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@fenava: Bummer that, Chiba and I were going over notes regarding the Cartoon Network Dark Ages that Time Warner Cable instigated a decade and a half ago, before it ended at around 2013-2015 with Cartoon Network trying to recover from its damages.
Same kind of way Gaia Online's trying to undo damages inflicted on that site when its own Dark Ages rolled out.

@godsandpunks: We hope to hear from you tomorrow, if not that, Monday looks better if you got time for that.
@fenava: So we're back now.
Did you read on earlier posts?
@fenava: It's been some time since we saw you, what happened?

@godsandpunks: Yeah, some folks told me you'd have connection troubles, please stay safe this weekend and come back alive, you got it?
Posted in Moody's Bat Cave Posted 5 years ago
@xvz: Trying to keep myself awake, so how's it going?
@godsandpunks: Fairy Kings are usually assigned by a Greater sort of Divine Power for their peoples, back in the day.
@godsandpunks: Sounds like a blog I ought to check out sometime, seriously I wanna see someone shoot the question in earshot.

That's what I don't know, whether or not Foaly was in it.

I could see the Lower Elements Police having HAD their own Gods a long time ago too, for what it's worth.
And any cases of 'Have you seen my Gods?' going on can be blamed a lot on earlier parts of humanity.

In fairness' sake, It could be worse than Frat boys, and with all 3 groups Female Centaurs are a thing.

Modern Potter-world Centaurs can see Possible Futures, their Seers are very reliable and crossing a herd of them is generally unwise.

Oh Dolores, how's your little foal-lings coming along?Oh wait you can't answer that either because you're dead or you're imprisoned, separated from those kids either way, but you're a bad 'mommy' anyways..
@godsandpunks: Not gonna lie, but Artemis Fowl's gonna have 'quite' a few words to say to Gilderoy Lockhart if he ever meets him, too.
If you get my drift.

Centaurs in Artemis Fowl are known to be geniuses ON TOP of sharing the base features of being Sharpshooters dagnabbit, did the Foul movie forget the geniuses part too!?

Their humor differs from the Party Ponies who are Pro-Olympus, too or the Centaur herds from the Modern Potter-world.
@godsandpunks: The Artemis Foul movie with how it's done is gonna warrant payback from Artemis Fowl sooner or later.

That said, the CHB Chronicles can't afford another backfired project right now, that much is obvious.
@godsandpunks: What happened with the Dark Is Rising by Susan Cooper's so bad, The Kid who would be King (no matter HOW GOOD a movie that one is.) couldn't be good enough to help save Fox from getting bought out by Disney.

The less-said about Artemis Foul (the botched shot at an Artemis Fowl movie.) the better.
@godsandpunks: Thanks, finally able to find the next-best sword I could get.
Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: How goes work?
@godsandpunks: Indeed.
Also Lupa herself's a Patron and deserves due respects.

Also yeah, I hope the upcoming live action series doesn't suck.
Posted in Moody's Bat Cave Posted 5 years ago
So how's it going?
@micki chiba: Sounds like a Godsforsaken nightmare to me, looking at it.
Shame the site doesn't directly show vids.