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Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: I'm all ears if you wanna talk more about them sometime, seriously. :3
Got any pics for them too?
Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: Here's hoping you get more reasons to love Olivia and Ella Pandar later on the longer it goes, especially more the latter than the former even though the former's gonna have fun moments soon, Ella's fun moments may differ.
But speaking of which, New post just happened, really.

Take care, and nighty-night to you too Kairie, and don't be a stranger over there.
Posted in Demigods and Werewolves 1x1 Posted 5 years ago
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It was rather clear that those among the wolves to land to the ground got some of themselves to turn back to humanoid forms, camouflaged for night-time operations like these and drawing out shotguns and tactical tomahawks at the ready, not quite pointing them to the person who's just arrived but some of the folks who landed to the ground were showing tattoos carrying the insignias for either a Mother she-wolf caring for 2 humanoids below her, or an Insignia for 'The Senate and the Peoples of Rome' upon their arms, others among those on the ground didn't have any such insignias on them so far.

A man in his 30s spoke this aloud,"You're not in cahoots with those jackasses gunning for our seniors, are you?And you 100% sure you're no Sleeper Agent either?If it's yes to the first question then no worries,"

The man was already gesturing to the other camouflaged folks to be careful when getting closer and not raising their weapons towards her, but still not putting their weapons away altogether until further notice is had while keeping their distances for now, all while the Werewolves still on the tree-tops and branches were still keeping on the look-out from above, clearly having a military buzz cut while looking to the others, before quickly requesting this,
"Your first name, speak it and then follow us, best be quick so we don't draw the wrong kinds of attention to our location,"

The words were protocol-related in tone, but the intent to not stick around for long's fairly clear regarding the present-day situations while the 2 Eagle-Owls was waiting on other breeds of Owls to explain what's happening with what brought the newcomer here, when the guards waited on the woman to answer as truthfully as she can manage under current tenses.

"Okay lemme clear it up, what I meant by 'you're bluffing,' I meant you're sure you're not the someone I'm looking for, the summer-like compliment's the truth though,"

Cherie was giggling it up a few notches after she clarified on the first thing going on, before clearing up the second thing she just said to Ella Pandar proper,
"You're a hot babe, but what I mean is in terms of blood-relations to either Apollo or Aphrodite, you feel more like Apollo than Aphrodite in terms of blood, it's in your aura and how you carry yourself, plus,"

Cherie gazed at Ella's chest for 5 full minutes while holding her own sentence, before looking back to her eyes, giving Ella a soft cheek's kissing, and then telling the brightly hot babe this much that's true,

"Got me red-handed as they'd say in Ireland even though I'm of French blood, but my grandma, as a matter of fact, and what I mean by women of her blood shouldn't be left with 'all the glories' to themselves, I mean that if it's just them then there'd only be cousins, Aunts or nieces with her blood to check out, I mean it could be fun but c'mon, variety's 'the spice of life' or something regarding cousins of other Godly blood, and if any are hot babes with other Godly blood than hers, it's a bonus, it's nothing to do with being any better or worse than them, besides,"

Cherie was giggling to herself in admitting upfront on the following comment,
"On the Hot Babes regard, those with Apollo's blood are outnumbered by other women with Grandma's blood, doesn't make them any worse or better than each other, it's just numbers-not-preferences really, and if I say otherwise, I risk pulling a Queen Niobe, and that's not fun,"

True, it wasn't quite the same as correlating 'having more kids' with 'better parenting,' one COULD be a better parent than a God of Olympus and said God may be OKAY(-ish) with that if it's with good reason, but mistaking having more kids than a God with being better parents than them's a poor way to go about it anyways even IF Apollo and Artemis didn't end up doing what they did on Niobe's kids, sad and messed-up, but true,

Cherie cleared her throat, commenting on how many folks seemed to be gathering from varying degrees of blood relations going on around these parts, as Ella pointed it out with justified causes going on,

"Yeah that's true, either it's Godly-blooded folks, Mercenary forces that could get hired out or the occasional freelance Combat Mages, whatever's happening's a big deal but we won't know how big it is without more info, Gods keep stuff on a-need-to-know-basis for their own reasons, stirring or amplifying out the panic's bad, y'know,"

