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Posted in Ohm My... <3 Posted 5 years ago
awesome thank you all for the hard work and lets enjoy this together :D
Posted in Coffee pls save my soul........ Posted 5 years ago
well it was the second night i didnt really sleep..... now i have a headache because lack of sleep and it will be a busy day. First i have an appointment with an customer, than iam goin to work until 2 pm and at 4 pm i have an pregnancy fitness course

my lord coffee help me survive this day!
Posted in Lazy sunday Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: oh dear i love aron its just to cute!!!
Posted in RiG Hunt! (Updated 8/26/20) Posted 5 years ago
@Amber Lynne: hunny i just keep them for you remember? i have secretly 4 shinobis =)
Posted in Lazy sunday Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: yrs i have some shinys! i have a shiny honchcrow, azumarill, treecko, electabuzz and some small more how about you??
Posted in 500 posts! Posted 5 years ago
oh well thats right =/ this is why i love the avi sites...its like you talk throu your avi to the people
Posted in Lazy sunday Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: i battle them some times xDD just not now iam to lazy tbh :D i love this feature too! ^-^my BF loves the strong and cool loking ones the only cute he loves is turtwig ^-^
Posted in Lazy sunday Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: oh i saw the little yorkie one around in my area i just forget the name of this ^^ and before my house team rocket invide the pokestopXD
Posted in 500 posts! Posted 5 years ago
really anime they never did to 500? but its fun to chat :D
Posted in 500 posts! Posted 5 years ago
this will be murderous xD i usually cant post on weekends but this weekend my BF and i wasnt able to hang out v__v
Posted in Whats going on? Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: yes absolutley! omg our countires are pretty similar though!
Posted in 500 posts! Posted 5 years ago
this is my 500 post i got my week goal omg xD

(i have a life i just have much freetime atm) XD
Posted in Which rpg class is the AAY? Posted 5 years ago
Posted in Whats going on? Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: my shortest was 3 months... my longest was six months...... companys are just so creedy really