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Posted in how to change site theme? Posted 5 years ago
Can you change the site color schemes to be darker?
Posted in It's my birthday!!! Posted 5 years ago
@grost: Happy birthday, child of St. Patrick's day.
@snakeweaver: I just celebrated earlier.
@aisukohi: So what's up?
@micki chiba: Yo, welcome back up in there!!!
Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps Posted 5 years ago

I did the overdue response,

Man I really should've gotten it done earlier, I feel bad now. :(

I gotta cook some food next up, but hey at least this time some of it is mine.
Posted in Demigods and Werewolves 1x1 Posted 5 years ago

"I'm glad to know that, the wonders of getting to know each other better, I'm telling you, stay tuned and you'll be surprised hopefully for more right than wrong reasons,"

Underneath the laughs that livened up Kyle's moods a bit as he works to look on the bright side, Kyle felt rather bad on things, admitting as much upfront, aloud,

"I'm not gonna pry on your family much if I can help it, not because I'm afraid of talking about myself, so much as I wanna go by what's cool with you first before anything else, I think your dad's a tough guy, and as for that sword I forgot to mention this but between you and me,"

Kyle was careful to mouth the following to Olivia, in case he needs to make sure most of the others can't hear too much about what he's about to reveal to her without saying anything aloud,

"The Sword's blade's made with Inherited Silver, albeit reinforced with things besides conventional Magic and Godly sanctions I don't fully get, yet, Gramps or Hephaestus might know more about the details, maybe Hecate too but I didn't ask the first 2 about it and the last one wants to test me in ways that'd make sense to her, it wasn't 'quiet,' I'll tell you that,"

Kyle sighed a bit, already not wanting to get his list of questions aimed on Hecate or those who'd follow in on her plans showing too early, but complicated relations were alluded to in his words but of a different sort from regards to Ares, before Marrok showed back up and reported this,

"Boss, I've got 12 of us gathered from the 60, they'll deal with the Terminals, did Olivia tell you where they are?"

Kyle smirked, revealing this much while the stew keeps cooking,

"While this thing's bubbling, I'll let Olivia tell you the news, besides if Gramps himself were truly an idiot, he wouldn't be alive now wouldn't he?"

Kyle meant 'Olympian immortalities notwithstanding,' when he asked a question like that, but that's besides the point meant to be made in good faith that's partly responding to Olivia's notes,

"I've even asked them permission to have you show me around, it's gonna be worth it, and uh well...hello there..."

Cherie was a bit focused on the person who seems to be an Aunt of hers by blood, not enough to disregard Ella's presence altogether but certainly enough to show Cherie that Ella's are not the only pair of b00bs to go gaze at, for some reason or another, plus it strikes Cherie's moods just to go check out the new person just because she feels like it,

"Call me Cherie Tundra, I take it that you and Ella met before, or are meeting just now!?"

Cherie was taken a-back, wondering if Ella was just dating this hot babe earlier or if they're just friends or if this Aunt was already registered to go where Cherie and Ella will end up going, group-wise, these things are what Cherie felt very curious to know more about, downplaying her gazes upon Ella's and the Aunt's bodies as much as possible before a sparrow went to fly by the Aunt's shoulder, for some reason or another,

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: I'm still working on the responses, really.
Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: I used to watch some Anime in in special cases, and it made me miss the site when it was easy to get group viewings done that way.

Oh and my newest post is for you, seriously. ;P
Posted in Demigods and Werewolves 1x1 Posted 5 years ago

"I'll let Marrok know that some of us should be hacking on the Terminals, to get info on if there are other terminals on the place and to mitigate the Breeder room's security every which way possible,"

Kyle replied as mood-wise he went to go grab a pot and a bag of ingredients, looking to make what amounts to carrot stew in case it'll help Olivia's stomach even more than it would his, when Kyle commented on this,

"Hope you're an Omnivore, cooking foods is easy but waiting until the rainstorms happen's hard,"

The way Kyle said it, it was more referring to in light of what Olivia was reporting between the Prison area and the breeder room, rather than in-general, and yet tonally speaking underneath all that, Kyle felt a bit happier, now knowing from Olivia's words whose side of her family held Athena's 'brain-baby' in question,

"Call me chill, but honestly Gramps is my, well, Gramps on mom's side of the family, and if she were here then frankly she would've led the clan instead of me, but..."