Cherie felt the need to go look on the bright side, now that she's with Ella Pandar for the time being, and she'd hope to have some fun in going about it so long as Ella doesn't mind it, gazing at Ella's chest in a casual near-care-free manner before Cherie added this bit,

"Besides, and I could be wrong but I doubt it, it's probably nothing that covert ops work, subterfuge and stealing info like Red Tape or whatever won't be able to fix, whatever it is if it goes to arrest or lethal force, no less than a few finger snaps or even fewer hair flips will get needed to fix it, or I should do more personal stuff with hot babes before preparing for work,"

Cherie was giggling, as if totally doubting that she was jinxing out a situation that could escalate at any minute, a real lover of laughs she felt like being, her grandmother wasn't too different save for being more self-depreciating about her laughs more times than not,

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: Who knows, maybe if enough plats get had from all that role-playing, it'll be more than enough for you to do an art request for either Olivia or Ella Pandar, really. ;)

Also I just did a response, feel free to read it and weep before doing one of your own, really.
Posted in Demigods and Werewolves 1x1 Posted 5 years ago

What the person who was running might or might not have known, was that a few other Werewolves who were already checking to see whether an ally or enemy was about to arrive were already watching her, already refugees and liberated prisoners from the locations of places like where the person ran off, from.
Of course it was also clearly obvious the Wolves weren't alone at evenings like these, as Eagle-owls made a few hoots typical of Owls to be making while they too were on watch, allies to the Werewolves in this location as they were already on the look-out and the wolves prepared to sense the newcomer's intent.

When they were convinced the running visitor came with a warning and with no hostile spirits were surrounding her, they kept watch, working to ascertain that she wasn't 'a sleeper' among unexpectedly-timed arrivals, it was rather clear that if she was 'a Sleeper' that they can handle her IF need be, but rather how much of a mess would she leave behind's another thing to figure out.
Well, no time like the present to see what she's gonna offer, once she sees the pack leaders in the clan so far.

"First off, if you're bluffing and you know it, clap your hands,"
Cherie gave a free-spirited response, it was pretty hard to tell who was trying to out-bluff whom at the moment, but it's pretty easy to tell that Cherie found the right relative for the right moods,

"Second of all, it's either Apollo or Aphrodite-related, you're bright enough to fit the former easily, and for your question, honestly that's neither, I just got here really,"

Already Cherie was getting to part 03 when she was gazing at the hot babe before her in a once-over, but Cherie was still on her lollipop when she winked at the hot babe before her in turn, when she went to sit right next to the hot babe who feels very bright in more ways than one, when just as Cherie landed and sat next to the babe in question, she honestly introduced herself,

"The name's Tundra, Cherie Tundra, I just got here wondering what to call you, you can tell me, I won't bite if you won't permit me,"

With that, Cherie waited on the hot sunny babe's responses,

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: Same here to you too, really.

Me neither, hence why I'm working on it ASAP!
Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: At least you're letting me know ASAP, that's much appreciated.

Yeah, whatever Olivia/Kyle reports in, it'll be 'big deal central' the minute the rest of the Forces of Olympus know about it first, really.
Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: At least we're talking at Discord now, so it's all good.

Amen to that much, really.

Indeed, even with the shifting perspectives it doesn't take away that there's many places the folks can go.
Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: I'll take care to quote you, be sure to quote me in turn when you reply in-RP.
Yeah, I was waiting on both of those on the Voltra inbox. ;)
(both for pic regards on Pandar as asked on comments, but also Discord matters.)

Lots of folks commented on how the Gods of Olympus have very few 'Earthbound' rivals for actually NEEDING a flow chart or two regarding the blood-relations and stuff, with RPs like these they justify why 'blood-relation bunnying' is inevitable, but as noted, 'Sib-on-Sibl/half-sib-on-half-sib' doesn't have to be.

It's very insightful and will help later on with the PoV shifts in both halves of the posts, really, plus it's just the first page too so there's that.
Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: Yeah, hold on I'll look at it now.
I don't get too many threads joined too often so no worries.
And yeah, both for Discord, and for that question I sent you at your comments of course. ;)

Cousin-on-Cousin can be 'okay-ish' though, Godly genetics mitigate the side-effects(physical or mental) somewhat by varying extents.

