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Posted in Jabberwocky Junction (come chat!) Posted 3 years ago

    @Anarchist Beauty: Yeah, now I think of it, it IS hilaraious isn't it. Because it's so ironic!
    It's incomprehensible to me that she doesn't read the messages I read in her writing because they seem so clear to me. The only explanation is that all of that was tapestried in the story by accident, not authorial intention, and she doesn't see the picture that emerges even when she reads over her own work. It boggles my mind but it's the only explanation.

    I like the kid shows too! I get a lot of entertainment out of them without ever running into something triggering or really unpleasant.
    I loved Kim Possible as a child so I must rewatch it

    words of whimsy

Posted in Jabberwocky Junction (come chat!) Posted 3 years ago

    @Anarchist Beauty: I relate. It was so difficult to reconcile JKR the bigot with all the things I'd interpreted as what the HP series stands for. I made a blog post about it.

    That's smart :D
    What are some shows you like that are currently on Disney+? Right now I'm watching Amphibia and Phineas and Ferb.

    words of whimsy

Posted in Returnee Posted 3 years ago

    @KittyBeary: your avatar goes well with blackout haha. it'd go well with the red and black one, Sahdowed Cirque, too
    words of whimsy

Posted in Jabberwocky Junction (come chat!) Posted 3 years ago

    @Anarchist Beauty: i still have such mixed feelings about HP. and also HP fandom.
    it was a huge part of my childhood and i can't deny that.
    oooh i didn't know there was going to be a show! that's exciting :)
    yeah you've reinvented your brand.

    words of whimsy

Posted in Returnee Posted 3 years ago

    @KittyBeary: yeah i love that we have several options! if i get bored with blackout i might try the others, but i like the low-contrast and low-glare of blackout the best.

    @Totalanimefan: i hope your lungs are indeed getting better! i've been busy but not too bad ^^

    words of whimsy

Posted in Jabberwocky Junction (come chat!) Posted 3 years ago

    @Anarchist Beauty: wheeee you have a percy jackson themed hangout now!
    i think i'll have a jabberwocky junction until i think of something else. haven't thought of anything else until now and i quite like the theme and pixels of my current hangout

    words of whimsy

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 3 years ago

    @Aisukohi: i'm moving to Mumbai (except now i'm not sure when/if it will happen). i was looking for a room-and-bathroom (not even an entire studio apartment) that i could afford and the cost of a three-bedroom where i currently live is the cost of a studio there... i'm not able to find a room to myself that i can afford. the only way i can afford to live there is if i share a room and bathroom in a hostel with one or two other people, and i HAVE to have my privacy so that's not an option i will even consider. *sigh* maybe it'll work out somehow.
    words of whimsy

Posted in Jabberwocky Junction (come chat!) Posted 3 years ago

    @Anarchist Beauty: yeah, when it feels like i have to grind a lot to keep up with a site's economy instead of having fun and making currency along the way, i lose all interest in the site.
    i didn't know about that quest because i rarely checked those out lol. that really is a silly quest cause like what's the point of it?
    omggg i've seen your hogwarts hangout on every avi site i've been on, more or less!

    words of whimsy

Posted in Returnee Posted 3 years ago

    @Totalanimefan: I guess different bodies react differently. The human body is complicated and mysterious.
    Thank you. I hope it doesn't happen to me either.
    And I hope your lung capacity recovers so you can belt out songs to your heart's content!

    words of whimsy

Posted in Jabberwocky Junction (come chat!) Posted 3 years ago

    @Anarchist Beauty: sometimes i try a few usernames and when none of them are available i get stumped. lol
    i didn't know about the strict pg-13ness on dappervolk, because i didn't explore the forums all that much. but yeah, there was WAY too much to do, too many quests and dailies that no matter how lovely the art was i didn't enjoy myself there.
    yeah, sometimes there are other sites vying for your time and you have to cut your losses and move on. i've done that a few times with pet sites cause there are so many that you have to pick and choose.

    words of whimsy

Posted in Returnee Posted 3 years ago

    @Totalanimefan: I'd really like to ship to my address if possible. I may not have a lot of space in the house I move to but I'll figure something out.
    Yeah, thank goddess I don't have horrid coworkers! We don't always see eye to eye, but they're decent people.
    I hope your brain fog clears up :( it must be so difficult to function having that.
    I have IBS so if GI issues is a new long covid symptom I REALLY hope I can avoid Covid. My move will expose me more than these last couple of years when I just stayed home as much as possible.

    words of whimsy

Posted in Jabberwocky Junction (come chat!) Posted 3 years ago

    @Anarchist Beauty: yeah the chaos can be entertaining too

    i wish i could come up with a username identifier. it's just so cool.

    why did you leave dappervolk?

    i'm called mynah on dappervolk but i hardly login there. it felt like there was too much to do although it's a pretty site. also it was very bright on the screen from what i remember.

    words of whimsy

Posted in Returnee Posted 3 years ago

    @Totalanimefan: I'm basically in Telangana, and will move to Mahrashtra (India). I wish I could take all my books with me :( but I'll be travelling by flight and there's a limit to how much luggage can weigh.
    I do like my job overall. It's not dull. I write scripts and do quality checks for a children's visual storybooks app. It's a creative job even if parts of it can be tedious.
    Plus my colleagues are pretty decent.
    Oh my. How's the recovery? Any lasting effects?

    words of whimsy

Posted in Webtoons Posted 3 years ago

    @GoblinsAndTea: what a snazzy avatar you've got on! i read webtoons on my laptop too just because i'm on my laptop more often than my phone. i do appreciate the closeup of the art but scrolling is easier on the phone :P

    oh wow the premises of those webtoons. interesting stuff! lore olympus is on my list of ones to read.

    i enjoy the negotiation of romance more than romance otherwise. like, two people discussing what they want, who they are, and their outlook on life and relationships.

    oooooo lmk when you do start uploading there how exciting!

    @BumbleBat: i'm fond of the remarried empress. have you tried men of the harem? it's not exactly similar but if you enjoyed one you might enjoy the other.
    i watched the true beauty drama and really liked han seojun's character in it (and the actor who played him).

    words of whimsy