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Posted in Bellas Digi Trash ^.^ ~Open pls come in~ Posted 5 years ago
Posted in Bellas Digi Trash ^.^ ~Open pls come in~ Posted 5 years ago
Posted in Bellas Digi Trash ^.^ ~Open pls come in~ Posted 5 years ago
My Artsie Gallery

1. try
Posted in Bellas Digi Trash ^.^ ~Open pls come in~ Posted 5 years ago
Come in and check my progress in digital painting I start today and maybe in a month iam better or in two xDD!!
Chats are always welcome !
You also can suggest what i should practice to draw next iam on a kind of art block and always search for new inspirations!
Posted in First try! (My wrist hurts like hell XDDD) Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: thank you hunny ^^

@LordLucre: thank you it needet to be cute!!!! ^.^

@koneko: i just draw like i draw traditional..... maybe thats not okay huh =/ thank you and i murdered my wrist i did another 3 hour drawing because its awesome xDDDD

@Haven: mhh but iam sooo slow with it i cant rest it would take one day to finisch xDD and well i bough an cheap tablet because its my first to practice i use the program of it! it calls gaomon..... sounds like a didgimon though xDD
Posted in Selling some items! Posted 5 years ago
@Yue: hun i need to collect money first but iam a fast poster i will probably have porcelain doll today evening!!
@Amber Lynne: huh did you send me snuggi bunni???? if it was you i love you!!!
Posted in Selling some items! Posted 5 years ago
@cashew: yes i have 1 for sale =) the other two are on hold!
Posted in Boredom chat thread for Popcorn Posted 5 years ago
@Onyx Popcorn: so it was no dead animal????
Posted in Back after a couple months Posted 5 years ago
@Queen of Trash: thats a good thing =))
@Totalanimefan: ohhh nooo what did you think it is???
Posted in Back after a couple months Posted 5 years ago
@Queen of Trash: oh nice wich charity???
Posted in Back after a couple months Posted 5 years ago
@Queen of Trash: i saw it this i want buy because this is halloween ^-^
Posted in Which rpg class is the AAY? Posted 5 years ago
Posted in Back after a couple months Posted 5 years ago
@Queen of Trash: i think this is pretty nice!! that you write ao i need to appricate that!

@Totalanimefan: oh nooo doggo of poop ;A;
Posted in Back after a couple months Posted 5 years ago
@Queen of Trash: because its you i will give it a shot in english! i understand english pretty well but i need to look that i can download them without a problem on my kindle ^^ because they just say the price in dollar