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Posted in Meowdy Posted 5 years ago
@moomin: hello and welcome iam new to this site too! its great here you will definetly have fun! ^^
Posted in Pictures and a happy Mama! Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: yes it is really hard for me to take the pragnancy without her lead! but well my dad really starts to worry this is so cute and my BF and his family are there for me! well and because i miss her so much my child will get her name as second name =)
Posted in Pictures and a happy Mama! Posted 5 years ago
thank you you two ^-^today i feel like the happiest human on earth!

my dad and i also plant some calunas on my moms grave so its also pretty again :DDDD
Posted in Pictures and a happy Mama! Posted 5 years ago
As some of you know iam pregnant and will be a mommy soon! so i wanted to share my luck with you in ultrasound / sonogram pictures of my little girl.
She is very active and loves to kick my bladder! But I cant be happier. I always wanted children, this time it was an happy little accident. You will learn to love this little creature in no time and now I cant live without her anymore. Her dad is so happy to get a little princess, that he can protect and love. So everything went great for us. Well and last but not least she is a healthy baby and I hope she ever will be :D

Enough of me and the baby! do you have questions about pregnancy or do you maybe have kids already and want to share your story? Than pls post, chats are always welcome! ^.^

from first, to the last one of today =)

my Perfect little angle
sorry I was so happy that I wanted to share this with you!
Posted in Buying a Few Items Posted 5 years ago
@Raxton: thank you as well trade updated! sorry for taking so long!
Posted in Buying a Few Items Posted 5 years ago
@Raxton: may i pls buy bearboozled for 10k?
Posted in Lazy sunday Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: nice do you meet many new peepz?
omg yeas i cant wait!!!
Posted in Iam watching Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: Aww this is soo sweet!!!! little white duckie! my BF always want to tell me these are goose....... and iam lke the hell no there white ducks out there!
Posted in Study Abroad? Posted 5 years ago
@Scribartz: here the most stundents live in a normal flat with other students around the city or nearby cities =)
Posted in Iam watching Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: haha yeah he is xD and no i dont think that el diabolo ever will change xD
haha i will check the Cutie duckies ^^

@kiwi: what is birdemie xD? sounds suspicuious xD
Posted in ♡ Buying RIGS! -- selling TONS! Posted 5 years ago
@Nyuu: thank you for selling :D
Posted in Iam watching Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: yes he killed his own hens... i think my dad dosent kill him now is because down in his heart he thinks funny what he is doing xDD
yes chicken poo is jucky but the poo of cats is 10000 times worse though xD and i love to give our chicken treats like cooked noodles, its so cute how they fight about the noodes or cooked potatoes. they also love wet bread and buns ^.^
Posted in Whats going on Voltra???? Posted 5 years ago
@Deaa: thats right but you know this taste in alkohol its also bitter slightly in some but its always bitter