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Posted in A handy dandy hangout Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: At least you liked the latest response that was given though, so there's that.
@snakeweaver: Odd, it WAS free for a limited time since 3 days ago, the link expired then, oops.
@aisukohi: Yeah, this is ridiculous.
Posted in A handy dandy hangout Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: I was referring to how body-carrying may beg to differ, but that feels debatable.
Posted in Demigods and Werewolves 1x1 Posted 5 years ago

"It's okay, you're honest, I need to see you be upfront about it more often, we've just met and already you did a lot, underneath your looks,"

Kyle was nothing if not honest about that, working to let reason and emotions stay in-sync for what they'd agree with for now when by the time he was done eating, he felt like he had enough food from the pot before opting to share some with some of the others in the area, if they should choose to accept that, all while at the same time adding this much,

"Besides, you never know when the next meal or gathering ends up your last, so sometimes you gotta treat life outside of fights like one big party, life or death matters when they start are complicated animals, take it from me,"

As while Kyle passes the food around personally, Marrok admits his personal thoughts on the timing of the situation regarding what Kyle did, thinking about it,

"It's oddly funny, not every day you see Kyle the boss say his thoughts on a woman's looks and body in earshot among a lot of us, not because he doesn't want to but timing-wise this feels different, that's for sure,"

While Kyle was still busy making sure everyone both among the strike forces and among the liberated prisoners were eating, Marrok admits this,

"The original Sir Marrok was among some of our Ancestors, you can just call me Captain Marrok or Marrok if you'd like, but fair notes that Battle Magic's more liable to hurt me than it would've with him, although you'd need a lot of it,"

Noting off-handed that he was resistant against Combat Magic to a point not yet shown, the Captain admits this much aloud,

"Besides, I'm volunteering to help out with hacking the terminals, while I won't be alone in this, if any enemy machines come up and I'm not transformed, I'll make every shot count and make sure they're too short-circuited to shoot at us 'properly,' I got the ammo for that in the guns and grenades I carry,"

"Whatever my parents didn't teach me, they've made sure that relative of ours not particularly of Grandma's blood would've taught my brother and I, and while we both worked hard to abide by combat lessons, we'd get verbally chewed out if we screwed up our stealth lessons or if we were spotted during stealth sessions,"

'If Aunt Leviar won't go over her fighting styles or chosen weaponry much, neither would I,' Cherie was in the mood to be as UN-square about things as possible, it was clear that if the matter was dealt with both fair and square rather than one or the other, neither would get to spend the next few hours with Ella in private times before a meeting happens, and that would be rather bad in the long run in case after the meeting ends they all get thrown to life-or-death matters as soon as possible, Cherie was determined to be as prepared as Time would let her be, by then when the crew accepted the plans, and she handed them her weapon and the needed gemstones to upgrade and modify the functions thereof with, and watched as the crew prepared to treat this like another day at work to help gain even better services to give to those who hired them later, when working harder to diligently take the latest challenge before them,

'I wonder if the worker's of Godly blood, or a freelance Mage or just a regular Mercenary, gotta wonder that before I think about their looks,' Cherie thought privately, wondering if there were easier ways to divert her Aunt's attention for the right reasons while during that time, her weapon was getting upgraded for even better use in life-or-death situations, before the random worker accepted this with the given responses,

"No problem at all,"

While waiting on the upgrading processes Cherie was working to outwit her Aunt before the other way around happens, Mr. Sparrow was dealing with Ella's question and bringing forth interesting commentaries while admitting the following,

"Some red robins and bluejays brought this up to me, but when your blood's part of what held the majority of those whom others want to mate with during Mating season and you see others not of your particular blood who'd take second or third place, sometimes they happen,"

Mr. Sparrow was proving to be a bit more knowledgable than others that bird's age may suggest, while he tries to pick a sparrow breed to resemble and stick with it, though so far he's got less severe cases of the problems expected of his Godly mistress's blood than given credit for, before adding this,

"The granddaughter and the daughter, both of whom are of Aphrodite's blood, particularly see this as mating season to mate with you, who's not of her particular blood even though you're still related, of their own free wills to make you happier before the few hours are up, and in their cases they're not too inclined to have each other that way either, though not begrudging each other 'per se' either, just the fact they're in each other's way,"

Mr. Sparrow was taking some mental notes, before responding thus,

"Those of your father's birds, the ones that don't want to cripple him or worse after the Coronis tragedy, they don't see you as an enemy though Corvid-wise, you'll often see songbirds visiting you before crows, rooks and ravens do, like humans, Corvids are complicated bunches, with their own reasons behind shared goals that differ from each other,"

While Mr. Sparrow kept making commentaries on other birds, Mr. Sparrow notes on this,

"Well, Cherie and Aurora are treating you like the one Apollo slept with's a Venusian from outer space, as Cherie said but I'm not a corvid, they'll know far more details than I would, I'm mostly watching the show until a few hours later, and don't
end up like Adonis before them on our counts, either,"

As Mr. Sparrow was careful not to reveal too much too early, a Bluejay in Apollo's services showed up, unlike Mr. Sparrow, that one's very much a Corvid, albeit not among those whose segment of their forefathers were struck black by Apollo himself once as what befell some breeds of the black-feathered birds, Mr. Sparrow knew the Bluejay could talk but it's curious what brought this one here,

Posted in A handy dandy hangout Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: You are pretty strong though, so there's that.
Posted in A handy dandy hangout Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: The Silver linings are godsends in many ways.
Posted in A handy dandy hangout Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: Plus this week's doing wonders for your art skills and stuff, another plus right there.
Posted in A handy dandy hangout Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: Wanna check by the RP regards?
Posted in A handy dandy hangout Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: Well that's fair.
I feel relief after reading on The Tyrant's Tomb, I'll save the why for that literature thread I did, though.
Posted in A handy dandy hangout Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: Bummer that, a lot of the content in The Demigod Diaries give out a lot of plot-critical details that heavily correlate with the 1st and 2nd series, as well as explain a lot of things from the 'back then' to 'the here-and-now' in many ways, really.
Posted in A handy dandy hangout Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: Same here, present-day tenses wise its events aged well, only 2-3+ weaknesses at most are had about the series but everything else is awesome.

By the way you read The Demigod Diaries before?
Posted in A handy dandy hangout Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: In all fairness, the 1st series' loose ends, most of them were from the Ancient Times to now insofar as transitions go.
Some of us feel it's less headache-inducing in the long run looking back at it, it's not fun to let major players get backstory-screwed on-purpose, I try not to do that.

Counting the pros of the 2nd series is easier, sadly. :(
Posted in A handy dandy hangout Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: Well, there's 4 more months left to do that before it's no longer safe to rebump the thread, I should see if I can do that.
Anyways, you wanna re-read the 1st series(including The Demigod Files ) first, or re-read the 2nd series(including The Demigod Diaries ) instead?
Posted in A handy dandy hangout Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: You up to Check out this Literature thread for the C.H.B Chronicles proper?

One good thing that Voltra's not Gaia, is that even when the responses are 2+ months due, so long as the wait's not over 6 months and beyond, there's hope for a thread to be revived.