Lupaprinceromulus's posts
Posted in steven universe (future)
Posted 5 years ago
With Steven Universe: Future, it no longer has the threat of the Tumblr fan-branch in the way of its developments, but as other folks noted, it should've been free of that constraint earlier.
Cool series at least.
Cool series at least.

Posted in The Lupa Clan: Where Werewolves plus other peoples gather
Posted 5 years ago
@snakeweaver: Read This link here and weep with California getting locked down.
Albeit in all fairness, California was more likelier to get locked down than Georgia was, but Georgia followed suit sometime later on the same day.
@micki chiba: Did you hear about this, too?
Albeit in all fairness, California was more likelier to get locked down than Georgia was, but Georgia followed suit sometime later on the same day.
@micki chiba: Did you hear about this, too?

Posted in Demigods and Werewolves 1x1
Posted 5 years ago

"Thanks, and I said stuff too early anyways, we've just met,"
Kyle wasn't too worried about why Olivia ignored him, in the sense that 'these things happen' when he says things earlier and that it could always have been worse, when Kyle went to eating his own bowl of carrot stew before he looked at her chest and eyes, careful enough not to let anything on his bowl spill over his clothes at the moment, though not as long a gaze as he gave her chest earlier, more like 3 seconds at most before adding this,
"Heh, Once we're done eating, we can wait out the next few hours together, going over how many of what weapons we've got, our guns are a bit more limited than our other weapons though,"
Kyle was honest when he felt the need to check by how many guns were readily available once eating was done, keenly aware that to have enough ease with taking the Breeder Room once the Terminals are dealt with would require folks good enough with handling guns, anything less won't be cutting it at the moment even with Kyle's and Olivia's mutual planning, that much is clear,

Cherie after arriving to the destination with Ella and Aurora carefully respected Ella's wishes, regarding everyone keeping their clothes on at least for the time being, not wanting to choke Ella out of breathing room in the long run by refusing otherwise, before Cherie admits aloud,
"Sounds like a plan to me, besides I've got some plans I'd like to share to the most professional crews at the forges around, but I got an idea for what stage 1 of the upgrading plans should be, anyways so we should be good once I share the upgrade design plans,"
'Besides, my folks gave me the plans and what matters in terms of what orders the stages should be is that the orders befit my fighting style with weapons, same with Rizer really,' Cherie withheld from saying the thought aloud, but still felt curious to ask about what Aurora's preferred weapons are, not ignoring for a minute what Ella whispered to her ears before Cherie nodded to the Apollo babe, all while Mr. Sparrow was observing on the happenings at work while Cherie prepares to distance herself with Aurora from Ella, casually striking a conversation with Aurora about the following, finding it troublesome that she didn't ask Aurora about it sooner, even though it's fairly justified why Cherie couldn't get around to asking earlier,
"Hey Aunt, I never asked before now, but some of Grandma's Power-related gifts aside, we never talked about your weapons or how you'd tend to fight, didn't we?Please Tell me more about that, I'd like to know more so long as you're willing to tell about it,"
'Don't bring up specific weapon designs before reaching the weapon-making crew that's needed unless she's gonna do the same, this kind of thing's Tundra policy,' Cherie thought privately, aware that it's best not to divulge what weapons if any Cherie preferred using before Aurora does the same, and just as aware that what she's gonna need would be best-done from a mix between Hephaestus and Hecate/Hekate kids at least, plus Cyclopes who've gotten grips on weapon-forging even if they're still working to improve themselves on the other stuff too, a Hermes kid or two involved in the staff was optional given that Hermes had 'Co-God of Alchemy' on his domains list next to the House of Life's Founder-God, Thoth, it's a bizarre legacy regarding when the Gods of Olympus visited their Khemetian(Old Egyptian) neighbors for whatever reason, it could be any but now's not the best time for Cherie to ask about that, the Alchemy helps with upgrading transitions anyways,
"Also who taught you how to fight, if anyone?Unless you were self-taught, that also has its own edges and downsides,"
Cherie had to comment, as she was already closer to the forging crew to present the blueprints to the upgrading plans for her weapon to them by the time she got to them, right on cue a resume of shockingly attractive, albeit somewhat busy, folks were working together among the collaborative teams and the cyclopes weren't too shabby either, but that's secondary to why Cherie's here for the time being when she prepares to show the blueprints to some long-term plans, complete with the family insignia in case anyone in the staff's in on it,
"I already got what order I'm gunning for insofar as Stage 01 of the blueprinted plans go, keep the plans here, oh and here, take this gemstone I've brought with me, it's for the weapon I'll show you later if you'd accept this,"

