Kimmichan1989's posts
Posted in Another Random Event Thread!
Posted 7 years ago

I'll have 5o look for it :)
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Another Random Event Thread!
Posted 7 years ago

I might have to check it out at some point ^-^
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Another Random Event Thread!
Posted 7 years ago

I hope they can fix it soon ^^ I'm struggling with getting mushrooms T^T
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Another Random Event Thread!
Posted 7 years ago

Right. I can't believe I didn't see it til now DX
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Another Random Event Thread!
Posted 7 years ago

Just found out about the trade bug x.x I just lost 5k DX
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Selling Items!!!
Posted 7 years ago

@PandasMinion: Just responded ^^
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Selling Items!!!
Posted 7 years ago

@PandasMinion: I would like to buy both items for 5k please :)
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Another Random Event Thread!
Posted 7 years ago

I really hope so xD
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Love of the Gods (Kimmi and Boss Rimi)
Posted 7 years ago

That next morning, Sapphira woke up with a yawn. She hadn't slept too well the night before, worrying about her father and the war. She knew they would be protected, but she still feared for others. She hated that war had to happen to have any kind of piece but that was just the way it had to be, at least in this instance. After waking up, she took a short bath and began to make breakfast, wondering what she would do that day. She knew her dad needed to rest so she thought she might go to the market to get things needed for the coming week.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in A Fang-tastic Romance (KimmixBoss)
Posted 7 years ago

Roxie growled, seeing the other vampire start to go after the two. She came from her hiding place and started to attack the other vampire,"I don't think so." She growled, attacking the other vampire fiercely, not willing to back down.
The small girl saw them fighting and gently pulled on Jonas,"Let's get out of here!" She cried, obviously scared.
The small girl saw them fighting and gently pulled on Jonas,"Let's get out of here!" She cried, obviously scared.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi
Posted 7 years ago

"Look... I know how you might feel." She said to Amalia softly,"I grew up the daughter of a simple maid...Until last year, I myself was a simple maid." She spoke quietly, so only Amalia could hear her, letting her go gently"Troy is not a bad guy. He really isn't. I think he's just flustered, as I don't think he ever expected anyone to care for him like that... Lyle was the same way..." She really wished Amalia wouldn't go,"You remind me of a young girl I was friends with as a child." She said with a sigh,"But she had to move with her aunt when I was about seven years old..." She looked at her sadly,"If you feel you must leave, at least wait until some of the wind dies down." She said,"It could be really dangerous and I want you to be able to get back safely. Your aunt wouldn't want you to get stuck out in that cold mess."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in A Fang-tastic Romance (KimmixBoss)
Posted 7 years ago

The little girl smiled and nodded, gently taking his hand. She just wanted to go home to her family and hug her brother and parents. She just wanted to go home.
Roxie smiled softly. As soon as they were gone, she would make her leave.
Roxie smiled softly. As soon as they were gone, she would make her leave.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Love of the Gods (Kimmi and Boss Rimi)
Posted 7 years ago

He nodded and waved before heading inside. He spent the evening with his daughter, eating dinner and chatting about the day. He told her they appreciated the snacks she had sent them with and he thanked her. After a pleasant evening together, the two went off to bed.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi
Posted 7 years ago

Aria had seen them leave,"I'll be right back..." She said. She quickly followed them and frowned,"Amalia...?" She said,"Where are you going?" She went over to her,"It's silly to try to struggle back with this snow storm still raging. You could get seriously ill. And if you did, what would your aunt do without your help?" She gently closed the door,"Come with me for a while." She said with a smile,"We can let the guys talk about guy things while we talk." She leaned closer and murmured,"Talking might make you feel better... I just wish to help you feel a bit better. But please...please don't leave yet..."
but living takes true courage.