunity there.
Posted in First apartment Posted 6 years ago
One thing I wish I had done before getting my first apartment was to check out that part of town!!! On the outside, it looked clean and quiet. But it turned out to be the exact opposite. Just two blocks from my university campus, I thought I'd be safe and have a quiet place for studying. It turned out most of the tenants were drug dealers and had criminal records. At night, strangers would pound on my door (which opened directly out onto the sidewalk) and then cover the peep hole so I couldn't see who was outside. There were gunfights in the parking lot. My car was repeatedly vandalized. Drug addicts loitered and tried to hit me up for money constantly. So close to my university, in such a pretty part of town, I thought my apartment would be a dream! It was a nightmare!

Also, as someone has lived with a variety of roommates - some of them strangers, some of them close friends - I'll tell you it is not fun. My sincere advice is to find a small, inexpensive place of your own or with just one close friend. I could tell you unimaginable horror stories... But I hope things work out for you. It just never did for me.
Posted in i went to the aquarium today Posted 6 years ago
I love aquariums so much. The smell of the water and the sound of it trickling, watching the fish float and swim about. Jellyfish are my absolute favorite things to watch. I get tears in my eyes, they're so beautiful to behold!
Posted in The Bachelor Posted 6 years ago
This season was horrible. I knew it would be, the moment they announced Colton was the Bachelor. He was a top contender in the last Bachelorette. Then he was featured prominently in Bachelor in Paradise. He's one of the least interesting people I have ever seen in this series and the only reason I watched the season was to see the girls fight. lol! I don't know why they picked him. I just don't. Except they always pick the whitest white guy they can find, it seems. This show has a serious lack of diversity and I'm about fed up. We need a lesbian bachelorette and some people of color on this show!

The season is over and I'm still furious about it. At least they didn't bring Tia back for Round 3, but Colton is the WORST. He literally told a girl to spell out all the things she loves about him and to say why she fell in love with him, only to say, "I really appreciate that. But I'm not into you." What a complete jerk!

THEN!! Then he went to the top three final contenders' fathers and formally asked for ALL of their hands in marriage. As if the women were just property for their fathers to trade off like cattle.

Colton disgusts me on a cellular level. I find him utterly and completely repulsive. I'm glad his season is over and done with.

End of rant. LOL! I only started watching this show because I loved Rachel. I'm so glad she got to be Bachelorette.
Posted in Job suggestions? Posted 6 years ago
I had similar problems when I was in college and working for just minimum wage. Just about the only things you can do are food service and retail, and it was very hard for me to stand up for long periods of time due to a back injury. I'd get home after work and collapse. I literally had to crawl to get into the bathtub or into bed. It was killing me.

My solution was to work for a call center. The job is really, really terrible. Strangers on the phone will say things as nasty as any internet troll while you're trying to give them customer service, sell them a product, request a donation, or ask for payment on a bill. I've worked at several of those jobs. They're not pleasant. But I stuck with it until I graduated from college and could get a cushy office job. Because those jobs have a very wide variety in hours, they offer great bonuses and often good benefits, and they let you sit down all day. I made twice minimum wage at the time, got frequent bonuses, had the option of insurance, and picked my shift. I know that when you have digestive issues there are other considerations to worry about, but for joint and muscle pain...that was a really great relief. And call centers are everywhere. We have Sprint, General Motors, and Amazon all in my very small town!
Posted in Having Children. Posted 6 years ago
I have always felt that way myself. There's a lot of pressure on women to make babies. I can't think of anything more unpleasant than having a thing growing inside and then spending a fortune and all my time and energy to raise it for 30 years. (What kid actually moves out at 18 anymore? Ugh.)

I'm married to a woman anyway, but I'm also nearly past my childbearing years. And STILL my mother and mother-in-law make comments about "when" I "have kids some day..." or "when will I get a grandchild from you?" Pukes me out, man. Just recently I was having dinner with my family and my brother has a new baby, and he (my nephew) crapped his diaper and my dad told me to change it. I said hell no! And my mom said, "You need the practice." I was like, "FOR WHAT?" The table got very quiet. I think sometimes they forget just how old I am. hahahaha

I never did like kids. I do feel a lot of affection for my new nephew and it's exciting that there's a new addition to the family. I do feel that, and I'm excited to spoil him on his birthday. But I won't ever have to worry about waking him for school, bathing him and brushing his teeth, helping with homework, and paying for his education. I am just really grateful that my life is my own. Except now I'm going to be worried about school bullies and school shootings and the future of this polluted, violent planet on his behalf...
Posted in Anyone ever felt like starting a fight? Posted 6 years ago
When I get really furious with someone, I do one of two things: write them a nasty letter (which I never give them) or make a Sim of them and make it suffer. LOL! It's very cathartic and I don't go to jail for it.

Also, it helps to remember that if you're angry with someone, you're the one suffering, not them. They're probably not even thinking about you. So dwelling on whatever is bothering you is only making you yourself suffer further.
Posted in Left my job. Posted 6 years ago
Hope you landed the job! Honestly, one of the best feelings in the world is quitting an exhausting, taxing, or toxic work environment. It's such a wonderful relief, knowing you don't have to go back to such a situation and suffer any longer.