Cherie would only show the crew her weapon she'd want upgraded, if it's clear the staff's interested in upgrading, better to also know what's up while waiting to figure out what weapons Aurora would be using or desiring, if any,
As for Mr Sparrow, the Sparrow of an unknown breed is still with Ella for now, having a hunch that if his relatives won't end up watching more of the show, some doves will be watching at least before talking with Ella,
"No corvids showed up or I'd be seeing red robins or bluejays tell you hello, at least your day's fun so far,"

(No Cherie expressions this time but her primary weapon of choice is showing.)

Posted in The Lupa Clan: Where Werewolves plus other peoples gather
Posted 5 years ago
@snakeweaver: On the U.S side of things: California and Georgia just got locked down, lately.
Hope the other states don't end up following suit.
Hope the other states don't end up following suit.

Posted in Demigods and Werewolves 1x1
Posted 5 years ago

"I guess I'll have to show you at some point, but after we deal with this operation when we can pull through it in one peace, for now you gotta eat,"
Kyle commented, having no qualms looking up Ares' Knights and Champions, along with other Uncles and Aunts on his mom's side that could use some props around these parts, before he felt senses of relief that so far, Olivia was eating
and he feels gladder about it before he adds this aloud,
"You're very strong to carry that, not sure if that's on your mom's side or dad's side with the women there, but the strength's there and that's good,"
Leave it to Kyle to honestly comment on her strength, although were times not so serious, he'd be more upfront about the other reasons he'd commend Olivia for her strength regarding her chest, though thankfully Olivia knows he's not lying about his words at all so there's that, while Kyle goes to pour some of the stew in the pot on his e-tool to another bowl he's brought out, before Pouring Olivia another bowl, gently insisting on this in the meantime,
"You're eating quickly, and that's good, it means you're recovering from the worst of your troubles so far, keep it up,"
Kyle really hoped the operation does so well, that he and Olivia can rendezvous at the Defensive area while he and Olivia were eating their food as everyone else eats theirs, also hoping that by capturing the enemy scientists alive, it'll further help with supply runs later in this temporary hide-out when the time's right, as well as assisting in regards to manpower later, for now this much can be commented on Olivia's stomach,
"The way you're eating, you feel like you haven't eaten much in a while before we've met,"

Cherie commented lightly insofar as blood relations go, all while she and Aurora were led by Ella to the next location they were going as they were heading to see where the nearest weapon-smith was at, since the smaller forges might be closer to where in the area the 3 of them would be staying at, yet still pale in comparison to the bigger forges in boot camp, but She won't go sweating the small stuff for now, when Cherie felt like focusing part of her attention on Ella's b00bs and hips for a bit, before Cherie offered this to Ella,
"When I visit your room, I could go bikini-clad in case it makes you feel better, oh and in the meantime are we closer to where we'll find any weapon-smiths yet?"
Cherie hoped she didn't worsen Ella's conditions with what she just said, as Cherie may not be in a mood to get outdone by her hot aunt, yet at the same time she wasn't eager to short-circuit Ella before 5 hours passed either, or else there'd be no fun to be had before then as Cherie felt Ella's hold on her arm, still watching Ella lead the way to where the 3 of them are meant to be going, anyways while Mr. Sparrow commented on the newest happenings,
"This situation's entertaining to me, I really dig the calm here, not as much as the doves would but it's just awesome and this situation's funny,"
Which in all fairness wasn't that helpful of Mr. Sparrow to say, but well, Sparrows are meant to be Aphrodite's birds for a reason alongside the doves, so what can you do?In the meantime, Cherie goes to look more closely as she worked to focus further on if the 3 of them and the bird were closer to where they gotta go, while still cautious as to what Aurora be planning in the meantime as the 3 hot babes and a bird kept moving, until they've reached their intended destination at last, before talking aloud,
"Can't let my brother Rizer outdo me before we look around this place, hey Aurora, what's your professions!?"
'And I can't let Aunt Leviar outdo me regarding Ella, either, but one thing at a time,' Cherie thought privately to herself, working to downplay the jealousy impulses she was feeling as to not fluster Ella too badly before the 3 of them get to their shared building for their squad, which is meant to deal in Covert ops and support whenever possible in their case.


