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@micki chiba: Not gonna lie, sometimes I feel that someone ought to recommend to others to go read or watch Watership Down (either the original Animated movie or the Netflix and BBC produced series.), it at least would make sure what we're showing kids is reasonable.

Then again fun fact: Watership Down is inspired by The Aeneid, by Virgil of Rome, so what do I know?

I just know that Litton Entertainment wasn't involved with Watership Down in any way, shape or form.
@micki chiba: And even more importantly, an end to that bull$hit legacy that the CN Dark Ages shoved
down our throats we're still fighting to undo, even decades later.
Sometimes you gotta hit the genesis of a problem before hitting the problem itself.
@godsandpunks: A good start's a good start regardless, so there's that.
Also congrats on that.
What feels clear, situations-wise is that whichever one survives from this proverbial God War between Disney and AT&T that's going on (cold war or hot.), it's gonna be a mess regardless.
That's a good point though.

Can you name which States have gone started on doing what Chiba noted?
Sounds like pretty good starts are going on, to me but further steps being taken to stop bad histories from repeating's not a bad idea.

@micki chiba:

Figures, called it like I see it.
@godsandpunks: Same kind of reason why some of us unlucky to join the site would do this, some pics of our OCs/PCs are still over there, we can't ignore it.

So it's leaning more to AT&T at the rate things are going in this War of the Gods between it and Disney, should Universal be fully committed to Disney's downfall.
Posted in This place is kinda neat Posted 5 years ago

Trying to get up to 5K in volts.
Posted in This place is kinda neat Posted 5 years ago
@xanthan: Long story, but trying to raise volts and talking about stuff.
@godsandpunks: That was Dark Ages Cartoon Network that did that, after Time Warner Cable did a lot of damages done when they took over CN and made a domino effect of bad decisions over there.
1 Domino effect's understating, try several, main gist applies though.

Truth be told, most fan-branches of S.U detest the Tumblr branch anyways, sounds like you've had bad branch experiences with a My Hero Academia fan-branch. (my condolences on that, too.)

Was noting on it in indirect fashions, but geez the P*do$hit is WTH territory going on.
And yeah, if we gotta get started on how underage mayhem was a thing in a lot of madoka magica art on tumblr, there'd be folks decreeing foul all over how unchecked it got, and next to the S.U Tumblr branch getting purged, is one of the only good things about the ban that happened when that stuff got removed.

Some Gods value results more than they'd value Power, yet that too can lead them to different kinds of troubles just as much as it can get them out of it, but that's another story.
What's rather clear is: Between AT&T and Disney, whichever one ends up taking full control of Time Warner Cable and ends up eating whatever's left, are gonna realize why results for long-term survival should've come before Money and Power the hard way.

It's mainly 2 things, a matter of WHEN that goes down, and IF we can live to see that happen when the time comes.
'For whom the bell tolls' as they say.
@godsandpunks: TTG got used to mutilate the scheduling, because AT&T-backed Cartoon Network actually puts Money as the secondary(albeit definitely Cover) reason, when the Primary endgame goal is basically to Wage War against the entire Cartoon Network fanbases, themselves.
You got links to share about the Johnny Test Production Scandal that happened so you can show them here?
Sounds like they're a must-read in the grand scheme really.

'Fridays' should NOT have died out in the first place, it was another casualty of the Cartoon Network Dark Ages, along with the Toonami fleet for a while before the First Reconstruction Era (rightfully) brought back the Fleet, albeit STILL in the weakened conditions the Dark Ages forced on it with.
Fridays and Saturdays TOGETHER should've been allowed to serve as Vestiges to hold out against the Dark Ages with, relegate matters to only one of the two days. and it's gonna backfire.

And we all know how notoriously atrocious the Steven Universe Tumblr branch ended up being, so bad that eating that fan-branch alive's far more preferable to letting them go unchecked, albeit granted part of that is due to botched network scheduling that AT&T-backed CN instigated by design.
Posted in This place is kinda neat Posted 5 years ago
@godsandpunks: Yo, you're welcome at any time, this ought to be good.
Posted in This place is kinda neat Posted 5 years ago
@godsandpunks: You are famous around here, congrats.
@micki chiba: You have GOT to be kidding!!!
Did no one learn ANYTHING on what not to do with TTG or Johnny Test, the first time around!?
Real talk, but as some friends of mine would note: 'Setsuna F. Seiei is what Kylo Ren wishes he could've been,' in terms of backstory matters and the like.

@fenava: Yo, welcome back, what's up?
Posted in This place is kinda neat Posted 5 years ago
@godsandpunks: You've seen 3 feet Owls? :O
Posted in This place is kinda neat Posted 5 years ago
@godsandpunks: Howdy.
Take it that some folks showed you around.