Mokona's posts
Posted in Questing For 3,500 Ohms or Foxy Festival
Posted 4 years ago
- @KimmiChan1989: Voltra is the most active of the avatar sites i know so it's probably safe! i think the fact that it's new and already doing so well in terms of active members and item releases is a good sign.
Trisphee is the other one whose owner said he'd never close it no matter what. but they don't have a single pixel artist right now and i wish the site would become more active. there's only a handful of users left.
i don't think we rped together on kofk... we might have? but i feel like i just read an rp of yours or something. my username there is mynah, if that rings a bell.
i'm always up to rp here if you're looking to begin more btw.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 4 years ago
- @Wildfire: i pushed myself and did it, definitely feel loads better now. thank you for the encouragement!
idk what would help you sleep better, but dimming the lights and not looking at any screens an hour before bed helps me. reading something and drinking chamomile tea could help. or even a sachet of herbs meant to aid sleep placed under your pillow. that would be a witchy way to do it.

Posted in Questing For 3,500 Ohms or Foxy Festival
Posted 4 years ago
- @KimmiChan1989: wow you're an avatar site aficionado... like me!
Solia was where i used to rp the most but i just couldn't get back into the site after they changed literally everything about it lmao. and i'm still sad about Ernya cause i joined, fell in love with the art, avatars and style of the site... and it shut very soon after.
i like hard pixel avatars so i'm really glad Voltra exists. the items are so cute here.
ohh i think kofk is where i remember you from; some kind of fairytale rp. do you still rp?

Posted in "So what's your favorite..."
Posted 4 years ago
- i enjoy and like many things but i find it easier to choose a favourite out of a category i really love. i think it's cause i can think of things that reaffirm or remind me of my love for that category? i love books and my favourite books are 'the vet's daughter' by barbara comyns and 'lolly willowes, or the loving huntsman' by silvia townsend warner. i read so many books that none of them seemed special and nothing seemed original enough to startle me anymore, but then these books did, so that's what makes them special- they were special to me in a literal sea of stories i read.
music is tough. because i accumulate loads of favourite songs over the years and what i want to hear depends on my mood.
i have favourite dramas though, and i love pastel colours. i also love pastels with black and i'm drawn to pastel peach (orangey-pink) and turquoise (blue-green).
there's things i can't choose favourites from because while i enjoy them they don't have a big enough impact on me to become special over others, i think.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 4 years ago
- @Wildfire: i did take a nap but you know how sometimes you wake up from a nap feeling worse than before? that's me right now.
i should do a spot of yoga cause that energises me, it's just that doing yoga means doing something. lol. just gotta bully myself into doing it.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 4 years ago
- @Shadami: ughh ikr if they want the art in their style not your style what are they doing trying to have someone else draw for them? that's hyper-controlling.
@Wildfire: i feel too sleepy to do anything already. even though i did have plans to get some things done.

Posted in Throwing in another newbie post to the pile!
Posted 4 years ago
- @Mizu: i hope this will be your go to site for rp too!

Posted in Questing For 3,500 Ohms or Foxy Festival
Posted 4 years ago
- hey, i'm on board with this idea of a quest hangout. and i wish you luck with your quest!
@KimmiChan1989: i feel like i've seen you roleplaying on other avi sites?

Posted in [S] A Whoooole Bunch of Stuff [B] Art
Posted 4 years ago
- @cashew: hi! could i have a mystery bag for 1k volts? so that's 10 items?

Posted in CycloneKira's Mood Checker + Chat
Posted 4 years ago
- @CycloneKira: when you're cramping you shouldn't be expected to lead a normal life. //plies you with

Posted in Alice's little hangout and volt collecting!
Posted 4 years ago
- @Ruby: Yes, the heartache must be terrible to cope with. It might help to remember that you're not replacing your pet in any way. You're not displacing love onto a new pet. This new pet takes up her own space, not the space of your previous pet. And your love for this pet is separate too. You have room for love even when you're in pain and you have love to give to more than one kitty. And like you said there are so many kitties that need love and would benefit from your love!

Posted in Alice's little hangout and volt collecting!
Posted 4 years ago
- @Ruby: yes!! it must be so painful to lose them but they're so full of love and it's such a pure love too. they're one of the best things about the world we live in.
@Alicethemadhatter: how are you spending your energy? i love it when i feel energetic altho there's too many things to choose to do. and when i'm not energetic i don't wanna do anything XD

Posted in Alice's little hangout and volt collecting!
Posted 4 years ago
- @Ruby: unfortunately i don't although i'd love to have tame birds. not caged ones but ones that build their nest in my balcony and aren't afraid of me and i can feed and care for. my grandfather didn't allow the family to keep pets and he passed away a few months ago but we still don't have any.
there was a black kitten who visited a couple of mornings for breakfast but now she has stopped ;_; maybe she found other food.

Posted in Alice's little hangout and volt collecting!
Posted 4 years ago
- i'm excited for the coming event now that it was mentioned in the march commons announcement!
@Alicethemadhatter: yes!! gosh i'm loving the wonderland EIs

i love the colourful mushrooms and colourful eyes in your avi!
@Ruby: kitties make any day better