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Posted in Jabberwocky Junction (come chat!) Posted 4 years ago
@MoodyB: hello! how are you? love that tea emoji
Posted in Period cramps Posted 4 years ago
@Ava: It's actually homeopathic medicine so you'd get it a homeopath's. Not sure if regular pharmacies would stock it, but you definitely don't need a prescription for it unless it's the stronger version, 12x. I use the middling version, 6x. That dosage seems to suit me just right.

@Amber Lynne: Definitely will try caffeine and see how that goes. I think anything that spikes my energy even a bit to deal with my period is sure to be a helpful thing.

Posted in Jabberwocky Junction (come chat!) Posted 4 years ago
@CycloneKira: yes it was april fool's adorableness. although my fave april fool's adorableness will forever be last april fool's on trisphee. it was a minor case of facehugging adorable monsters.
Posted in Period cramps Posted 4 years ago
@Amber Lynne: I hugely crave desserts and chocolate when I'm on my period so this makes sense to me lol, high five.
Posted in The Surge: April Crates! Posted 4 years ago
Oh gosh I LOOOOVE Miss Mary Annette. Puppet strings! AND THE KITTIES IN CAT CAFE! The kitty on the teapot and the paws on the apron?! Such cute details aaaa
Posted in hey, I'm new Posted 4 years ago
@Kaeya: this is actually the most active avatar forum i know of right now, so i'd say you've come to the right place
Posted in Period cramps Posted 4 years ago
So I haven't been able to use menstrual cups because I keep pushing my abdomen out when I cramp and that makes the cup pop out :viosweat:
But I found a company in my country that makes biodegradable pads that ACTUALLY MIGHT BE LARGE ENOUGH to handle my heavy flow. And unlike other brands I've seen this one is actually affordable. Fingers crossed they turn out to be as absorbent as they look.

@Ava: I haven't tried a TENS machine but my hot water bag helps a lot. I also take Magnesia Phosphorica 6x and that has helped too. I think there are stronger versions like 10x and 12x for relieving more intense pain.

Posted in Jabberwocky Junction (come chat!) Posted 4 years ago
@CycloneKira: iluvyoutoo YOU'RE ONLINE. VycloneKira
Posted in Happy April Fools! Posted 4 years ago
Okay first everyone's username began with a V and now the forums are upside down?! Heckin' cute!
Edit: and my username is pronounced practically the same even when it begins with a V love it.

Posted in CycloneKira's Mood Checker + Chat Posted 4 years ago
@CycloneKira: your representative avi is kween.
Posted in Jabberwocky Junction (come chat!) Posted 4 years ago
come over to my house no, i'll give you money for the return fare (if your gpay starts working i can give you money for both to and fro)

Posted in Jabberwocky Junction (come chat!) Posted 4 years ago
@CycloneKira: your avatar's pose and expression are *chef's kiss*
just make yourself a cheese omelette at night instead, or something

Posted in Jabberwocky Junction (come chat!) Posted 4 years ago
@CycloneKira: Apparently breaking an egg into ramen has a similar effect
Posted in Jabberwocky Junction (come chat!) Posted 4 years ago
@CycloneKira: I don't eat cheese but I heard that's a thing others enjoy putting in ramen