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@Tsundererra: naw iam a newb so i donate to get them but its okay with my money atm =)
Posted in Selling some items! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: yes iam happy =)
@Tsundererra: yes for new members i save as well some dramaticals and so on ^^
Posted in Selling some items! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: this sounds great dear :D
@Tsundererra: yes xD just yes XDD i think so too the orb is still aviable so it will pop up =)
@Tsundererra: noone is selling ever xDDD omg i also have probs find some common items xDDD and unfortunatly i opened orbs again and didnt get a speedster for you =O
good luck with finding the rest of your items!!!
awwwww this is so adorable! congrats npcs!!!! >w<
Posted in Selling some items! Posted 5 years ago
@Yue: do you still have the pocelain doll =D iam really hard looking for that item atm! ^^
Posted in So I passed a tree full of starlings Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: they even kill fish and drag them around the beach.... its so disgusting!
Posted in So I passed a tree full of starlings Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: they are many birds who are not nice birds like seagulls..... they steal your food!
Posted in So I passed a tree full of starlings Posted 5 years ago
why this reminds me in the movie the birds i watches some weeks ago xD
Posted in Selling some items! Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: hehe =) iam lucky than! i just want all the bear items xD
Posted in Selling some items! Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: thank you dear for the deal :D