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Posted in Whats going on Voltra???? Posted 5 years ago
i just trow them if they are about to puke in the house XDDD
Posted in Whats going on Voltra???? Posted 5 years ago
@SirLionelNigelConrad: *trows a cat in your bed* :3
Posted in Whats going on Voltra???? Posted 5 years ago
come in and chat with me because chatting is good and i have freetime to day, to goof around alot! iam sure not everyone is asleep now!!!! *points out night owls*
Posted in Bellas Digi Trash ^.^ ~Open pls come in~ Posted 5 years ago
@Amber Lynne: well i just mark it and click on spoiler.... i though this would work! and well i though so but for now its perfect =))
Posted in Bellas Digi Trash ^.^ ~Open pls come in~ Posted 5 years ago
@Amber Lynne: the spoiler worked perfect! what did i do wrong i just copied your spoiler!
Posted in Bellas Digi Trash ^.^ ~Open pls come in~ Posted 5 years ago
@Amber Lynne: welll i noticed i did them wrong but i had no idea what i should make! i try this out ^^
i just use the gaomon programm because iam not sure wich programms i really can use and wich not =) i heard you can also do art with photoshop =O
Posted in After the event hangout Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: hi are you up to chat or do you ned to work rgiht now=)?
Posted in After the event hangout Posted 5 years ago
hewwo *sneaks in ^.^
Posted in Names A to Z Posted 5 years ago
Posted in What would you steal from the AAY? Posted 5 years ago
the hat
Posted in Bellas Digi Trash ^.^ ~Open pls come in~ Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: thank you!! ^-^ ohh and i really dont know hunny i just download the stuff from the actual website of the tablet because i have no idea what i can use and what not ^^*

@bum: no problem :D i was wide aslep there!!!
Posted in First try! (My wrist hurts like hell XDDD) Posted 5 years ago
@koneko: las yeah i had a tendonitis because i worked as a florist...... its better to get a tendonitis from a hobby than from working ;D
Posted in Bella needs her stuff! Posted 5 years ago
@bum: good night bum =))) write ya tomorrow =)
Posted in Mirror mirror on the wall Posted 5 years ago
did i haunt your dreams ven? xD noo no stitchy bunnies just bad bunnies hunt dreams.... like those ones in watership down..... that movie was so creepy!