Kyle trailed off a bit, more focused on the food he was cooking rather than wanting to dwell on the end of that sentence, and with the words he felt sadder,

"Well I'm cooking right now, I just don't often cook with an E-tool before, I'm more used to using it to dig stuff or fight with it, though I've washed the Tool earlier before I went cooking with it,"

As if to reflect the suspense, though not necessarily Kyle's or Olivia's individual moods, the stew seemed to be bubbling, not yet picking up steam to indicate that it's ready yet, but it seems to get hotter along with what self doubts Kyle has on a matter,

"If the plans failed, I've made the clan look bad by getting a lot of us killed, I do that and I risk making Lupa look bad, too, it's also why I'd want as much info as possible on the place before we raid it, too, and besides,"

Kyle was working to maintain his personal composure as much as possible, taking a deep breath before he smirked on this idea,

"If you join us, you'll be an Ace up the sleeves when the attack's timed right, but it's best we know on what we can do for now,"

Kyle spoke while the food kept cooking,

"Thanks, see you in a few hours,"

Cherie gave a respectful bow, before she ran with the stuff she's got on her and went to where Ella's at, hoping to report to Ella the news so far, as well as the sheet meant for Ella to read since it's pretty likely that Cherie and Ella were gonna be on the same group together, after all, whether or not they have the same housing arrangements or anything close to that's another thing but she was gonna face that bridge when she and Ella get there,

"Ella, how's your sunshine-mooded self holding up with that bod?Ready to show me around!?"

Cherie reached Ella and felt happier in doing so, though she sensed the presence of one of her Aunts nearby when an aura different from Ella's own moved closer to them, a Hot Babe of a different visual 'flavor' from Ella to be sure, but then again when your blood produces the overall majority of hot babes in numbers, that's kind-of a given anyways,


(No GIF, this time, fair warning on Cherie's expressions, oops.)
Posted in Demigods and Werewolves 1x1 Posted 5 years ago

"That's....actually a pretty good idea, keep talking, Olivia,"
Kyle was listening even more intently on Olivia's words than before, regarding why it's best to opt to attack the Breeder Room itself, not to mention that there are high-ranking scientists over there if the info's 100% correct, yes all the more reason to take that part of the place down, one way or another, before Kyle asks on this,

"Listen, we're gonna do the raid once the rain starts happening, it's gonna be heavily raining tonight so we have to time it just right, but do you know where in the facility we can find the outside terminals, in case we can hack into those?"

Kyle was already having some plans going on, not quite willing to unleash Olivia on the Breeder room quite yet if possible, yet not willing to deny her the chance to join the mayhem if she chooses to do so either, yet still wondering if hacking the terminals from the outside can help mitigate the defenses set on the Breeder Room for as long as the operation lasts,

"Marrok, can you check whom among the packs happen to have best experiences hacking networks and terminals?We'll need them for later on,"

Before Marrok gave the honest response 'Roger that' and already went to check by the packs gathered to see the volunteers accordingly, while Kyle replied in acceptance when Olivia made the request of sharing a meal and requesting a bed,

"You got it, we've carried no love for guys like Lycaeon if that's what you're thinking, he may be the forefather of the Loup-garou breed of Werewolves, and on the list of earliest Werewolves alive, but he's an utter jacka$$, seriously!!!"

