Kimmichan1989's posts
Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi
Posted 7 years ago

Aria looked out the window,"It doesnt look like it will be anytime soon. It's still raging out there." She said, looking back at Lyle,"Good thing we didnt want to do anything outside today or else this snow storm would have ruined our plans." She snuggled against him gently and closed her eyes again. A nap sounded amazing honestly... but she knew she shouldn't.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Love of the Gods (Kimmi and Boss Rimi)
Posted 7 years ago

Sapphira blushed,"That's so kind of you to say." She said,"I suppose I could tell him. I just worry I will scare him away ." She hoped there might be a chance that Eros liked her that way too, but she was a bit unsure. She would try to talk to him later.
Sapphira's father was having lunch with Eroa when he looked over at him,"Eros, if this war does happen....I would like you to do me a favor." He said,"Its about Sapphira...if I have to go, could you please watch over her? I know she can take care of herself. But I just dont want her to be alone..."
Sapphira's father was having lunch with Eroa when he looked over at him,"Eros, if this war does happen....I would like you to do me a favor." He said,"Its about Sapphira...if I have to go, could you please watch over her? I know she can take care of herself. But I just dont want her to be alone..."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi
Posted 7 years ago

Aria finished her lunch and curled up with him, closing her eyes. She was thankful for being able to spend time with him,"So what would you like to do now, sweetie?" She asked him gently,"We could just relax like we have been. I can grab another book to read." She was trying to think of what else they could do while sitting together like they were. Maybe Troy would join them later.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Love of the Gods (Kimmi and Boss Rimi)
Posted 7 years ago

Sapphira wa about to return home when Aphrodite appeared before her again. This time, she was a little more prepared for her appearence,"Thank you." She said softly, hoping the God of war could find it in his heart to forgive her as well. When she mentioned Eros, she blushed lightly,"Well..." she started,"I do care for Eros very much. I have for a long time. But he's my best friend. I dont want to make him feel awkward if he doesnt like me the same way. I dont want to lose him as a best friend. So I'm willing to keep those feelings aside to keep the friendship."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago

Kagome smiled and leaned against him sleepily. She hadn't slept well the night before and she was still tired. She planned to take a nap once school was over for the day.
Sango did the same, hugging Miroku gently.
Sayuri patted his back,"If your worried about your brother and the campus knowing, don't worry." She said gently,"I saw them at outside the library in town. I told him as they were leaving he should get away from those guys before he gets in any trouble from them. He must have listened because I haven't heard anything about him hanging with them..." She smiled,"And I'm not really worried about Ayame. She's just being really petty and I'm pretty much over it."
Sango did the same, hugging Miroku gently.
Sayuri patted his back,"If your worried about your brother and the campus knowing, don't worry." She said gently,"I saw them at outside the library in town. I told him as they were leaving he should get away from those guys before he gets in any trouble from them. He must have listened because I haven't heard anything about him hanging with them..." She smiled,"And I'm not really worried about Ayame. She's just being really petty and I'm pretty much over it."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Love of the Gods (Kimmi and Boss Rimi)
Posted 7 years ago

Her father smiled and nodded,"Yeah. Let's get going." He said. He hugged his daughter,"Bye, sweetie." He said,"I'll see you tonight." He made sure he had everything and headed off.
Sapphira waved them goodbye and went inside. She drew up an amazing sketch of Ares and Aphrodite the way she say them this morning, when she had seen their sweet moment together. On the back she wrote a small note:
"Please forgive my rude and sudden departure this morning. The surprise of seeing the very God and goddess I prayed to startled me so and I could not make myself properly react. Please take this sketch as an offering and an apology for my rudeness this morning. Please, forgive me."
She took her drawing to the temple of Aphrodite and offered it, along with another sincere apology.
Sapphira waved them goodbye and went inside. She drew up an amazing sketch of Ares and Aphrodite the way she say them this morning, when she had seen their sweet moment together. On the back she wrote a small note:
"Please forgive my rude and sudden departure this morning. The surprise of seeing the very God and goddess I prayed to startled me so and I could not make myself properly react. Please take this sketch as an offering and an apology for my rudeness this morning. Please, forgive me."
She took her drawing to the temple of Aphrodite and offered it, along with another sincere apology.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi
Posted 7 years ago

Aria looked over,"I hope all is okay." She said. She leaned over and kissed his cheek,"This has been really nice. We have to try to do this a day or two at home when possible. " she was really enjoying that she got to spend some time with him like this. She was thankful they could do this and no fights. She smiled at him,"I love you very much." She said quietly
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago

Kagome blinked,"Huh?" She asked, not hearing what Inuyasha had said. Sango smiled,"Nothing." She said, chatting with Kagome about other things to distract her from what Kagome had maybe heard.
Sayuri nodded,"That's good to hear. I was worried because I saw your younger brother with a group of thugs from school and I was hoping he might get out of that group." She blinked when she mentioned Ayame,"A little." She admitted,"But I can handle this much better than when I had class with her."
Sayuri nodded,"That's good to hear. I was worried because I saw your younger brother with a group of thugs from school and I was hoping he might get out of that group." She blinked when she mentioned Ayame,"A little." She admitted,"But I can handle this much better than when I had class with her."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 7 years ago

Cordelia nodded,"Yeah. Not a lie." She smiled at them,"So do you guys wanna head to the ship? Or do you want to do something else?" She wasn't sure what else to do. She knew they didnt need anything.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [redo!]
Posted 7 years ago

Bryan shrugged,"I'm not worried about that." He said, thankful he managed to get out there in time,"You should get back with Sirene and Nathan before the storm hits hard." He hugged her gently,"Be careful, okay."
Sirene hugged him gently,"I'm sorry..I didnt want you to worry. I think Bryan can be trusted...and I think he cares for Natalie too."
Sirene hugged him gently,"I'm sorry..I didnt want you to worry. I think Bryan can be trusted...and I think he cares for Natalie too."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in A Heartless Winter - Inuyasha
Posted 7 years ago

As time went on, Kagome slowly adjusted to living in the castle. Soon she was close with Sango and good friends with Miroku since they were to the two she saw most often. One evening, Kagome sat in bed, reading one of the few books she was able to bring with her. She hated that she couldn't go anywhere. She couldn't visit anyone and no one could visit her. It made her sad.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago

Sango smiled,"That's wonderful! " she said,"Bet she said yes, just like I told you she would~" Kagome returned a few moments later with some lunch, blushing as her stomach growled
Sayuri smiled and sat with him,"I haven't seen you for a while. How are you and your brothers? Everyone alright?" She felt bad she hadn't spoken to him in a while and hoped all was well.
Sayuri smiled and sat with him,"I haven't seen you for a while. How are you and your brothers? Everyone alright?" She felt bad she hadn't spoken to him in a while and hoped all was well.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi
Posted 7 years ago

Aria kissed his cheek and smiled,"We can start a new book series after lunch if you'd like." She said as she helped him get settled so he could eat his lunch. Little tables were brought in for them. Aria thanked them all very much and started to eat,"Mmmmm this is really good." She smiled
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Love of the Gods (Kimmi and Boss Rimi)
Posted 7 years ago

"I could. I probably will later. Maybe I'll cook something to offer them as an apology. " she leaned against a column nearby,"I feel so awful. I didn't even know what to say. And now I made myself look like a total idiot." She sighed and looked at Eros,"Dad should be out soon." She said to him,"He felt bad he made you feel like you were late yestersay."
At that moment her dad came out and smiled,"Morning, you two." He said
At that moment her dad came out and smiled,"Morning, you two." He said
but living takes true courage.