Kimmichan1989's posts
Posted in Addicted: Nova x Kimmi
Posted 6 years ago

"I grew up with him." Aria explained,"He was my best friend." She looked down sadly,"I had to move away shortly before graduation," She murmured,"I never got to tell him goodbye... I tried to keep in contact with him, but he disappeared...." She looked down at the young man sitting on the ground. She knelt in front of him,"Are you sure you're alright?" She asked, looking at him with concern,"You don't look like you feel too well..."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [re-do! again!]
Posted 6 years ago

Sirene blinked," A couple of times... those times you were grounded to the castle...where do you think most of my souvenirs for you came from?"
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Scattered Moonlight
Posted 6 years ago

Aria pulled her hand away,"I'm sorry Dante." She murmured,"I wasn't thinking..." She felt bad she had startled him like that. She shook her head,"All this training...three hours should be long enough." She said lowly,"Unless he is trying to work us into an early grave..." She didnt think "Father" Richard really cared for them that much to be honest.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Addicted: Nova x Kimmi
Posted 6 years ago

Aria gasped as someone stumbled into her. She nodded,"I'm perfectly fine." She said gently,"What about you...?" Are you alright?" She looked around,"I just moved back here... My name is Aria... I'm looking for Hayden Hunt... Do you happen to know him?" She hoped this guy might know where her friend is, so she could at least tell him that she had missed him and to let him know she missed their friendship.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [re-do! again!]
Posted 6 years ago

Sirene giggled,"You mean the human boy~?" She said,"I think his name is Bryan... He seemed a bit familiar to me... I think I saw him around on one of my solo trips to the human world."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Scattered Moonlight
Posted 6 years ago

"I believe Dante has a point." A female's voice sounded, sounding a bit annoyed as well,"Considering you've been having him do this for THREE HOURS I think he deserves a break." Sayuri had come outside, her katana in her hand. She had just finished her own training for the day and hadn't had the chance to put it away yet,"Besides, dear brother." She said to the other,"I believe you are late on your own training for the day. So why don't you go and do that so you won't have to hear Father Richard scold you for lack of training for the fifth time this week." She walked passed him over to Dante, gently resting a hand on his back,"Break time, Dante?" She asked him gently
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Addicted: Nova x Kimmi
Posted 6 years ago

Aria couldn't believe she was finally back here... back where she had grown up as a small child. 'I just hope I can find him..." She murmured to herself as she moved things into her new rented house. She came back for her friend Hayden, her childhood friend and secret crush. She knew it wasn't likely he would still be here... For all she knew he moved on with his life and was perfectly happy, married maybe with little ones of his own. She just wanted to see him again. She hated that she had to move away right before the end of high school. She sent him messages and called when he could but as time went on she couldn't get in contact with him anymore. 'Please be here somewhere...' She thought to herself.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Scattered Moonlight
Posted 6 years ago

Sayuri - 21 years old
Sayuri and her adopted brother were brought up in a church, being taken care of by the head priest. Sayuri is trained with a katana and can fight hand to hand combat if needed. She is a bit overprotected of her older adopted brother, Dante, since he had lost his sight. She sticks buy him no matter what and does what she can to make him feel better when he's down.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 6 years ago

Sabrina nodded,"Sure." She said, walking with him around the island. She spent a couple of hours showing him around before stopping to bring food to the ship for Cordelia and the captain,"I hope they will like this..." She said as they headed back to the ship,"I really wasn't sure what they ate but I felt bad not bringing anything back for them to eat too." She looked over at Cross,"So what do you think of this little island?" She asked as they walked.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [re-do! again!]
Posted 6 years ago

Sirene smiled and hugged her friend,"You missed out on good news~" She said, telling her about her conversation with Nathan,"I think that means he'll be my boyfriend." She added, looking a nit nervous about it but really excited,"Why not come out with me? We can go do something fun~"
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Addicted: Nova x Kimmi
Posted 6 years ago

Name: Aria Marie Skye
Age: 23 years old
Small Bio: Aria was close to her next door neighbor since they had been five years old. She always hung out with him whenever they had free time. Right before graduation, Aria's family had to relocate, so she had to move. Moving away broke her heart as she had always had feelings for him. Now, at 23, she was able to get back to her hometown and hopefully reconnect with him. She is a talented musician, singer, and artist who loves to read and learn new things.[/b]]
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Selling Event Items, Buying Orb Items
Posted 6 years ago

but living takes true courage.

Posted in Anyone Need Crafting Scraps?
Posted 6 years ago

Well I guess this wasn't as needed as I had thought ^^;
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [re-do! again!]
Posted 6 years ago

Sirene smiled and chatted with them while she finished up her lunch. "I'm going to go find Natalie." She said after finishing up. She gave Nathan a hug and kissed his cheek before swimming off to Natalie's grotto, gently knocking on the rock that was the door for it,"Natalie~?" She called,"Natalie are you here~?"
but living takes true courage.