Posted in Demigods and Werewolves 1x1
Posted 5 years ago

With that, the Carrot Stew was finally done, just as Kyle planned for it to be, Olivia's laughs did do wonders on diffusing the stress of those situations all while Kyle adds on this,
"Yeah that's true, Gramps likely have a few knights and champions representing his interests long before Rome itself was a thing, I just don't know if they're as famous as Diomedes was for your Grandma though, I'll have to ask those 3 Aphy girls about them sometime,"
Catching the comment on how Olivia appreciates what Kyle's working on, Kyle adds this,
"Food's ready, and I doubt mom would've been the sort to think with Brawn only anyways, I barely got to know much about her but even I can tell that's what's up, some of my Uncles I could say the same for, too, oh and your b00bs are big
underneath the clothes, I've just noticed but yeah, lemme serve the food a bit,"
Kyle didn't wanna give Olivia's chest too long a gaze besides brief glances, after all Olivia's a guest of honors, and on top of that whether or not the packs in the Lupa strike forces pull through this alive with neon flying colors and whatnot depends heavily on how truthful and up-to-date her info is just as much as it does how well the strike forces can plan this operation out, considering what'll happen a few hours from now once the rain-storms finally start in deadly earnest, before Kyle noted on Olivia's comment after she just yawned,
"It's okay, you've had a long rough night, and I don't blame you on that, here it's okay to eat this, you'll feel better,"
Kyle just now was serving Olivia a bowl of Carrot Stew, as once everyone else's foods were ready, food was finally served to all in the area, with Kyle letting Olivia go first in regards to her well-being needing to be cared for as much as possible, not eating until Olivia starts eating,
"Likely to do with the one time a certain Goddess you're sharing the name with interrupted one of Grandma's times with a certain War God back in the day, Grandma being Woman of her word aside, yeah not fun times for those involved,"
Cherie mentioned off-handedly the one time her grandma(AKA Aurora the Demigoddess's mother.) did that on the latter's namesake, not out of insulting desires upon those involved so much as the matters of 'what happened did happen' being the general tone at play, some things not being helped that well, some things can be helped, but ah well, right now Cherie went to slide carefully before Ella's eyes, aware this may embarrass Ella further before Cherie quickly replied to Aurora's words, nodding in generally blameless understanding from genetically tactical angles,
"Let's be fair, all 3 of us are related to each other by varying degrees anyways, you meant others carrying Grandma's blood specifically, others who carry Godly blood that's not Grandma's is 'fairer game,' well that's fair enough,"
Of course, such angles are secondary to Cherie, what's primary is hoping to let Ella lead Cherie the way with maybe Aurora tagging along if she chooses to, but that's besides the point, before Cherie hears the Sparrow talking aloud some more about something,
"It's reasonable if either of you were about to let the Apollo girl respond, but first I think you two should take a few steps away from her a bit, she's surrounded by beautiful women of Aphrodite's blood, of course she's gonna want you in private places but remember you have 5 hours of time from now before a meeting starts, yes I saw how Cherie spoke with Athena's brain-children earlier,"
Cherie felt taken a-back a bit, and clearly worked to see about distancing herself from Ella, and yet part of her still felt cautious and still working against jealousy matters when hoping Aurora will take a few steps back in turn like what Cherie's about to do with Ella,
"Okay, but like I said, I'm dating Ella first before you do, well, that is IF Ella's okay with that, first,"
Cherie told Aurora as much, already taking a few steps back away from Ella to give Ella some space before Aurora does, before Cherie adds this aloud to Ella,
"Do you think that where we're going at least, they might have an area for weapon-smiths or the like in where the 3 of us are staying, since the bigger one is elsewhere in this place?"
Cherie was looking at Ella's flushed face, feeling worsened desires to kiss her lips more deeply against the shocks felt from earlier, but she was restrained against leaping towards her for now when she gently insisted on this, knowing that Ella's been around these parts longer than she and Aurora have been, for quite some time,
"Ella, Since you've lived around here longer than we've had, please lead the way to where the 3 of us are going, we'll follow you,"
Cherie knew that this was a matter of patience, and making the most out of the 5 hours of time that's left before the big meeting starts, it would suck to squander those hours something horrid until then, so patience is a virtue that Cherie's working to make use of, more,
"And Aunt Leviar, let's just save showing each other our bikini pics until we get to see what parts of our Apartment complexes are close to each other, otherwise it might make Ella too nervous too early,"
Cherie gently insisted, careful to not address Aurora as 'Aunt' too much until they all explore the place better, but meanwhile the Sparrow commented on this aloud, regarding Apollo's connections with the following bird types,
"Well, this'll be something to talk to the Doves about later, soon we'll have more entertaining things to brag to those Corvids in terms of what we saw, good enough for me, some of those people are Ella's dad's birds anyways,"
the Sparrow alluded to Corvids in that sentence that was spoken,

(A GIF for Cherie that time, yay!!!)