Oh he will. ^.-

Vultures and Woodpeckers are definitely Ares' birds for sure, a few bird breeds are shared with Athena, pretty much.
I just realized it now, really.
Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: Here's hoping that goes well and we'll both respond at more regular paces for both of us.
Wanna check your inbox soon, too?

Pandar's and Olivia's contrasts are definitely justified in terms of how they'd start, considering the kinds of things Athena would've encouraged for those connected with her if they can get away with it.
But seriously at Pandar's side, she's a Hot Babe who's justifiably being flirted on by another Hot Babe, so long as that's no sibling or half-sibling, it's all good for her. ;P ;P ;)

Let's hope he appears real soon, really.

Funny fact: Athena may take most Owl breeds for her own as Sacred birds, but she shares with Ares Barn Owls and Eagle Owls, definitely gets Vultures and would definitely get Wood-peckers for sure.

It's a thing, bird-wise.
Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: Wow, that's a lot of work over there, no lies about it.

It'd make Pandar feel bad if(regardless if intended or not) the Aphy-blooded hot babes got 'all the glories' all to themselves
when it's enough that they'd take the overall justifiable majority of hot babes in numbers as it is, leave some for the other Godly bloodlines if possible please.
All the more reasons why women like Pandar being hot babes NOT of Aphy's blood's a plethora of big deals really.
Plus, Pandar gets the sunnier starting points at her side, she's allowed to flirt away wily-nilly. :P

Now here's hoping the latest posts go very well, 'a certain someone's' yet to show up too, for now you're just seeing the enemy forces in here and tip of the iceberg among those at most, anyways.

As far as 'a certain someone who's yet to show up' knows, there's a Godly-blooded owl of some kind with a Hexenwulf relic of some sort, and by 'Owl hatchling,' it's keeping in touch with how Owls are Athena's holy birds for a reason.
Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps Posted 5 years ago

That's a lot of yikes, it's 11:50 PM at our sides and you just got back. :(
Hey you got an awesome site to make full glorious use of, take advantage of that. ;P

Some of those Aphy-blooded hot babes are for Pandar to date and generally do however she likes to them. :P

It wasn't easy to do that long post, it'll take me some time to fully adjust to the cast and folks but I'm working on that, seriously.
Posted in Demigods and Werewolves 1x1 Posted 5 years ago

While an intruder was evading their pursuit, corporate forces were already gathering around the area, already looking by to see where the one who found one of their facilities was at, making sure to stay hidden at all times before they do anything further, as the scouting party was already with a 2 legged mobile unit, preparing to make sure the thing was ready to gun down the intruder if the patrol forces didn't get the chance, already with their guns prepared to shoot by the time they landed closer to where the intruder was at.

As part of the stationed forces got to the same area they thought the intruder was at, already they were scanning around and working to sense out the body-heat of their target, as thermal vision was at play as ideally it'll make it easier to find and take the one who just evaded them before they get a chance to sneak back in.
After spending 5 minutes doing the scanning, needless to say that for now the intruder's moved elsewhere, as the party then moved to another part of the area, clearly going by body-heat alone through thermal-vision in their technologies and aware that they'd have to update their models pretty soon in a cold place like this.


***Meanwhile in warmer-weather-y places***

Under good word from her parents to the Forces of Olympus proper, Cherie was ordered to train and spend time here at boot camp for a while, so already she went to start getting herself busy by knowing the folks around these parts, from her aunts to a resume of first and second cousins, yet still there's bound to be something outside her grandma's blood that's gonna strike the Tundra girl's curious fancies somewhere,

'It's always sunny in Philadelphia, wait we're not there yet, oops,' Cherie thought privately, when she was already walking up towards where what looked like a sunny, busty teenager not too distant from Cherie's age was at, as she was still with a lollipop in her mouth while she was working to wake up the 'default-y' well-endowed beauty from her Photosynthesis-inspired slumber, feeling a bit playful, Cherie opted for this to wake her up,

"You're like the Summer, and you're just as Hot, short of my Aunts and some Nymphs, I doubt there's anyone better without being Gods, so tell me, did it hurt when you left Elysium or anything?"

Underneath the soft giggling, Cherie was already checking to see if the hot girl was waking up, it'd be rather bad if too much of her moods dwelt on the rumors about corporate-sponsored terror attacks going around, so here's hoping the one Cherie was trying to wake up would be responding pretty soon,

(Cherie's expressions at tag.)