Kyle had to get this note out there ahead of time for Olivia to hear it from him, before he added this,

"A long time ago, some of the clan's earliest founders were cared for by the same She-wolf who cared for Rome's founders, it's a long story but by choice, they chose to follow and honor the ways of Lupa herself for she was their Patron, of course some traditions and means did change over time but honoring her never went away at all,"

Kyle figured it's best to start with this clan's history for a bit going by what he knew, of course it was obvious that Marrok knew more than he does, but what Kyle knew was still important basics to know, before he adds this,

"I'll do what I can to tell you about my mom, your call if you'd wanna explain which of your parent's a brain-baby of Athena's in turn, only fair,"

As Kyle said this, he was looking around a fire and preparing to set up his E-tool to use as a cooking tool to cook food, in case Olivia would rather not eat any incoming meals raw, 'I could go either way on that nowadays, but I dunno if Olivia can, I mean she's got nice hips and stuff but c'mon!!!' okay Kyle was mentally shaking his noggin while he was also looking to find a meal to cook with the E-tool too, naturally, all while the rest of the pack goes to cook stuff for the freed prisoners and refugees for those among them not eating their food raw,

"This shouldn't take too long, now, in no time I'll get the meal ready,"

"Yes that's her, and Thanks,"

Cherie smiled, feeling happy with the progress made so far while knowing that Rizer seems to have finished his stuff and left the area for now, and Cherie felt the mood to ask about a few things, mainly this one,

"Just 2, One, How often has gatherings like these happened in scales like these, Exactly?Two, how many days or hours from now until the Assembly for why we're here's revealed to everyone?"

Cherie felt that for now, these are the only 2 questions that she felt like asking, knowing that this is pretty much meant to be on a need-to-know-when-its-needed-to-be-known basis, by the time Cherie took the stuff meant for her and Ella, all that's stopping her from returning to Ella was both waiting for her answers, and possibly Ella being called to this location at the moment, really,

"I'd like to know, before I go for now, really,"

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: Just checking to make sure.
Yeah, some Anime are just easier to watch in group with others, for real.

Oh and the newest post with the newest page is all for you, really. :3
Posted in Demigods and Werewolves 1x1 Posted 5 years ago

"Guns-wise, shotguns or one-handed submachine guns are your best bets, but me?Personally I'd go either way if you gave me guns, just make sure the ammo in it can harm whatever I'm fighting without jamming and we're good, good thing we got the right ammo for this op,"

Kyle gestured to his shotgun behind his back alongside that E-tool he's carrying, not wanting to take much light to being in-charge longer than necessary before he notes this,

"Honestly we need to make sure Lupa's represented well by how we'd fight, but CQC-wise you've dealt with swords and such, speaking of which mine can pierce and bypass enemy defenses, be they Magical or Technological provided that the blade hits, first,"

Not yet willing to draw it out in the open yet still presenting it to Olivia, Kyle held up the sword on his right hand, feeling that a lingering power was inside the sheathed weapon itself, waiting to be unleashed again before Kyle adds this,

"Also, cutting and punching through Titanium's easy for me even without swords, I just gotta hit it first, but yeah, we need to make this strike count, we could split our strike forces to 30 each right now, or we can keep it to 60 in the same group and after we deal with the Breeder Camp and the Prison, get 30-40 of us to carry evacuations while we see the pro hackers among some of us take a shot at finding the tech areas and see about turning the base's defenses against these jacka$$es, against 600 or so of these guys alone we're outnumbered at least 10 to 1, so whatever we're doing we'll have to make this strike count, anyways,"

If after evacuating those in need of liberating they can either take over the base or blow it up afterward, it's a bonus so long as info about the group's sent to the Forces of Olympus and the packs can come back out of the mess alive, really,

"Yeah, Gramps and Athena don't always see eye-to-eye, I know, not judging you if you're cautious of me, but trust me, I'm not screwing you over, I don't work like that,"

Kyle has faith that Olivia knows what he meant by 'screwing her over,' and it was more in the sense of betrayal or leaving her to 'the other wolves' or things along those lines, really,

"Hold on I'll go get the documents, they're right here, guess I made it just in time,"
Cherie pulled out a set of documents and other things in the documents, meant to relay the info that Tundra residence was contacted by the Forces of Olympus to assist however they can, and already feeling that Rizer was busy getting signed up as well on the other side,

"You two don't always agree, but no worries I'm signing up,"

Cherie pulled out her ID card, registration numbers and other things while at the same time she worked to sign up, unveil what her professions are in life-or-death matters in her writing, and once she was sure she's finished her side of stuff regardless between her and her twin brother on the other side who finished their stuff, first, that's secondary compared to what she'll ask next,

