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Posted in Whats going on? Posted 5 years ago
@Fozzy: i think its nice to have a part of history you live in :D
and thats nice of you! my favorite childhoodmemories were with snow, a slide, some white christmas evenings and it makes me sad that my little girl dont will have any of these memories :/ only our summertimes get hotter and hotter every year -___- i hate the summer. whats your favore season?
Posted in Whats going on? Posted 5 years ago
@Fozzy: i think it was built in 1901 its pretty old =) thats cool its interisting were family spreads over the years! i have an aunt and some cousins in america as well =)
than send us some snow, we dont get much over the last years =/ its a part of global warming over here
Posted in Whats going on? Posted 5 years ago
@Fozzy: yes thats right! iam lucky my great grand parents build a house in my hometown because its one of the most expensive places around east germany to afford house or an apartment. and i heard in wisconsin you always had a nice winter with snow! this is awesome =D wait or did i mess this up?
Posted in Whats going on? Posted 5 years ago
@Fozzy: yeeeeesss things get done for voltra :D this sounds great!
and yeah thats understandable that youre more stressed without money =) youre living in the us? i heard i can be really expensive there =O
Posted in Whats going on? Posted 5 years ago
@Fozzy: oh so you have a lot to do =D here its evening i will drink a good evening coffee soon and go to bed later... my cat is chilling with me and i try to post a bit ^^
how you handle job and calsses? ^^ is it stressful for you?
Posted in Lazy sunday Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: really you dint know :D sure thing my BF is playing as well ^^ so i came to it. and youre welome!
Posted in Lazy sunday Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: i can understand if my BF and iam are playing, sometimes we meet some players too in my hometown =) its so funny to talk to them ^^
Posted in Whats going on? Posted 5 years ago
its so quiet on here today. is everything okay with you :D?
Posted in I have breaks in between classes Posted 5 years ago
thats a long break.... OMG i can imagine its so boring!
Posted in biscuits! or cookies. Posted 5 years ago
mhhh i like butter cookies the best ^^
Posted in HOWDY, MORTALS. Posted 5 years ago
welcome to the site ^^
Posted in Pictures and a happy Mama! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: thank you iam really happy yay ^-^ and no thats her umbilical cord ahe was heavy asleep as this picture was taken but yure rught it lookes like this ^^ and no i never would get down because i love children iam happy i was finally able to recive a happy little accident ;D

and this is okay as long as youre happy with =) i can understand this because being pregnant is hard also being a parent is tiring and can really be difficult! iam just sure if you would have an accident you would love the little one! because thats our nature!
Posted in Iam watching Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: yes thats what i mean xDD he didnt love ducks as much as i do so he didnt care how cute ducks really are!
Posted in Pictures and a happy Mama! Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: yes =) and from my dad i have alot support too! i consider myself as lucky.