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Posted in Iam watching Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: he has 5 girlfriends right now the sixt he killed by stepping on her ;A; i love our chickens those are so cute!
Posted in Iam watching Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: well yeah he cuts my muscle as well but it healed great =) and yeah iam abit anxious about el diabolo (i called him after that) now if i go in the cage my dad or my BF are protecting me from this animal.... i dont know why he is angry. its an very agressive animal but in me he sees his pray idk. and yes we still have el diabolo around xD
Posted in Iam watching Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: nooo not from the rooster from the crime scene after the rooster attack XD with his claws he cut an atery of mine!

Posted in Iam watching Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: wich birds are also mean are roosters.... damn our rooster send me really to hospital once xDDD wanna see a picture???? xD goose are really creepy thats right! and yeah ducks are my second favorite animals behind cats..... i want a duck as a pet it would be get loved so much and we have a nice garden ^^
Posted in Study Abroad? Posted 5 years ago
@Scribartz: well yeah we are a good place for this kind of thing. i really appricate what germany is doing for theyre psychology patients!
Posted in Iam watching Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: i need to laugh as well xD i love birds as well my favorite birds are ducks.... because ducks are perfect imperfect XD wich birds do you like?
Posted in Iam watching Posted 5 years ago
@Bioshock: mhhh i think animals can be scary... but just not birds. i just want to give that movie a try because its an classic... and i just heard from the lead actress in shining
Posted in Iam watching Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: personally for me it was bad wierd. its the same with it and with pet cemetary. its really hard to mke king book a good movie
Posted in Iam watching Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: shining and psycho i already watched =)) the shining was wierd though!

@Dipper: OMG i love frankenstein..... iam sure it would be my favorite book from that time! marry shelly was great she kept the heart of her dead husband :D
Posted in Iam watching Posted 5 years ago
@Dipper: ahh thanks for you opinion :D *going make a cup of coffee* until now its a good movie i like the nostalgic feeling that goes with =) oh and your avi is adorable :D
Posted in Iam watching Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: ohh i hope so!!! i love a good scary movie =)
Posted in Iam watching Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: The Birds from hitchcock.... wierd my title changed the second time yet without me doing it 0o
Posted in Iam watching Posted 5 years ago
this movie from 1963...... i constantly think if it is a good idea to watch, or will it be boring

did you ever watched it??

EDIT: i finisched the movie and it was hilarious tbh! i really think it was a funny one, plus it dosent had a end...... or i dont would consider this as an end!
Posted in Lazy sunday Posted 5 years ago
@Mousy: some cream sauce and chicken stripes with rice nothing fancy!
so you need to learn the whole sunday??

@Priestess of Pie: yes naps are great i already awake from mine nap now XD

@Totalanimefan: coool nice thing i just saw the pokemon event for turtwik :D