Kimmichan1989's posts
Posted in Love of the Gods (Kimmi and Boss Rimi)
Posted 7 years ago

Her father smiled and nodded,"See you then. Have a good evening, Eros." After watching him head off to home safely, the old man went inside and hugged Sapphira. They had dinner and talked about their days before he hugged her, kissed her head, and went to bed. Sapphira washed up the dishes with a sigh. All she could do is continue to believe all would be well.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in [IC]Potter And Malfoy Descendants - KimmiC89
Posted 7 years ago

Julia smiled and headed back to her common room, thankful all lessons were finished for today. She put her schoolwork away and enjoyed some time with her friends before wishing them goodnight. She went up to her dorm room and crawled into bed, a wave of exhaustion taking over her. Within moments, she fell asleep.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in [IC]Potter And Malfoy Descendants - KimmiC89
Posted 7 years ago

Julia smiled and nodded,"Sure thing." She said, starting to put her things away since she had finished,"I think I'm going to head to the common room to make sure I have something presentable to wear." She smiled at him,"See you later?"
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Buying Ohms or Merlantis!
Posted 7 years ago

but living takes true courage.

Posted in [IC]Potter And Malfoy Descendants - KimmiC89
Posted 7 years ago

Julia had just finished up with her essay when she heard Jason speak. She looked over to listening to what he was saying and blushed lightly as he did so. Was he asking her to the dance? Like as a date? Or just as friends? She smiled at him, blushing lightly,"Sure I'll go with you. That acually sounds like it could be fun." She said,"I'll have to see if I remembered to pack my dress robes. If not, I can always buy another set."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Harvest Moon: Fun in Harmonica Town~
Posted 7 years ago

Shayla smiled and nodded, handing him a plate with a few pieces of cheesecake,"If you dont mind, please give this to Cain, Hanna and Renee for me? Theres an extra piece for you if you want another later too." Before handing him the plate, she hugged him gently,"Thank you for this...I had a lot of fun. Its wonderful seeing you again."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Harvest Moon: Fun in Harmonica Town~
Posted 7 years ago

Shayla smiled and nodded, bringing him over a glass of water,"I've only been on a ship once, coming here from Forget Me Not Valley. I remember getting really seasick." She blushed a bit in embarrassment.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Buying Ohms or Merlantis!
Posted 7 years ago

@vengeance: I wish this one hadn't been the rare item x.x
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Buying Ohms or Merlantis!
Posted 7 years ago

@vengeance: Thanks... I'll really need it >.<
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Buying Ohms or Merlantis!
Posted 7 years ago

@Fozzy: I REALLY hope so T^T
@Saeyra: Lol Totally! :D I NEED IT SO BAD T^T
@Saeyra: Lol Totally! :D I NEED IT SO BAD T^T
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Buying Ohms or Merlantis!
Posted 7 years ago

I NEED Merlantis desperately or the Ohms to get one! I have 5.6k atm but I can offer items. Just ask
EDIT: Now I'm at 8600 volts~!
EDIT: Now I'm at 8600 volts~!

but living takes true courage.

Posted in A Heartless Winter - Inuyasha
Posted 7 years ago

Sango was walking along with Miroku in case he would need any help,"Have you met the new wolf girl, Sayuri?" She asked him as he worked,"She's really nice. I think Koga already might have a thing for her." She couldn't help but give a small laugh.
Kagome was sitting in her room, looking out the window. She was worried about the possible demon attack and wondered if the barriers would actually be able to keep the castle safe. She really hoped so, not wanting to lose the few friends she had here. She had grown to like Miroku, Sango, Koga, and the new girl Sayuri. She hadn't meant the other new girl yet and wondered when she would.
Sayuri was with Koga, wondering what would happen to her now. She didn't really have anywhere to be or anyone waiting for her. She had been alone for a very long time so it was a bit hard for her to get use to being around people again.
Kagome was sitting in her room, looking out the window. She was worried about the possible demon attack and wondered if the barriers would actually be able to keep the castle safe. She really hoped so, not wanting to lose the few friends she had here. She had grown to like Miroku, Sango, Koga, and the new girl Sayuri. She hadn't meant the other new girl yet and wondered when she would.
Sayuri was with Koga, wondering what would happen to her now. She didn't really have anywhere to be or anyone waiting for her. She had been alone for a very long time so it was a bit hard for her to get use to being around people again.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi
Posted 7 years ago

Aria smiled,"Maybe."She said as she snuggled close to him,"We will have to wait and see." She smiled and kissed his cheek before closing her eyes briefly. Her eyes were a bit sore from all the reading but that was okay with her. It just meant that a little rest was needed.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago

Once lunch was over, Kagome stretched and got to her feet to get to class,"I'll see you guys later. My class is meeting in computer lab today." She waved at them and hurried off to class.
Sayuri blinked,"What...what do you mean...?" She asked looking worried,"Why wouldn't I look for you? Your my friend... my first friend here. I don't want to lose that...''
Sayuri blinked,"What...what do you mean...?" She asked looking worried,"Why wouldn't I look for you? Your my friend... my first friend here. I don't want to lose that...''
but living takes true courage.