Posted in The Lupa Clan: Where Werewolves plus other peoples gather
Posted 5 years ago
@snakeweaver: I was mostly helping to deal with paperwork and stuff.
@micki chiba: I dunno if it can play Last Recode but I'm content we're able to keep in contact for now.
@micki chiba: I dunno if it can play Last Recode but I'm content we're able to keep in contact for now.

Posted in Demigods and Werewolves 1x1
Posted 5 years ago

"Generally speaking besides maybe Gramps?It's complicated for different reasons depending on which ones you're talking about, at least with Gramps it's more 'family matters and values' going on than much else, the rest? I'd work to honor Lupa in my own ways but besides keeping the clan out of bad situations alive, I'm irritated I don't always know HOW to do this, it's like I'm not doing enough to make the clan better in the long run,"
Kyle was letting his internal doubts talk before Olivia's and Marrok's eyes while food was getting cooked, if personal doubts could be easily strangled, clawed or stabbed to near-death experiences, Kyle would've done it already, but the lingering irritations in his system were mainly caused by the fact that at present, he CAN'T do that, and it irritates him badly in the long run, while the stew looked to be almost done, cooking,
"I don't blame Gramps for the matters that mom's not around her people, anymore, it's more like 'being left in the dark' sucks hound $hit, y'know?"
Kyle was alluding off-handedly to times when such happenings didn't relate to birthday surprises or anything pleasant of the sort, even if he did everything ELSE right, there's always the nagging sensation he's gonna fall short in one vital way or another he'll never see coming, and then the clan suffers horrendously for that, too, before Kyle mentioned further on regarding Hecate,
"Like I said, with that particular Godly Night Queen, it's complicated for different reasons from why regards on Gramps are complicated, it's like a puzzle trying to figure out WHAT she might be testing me with, but she's not spilling out the details to me on that anytime soon, oh no,"
While the Stew is on the verge of resolving its cooking, and Marrok goes to flesh out the details further, Kyle looked to Olivia in further acknowledgement on those regards, before adding this,
"Let's be honest, the only other person besides Gramps whom I could see could get away with that's Hercules, but Herc's a byproduct of Zeus's gene-recycling mixed with Training from Tartarus and multiplied by a cursed life BEFORE he was 'lucky' to Ascend before he'd succumb to Despair fully, I've met Aphy kids descended from him who'd clear that up, and Diomedes of Arpi, AKA your Grandma's Godly Knight-in-shining armor, he CAUGHT Gramps off-guard during the Trojan War years in 1-vs-1, Athena's help notwithstanding he had the element of Surprise there even if Zeus wasn't restraining Gramps' power too, it wasn't the lopsided matter that The Iliad's first half portrayed it being, hells the first half of it was recaps anyways mixed with stuff from behind the scenes according to those girls,"
Kyle sighed a bit, not wanting to question the Gods more than he'd need to do so before he adds this to Olivia,
"My taking things those girls said with some doses of salt aside, Diomedes fought with both brains AND brawn, if I can't learn to do both as well as I should, we're in trouble with or without your help, that's why I hope hacking the terminals go well as phase 01 of the plan, before we hit the breeding room hard, if we do it right we'll meet you in the defensive area,"
With that, the food Kyle was cooking for both him and Olivia was almost done, and Kyle felt relieved with the progress so far, when looking to Olivia, Marrok and a lot of the others about to eat their foods before them,

