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@micki chiba: Teen Titans GO as noted does a worse job at trying to be One-show-fits-all than Spongebob Squarepants did, and in hindsight, that says a lot.

Still, good points though.
@godsandpunks: Roughnecks: The Starship Troopers Chronicles right here is what I meant, yes this series is awesome, as alternatives there's The Dresden Files and the Codex Alera volumes by Jim Butcher.
Fellow Gods of Light be facepalming at the Astral Planes on Apollo being (more of) a ditz(than he usually would've been.) though, but no worries, I won't spoil unless I'm tagging.

Sounds like long story stuff, no lies about it.
Truth be told I'd want the upcoming Celtic series to be better than 'the Trials of Apollo and the Gods of Asgard,' combined, and hopefully avoid the mishaps that The Heroes of Olympus got hit with if at all possible.

RP-wise avoiding certain troubles Jason was hit with is ideal regarding when anyone's role-playing, but hey, water is wet.
@godsandpunks: One thing's clear, I'd hope Riordan gets a doctorate regarding Celtic Myths and Legends, a Master's degree's not enough for dealing with matters like that.
To say nothing on making sure a Hype backlash can be avoided outright if possible, and I feel really bad that for the past 5 years in on Phase 03 of Riordan's stuff, we don't get the War series the fanbase deserves, either.
We should've gotten one, we didn't, and if the 5th ToA volume don't fix things decently, guess we'll have to take more serious steps.

Just saying, in the meantime I hope the flames Riordan's getting on twitter get filtered out, and most of us agree he and his folks ought to go check out pillowfort, anyways for constructive feedback's sake.
@micki chiba: You could use a hand with that.
@micki chiba: It can double as means to combat the clutter and the schedule-botching that made
everything taste like $hite, interesting.
Micki Chiba:
Micki Chiba:
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Sure! here's the links:
CTA 1990&1997
CTA wiki
The whole thing don't mention about sexual stuff in this bill. it does mention about the ads and violence.

Quoting it now, there should've been ways to pin that.


I forgot about showing this.

If we need to changed this bill we need to regulate our show by
categories by age
primetime should resume back to family hour

That much is true, Family hour's gone down the drains in terms of channel-centric negligence, and needless to say, Cartoon Network and Nick were among the hardest-hit of all.
At least Nick's putting up more of a fight to get ITS reconstruction era right, I don't get what gives with Current Cartoon Network in general when its Dark Ages have died, so its first reconstruction era shouldn't have that botched out feeling.
Micki Chiba:
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Sure! here's the links:
CTA 1990&1997
CTA wiki
The whole thing don't mention about sexual stuff in this bill. it does mention about the ads and violence.

Quoting it now, there should've been ways to pin that.


I forgot about showing this.
Posted in Moody's Bat Cave Posted 5 years ago
@lilykin: Okay, thanks anyways.
Posted in Moody's Bat Cave Posted 5 years ago
@lilykin: Know others up for forum-based role-plays?
Posted in Moody's Bat Cave Posted 5 years ago
@lilykin: I really hope it goes well, say you ever role-played often before?
Posted in Moody's Bat Cave Posted 5 years ago
@lilykin: Too bad the schedule (mis-)managers failed to get the memo and disregarded it a lot.
As noted, TTG is less rancid than johnny test is, but it's still a prime example on how NOT to manage your Mondays-Fridays network scheduling if anything.

AT&T made already glaring problems on Cartoon Network when Time Warner Cable took it over (that DIDN'T get fixed beforehand in the first reconstruction era.) even worse.
@godsandpunks: Fair enough, I went to read on The Trials of Apollo, for years and the main reason I'm doing this,
Is because I wanna see the Trials get finished in a somewhat satisfying way.
Posted in Moody's Bat Cave Posted 5 years ago
@lilykin: I still got an image for that which highlights the truth of why the Dark Ages era Cartoon Network
Bigwigs pulled off that shit, too.

Get this: It was an act of MALICE what the bigwigs did.
Now if they can only write johnny test and teen titans GO as tax losses by the sound of that bad logic and make more money in net worth than they'd lose, for it.

What Lycaeon's forces were doing during the heroes of olympus ring any bells.