"Excuse me, but if the name Ella Pandar rings any bells, well, I'm new around these parts but I'd like to be shown around campus by anyone you'd know with that name, if that's okay,"

Cherie was making subtly careful use of charm-speaking, not to avert work or training, but to make sure the person she's specified would be authorized permission to show her around without messing with the brain-babies something horrid, more to not trouble Ella than anything and making sure she and Ella can avoid having bad times in the long run, but Cherie's expressions in hoping for the specified folks to show her around was readily apparent in her face,

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: Wonder how many seasons are on Netflix yet.
Also I just replied As you can see here,
yet also fair warnings, someone's noted that the 12-episode Madoka Magica series isn't for the faint of heart, so group viewings are best if possible but make sure to withhold spoilers from each other from Episode 03 onward.
Posted in Demigods and Werewolves 1x1 Posted 5 years ago

"I'm back, I just went to get some cups for you and Marrok, I'll do the same for others around us unless others feel up for that,"

Some of the party looked at Kyle, opting to say things like 'We'll do this instead, boss,' or 'Sir I'm doing that,' saving Kyle the trouble of grabbing more cups through their own accord and getting some for the rest of the crowds while Kyle sighed a bit, responding aloud,

"They do this of their own free wills sometimes, it happens, but I'm just a boss in charge first before much else,"

Kyle bit back the desire to add 'before a son of someone else meant to be in charge,' but he withheld the remark, when Marrok reported the notes so far according to Olivia's findings,

"According to Olivia's reports, there's 2 supply warehouses, a defensive area, a prison area and a Breeding Camp in the enemy facility, there may be more parts of the facility where we can gain more stuff to reverse engineer later,"

Kyle smirked a bit, finding the reports to be helpful for sometime later on before he replies on this,

"One Tartarus of a start as Gramps would've said, say, Olivia before we go further, you know how to handle guns, right?Not counting their mechanical stuff there's like 600+ or so hostiles alone, so knowing more about what you can do's gonna help later, I'll tell you what I can, too, only fair,"

Kyle's rather serious about that, yet at the same time he was looking at the map, rather disturbed how it feels like the enemy was Forcing the captives to breed against their own accords, particularly after he handed Olivia and Marrok the cups,

"Yeah, looking forward to that, different reasons from yours, of course,"
Cherie gave Ella an honestly flirty wink, as though Cherie's reasons are particularly rather...'more like' how Apollo would've regarded Ella's mom in certain ways, really, before Cherie works to dwell on the other parts of this,

"I don't mind the Powers, Abilities and Talents I've got, but while I DO strive to be better, I'm not gonna do any mental burn-outs and risk going to Coma-land or worse by overdoing my improvements at once, 'slow and steady wins the race' as they say, just not too slow though obviously,"

Cherie gave Ella another beautiful hair flip in turn before she catches Ella's responses, smirking on her words after hearing the basics of what Ella can do,

"I getcha, you're not opposed to using your bod to get results, morals schmorals about it neither am I, I just don't do it as often though since it don't occur to me often,"

Cherie meant to imply that when needed, she could alter her physical descriptions wily-nilly and disguise herself as either other hot babes, or do other things that on-lookers would find hot and it tends to phase the least disciplined folks a lot, when she does it, before she was brought by Ella to where registrations were held,

"Thanks, Ella, I'll be back soon and once I'm done signing, I'll ask them to have you show me around, killing a few birds with one stone that way,"

Cherie gave Ella a soft 2-second lipslocked kiss, with that jolt happening again, jumped back, blew another kiss, and quickly ran towards where the registrations were held, hoping that this will go well enough and that if Rizer made it before her, Cherie won't be so behind as to feel 'dead-last' next to him regarding what the brain-babies in charge are gonna offer, as while her own breasts were still varying shades of pink, Cherie mentally breathed easier with more self-confidence and faith in her movements as she prepares to get in line to sign up, accordingly,

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps Posted 5 years ago
@kairie: It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia is known for having funny choices of intro music, said music is easy to meme too.
Also I'm working on that next response, no worries.