"You're an Aunt, one of my parents is one of your half-siblings and another of my Aunts taught me how to sense blood-relations with blood like ours out, yours included though it don't always work even for Aunts and Uncles,"
Cherie was recognizing whom the new girl's genetic relations were with, aware that she's a half-sister for one of her parents, but not too much else on if she was a first-gen Demigoddess or if her father held the blood of one of the other Gods themselves or even turned out to be another Mage, even, info was limited when the most she knew was that the new girl's an Aphy girl, yet part of Cherie felt jealous even though she found the new girl hot, too,
'On the one hand, my latest Aunt I'm meeting now can go from super-pretty at worst to summer-like hot at best, and her b00bs are almost as glorious as Ella's is by 'defaults,' too,' Cherie thought 'almost' insofar as defaults go, since knowing how her Aunts generally can be, they can alter their physical descriptions including but not limiting to eye colors and measurements wily-nilly whenever they please, once they know how to do so, and another of her aunts taught Cherie how to do the same too during their own visits, 'But on the other hand, I WAS DATING ELLA FIRST, BLAST IT, 3-ways are one thing but this Aunt doesn't seem to want any and I dunno if Ella's cool with 3-ways either!!!' Cherie would be lying somewhat if she says she didn't feel some flavor of jealousy with that thought, which would've been downplayed if it was clear whether or not the new girl of an Aunt's down with having them or not,
That first name's the same name as another Goddess whom Grandma...had disagreements with,' Cherie understated the thought, before speaking aloud and withholding the in-depth details, before wrapping her arms around Ella's other arm while Ella gets surrounded by two beautiful Aphy-blooded women for company, really,
"I take it your dad's side of the family gave you that first name, pleased to meet you too Aunt Leviar, call me Cherie Tundra, Aphy's my Grandma, and Ella's the Apollo daughter showing me around, and also I take it you just registered, too, So uh..."
Cherie felt that a question about Leviar slipped her mind against all rhyme or reason, but finding it obnoxious on the TIMING of the situation, though no fault of Leviar's own 'per se', took Cherie a-back to the point of making her forget that vital question for the group's long-haul to not die all over the place, which is almost as bad to Cherie as the fact she felt jealous even though Leviar's a hot babe, too,
"I'm not opposed to that idea, though your honesty's hot, I'm dating Ella FIRST!!! Speaking of which, Ella are you doing okay!?"
Cherie was working to watch her tone, it felt even worse when she remembered that a Sparrow was next to her Aunt and yelled the last part in the presence of one of her Grandma's birds, before she heard what sounded like giggles to her ears from the Sparrow, before the Sparrow says this, in shockingly good human languages,
"This situation's a riot, I was already expecting funny stuff, yet here I am, listening to Aphrodite-blooded bluffs being had, someone's spilled the coffee beans on what they're planning to do at some point in earshot, it's too funny for me to say which of you did it, really you girls are a riot!!!"
The Sparrow was giggling, before the bird says something to Leviar, Ella and Cherie, clearly amused by the 3 in many ways before speaking the following,
"Miss Tundra, you were gonna ask if Leviar's in the same group you and Ella are in, yes?Or did you just forget about it
out of a mix between her looks and body while gazing at Ella's own, and some touches of jealousy over there?"
Cherie was caught off-guard by how well the Sparrow had guessed, already wondering what its name is, just thinking about it while she clutched a bit more tightly to Ella, not enough to hurt her but just enough for the Apollo babe to remember that Cherie's still here, clearly hoping Ella's not too shocked to show Cherie around while wondering if Aurora Leviar is a fellow newcomer or not,


Posted in The Lupa Clan: Where Werewolves plus other peoples gather
Posted 5 years ago
@aisukohi: I know I'll be busy for some time.
@micki chiba: It's a Chromebook or nothing, but at least you're back now, you caught up yet?
@micki chiba: It's a Chromebook or nothing, but at least you're back now, you caught up yet?

Posted in The Lupa Clan: Where Werewolves plus other peoples gather
Posted 5 years ago
Thanks, as ever.
Thanks, as ever.

Posted in The Lupa Clan: Where Werewolves plus other peoples gather
Posted 5 years ago
@aisukohi: Thanks so much, as ever.

Posted in The Lupa Clan: Where Werewolves plus other peoples gather
Posted 5 years ago
@aisukohi: Either it is or it's a hell of a coincidence, either way I'm sharing the link, you can help out if you like.

Posted in The Lupa Clan: Where Werewolves plus other peoples gather
Posted 5 years ago
Here's why I asked, because in PDF form, one can get a copy of Mage: The Ascension by White Wolf for free, for a limited time starting from today onward, in fact.
Here's why I asked, because in PDF form, one can get a copy of Mage: The Ascension by White Wolf for free, for a limited time starting from today onward, in fact.

Posted in The Lupa Clan: Where Werewolves plus other peoples gather
Posted 5 years ago
@aisukohi: Waiting on role-play regards, nowadays.
Also does White Wolf sound familiar, tabletop-wise?
Also does White Wolf sound familiar, tabletop-wise?