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Posted in Whats going on Voltra???? Posted 5 years ago
@Deaa: naaw i think sugar makes it taste really wierd!!! milk is okay but not to much xDD i know so many ppl which prefer theyre coffee black
Posted in 30 peeps online Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: men always are like that xDD OMG
Posted in 30 peeps online Posted 5 years ago
bye bye ven have a save trip =)
Posted in 30 peeps online Posted 5 years ago
oh but its better than 7 am ^^ and thats right! you never can do anything wrong with pizza!
Posted in Whats going on Voltra???? Posted 5 years ago
@Deaa: its the same like coffee though! coffee tastes disgusting too if you drink it the first time
Posted in 30 peeps online Posted 5 years ago
thats understandable!!! when you need to get up?
Posted in 30 peeps online Posted 5 years ago
i had an pizza and 8 pizza rolls xD omg ...... oh and a cup of milk because this pizza was spiccyyyyyy >w< yes me too! will you stay up late??? my BF is already asleep XD
Posted in 30 peeps online Posted 5 years ago
mee? the baby is kicking full of joy because of the food and iam like dead xDDD how about you?
Posted in 30 peeps online Posted 5 years ago
*crawls into the thread..... so full*
Posted in Whats going on Voltra???? Posted 5 years ago
@Deaa: yes beer can have difficult taste like ipa...ipa is cross!! and the taste differs how much you get used to beer =)

*lay around with a stomach full of pizza and pizza rolls..... how can i not been fat yet XD
Posted in After the event hangout Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: i dont use chrome.... for my pc i have opera xDDD
Posted in After the event hangout Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: i have too but i always use another browser and i was wondering why i cant log in xD
Posted in After the event hangout Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: but you need chrome to log in xD
Posted in Buying and Selling partially Updated 11/7/20 Posted 5 years ago
@Shadami: may i pls buy twins spells, king brothers and fleece of warming total 2,7 k?