Mokona's posts
Posted in Pet Peeves?
Posted 4 years ago

my pet peeves are: people who chew with their mouths open, burp loudly, don't care about others' personal space
people who don't clean up after their pets! :vanora_angry:
people who comment on the way someone is dressed
and people who make it clear with their politics that they don't give two shits about other people.
people who don't clean up after their pets! :vanora_angry:
people who comment on the way someone is dressed
and people who make it clear with their politics that they don't give two shits about other people.

Posted in Jabberwocky Junction (come chat!)
Posted 4 years ago

@MoodyB: It's nice that you have a friend who can keep your self-criticism in check

I see. Maybe it has changed because fewer people go on avatar sites nowadays.
I don't know though.
I have a tarot reading shop here and it rarely gets customers, but I just keep it up.
Most of the time I forget about it and continue doing tarot stuff outside of it.
And if every once in a while someone does want a reading, I'll see a ping or see it in my bookmarks.
But I don't bump the thread or anything. I kind of expected that I wouldn't get customers often, and I was right.
I guess the reason I wasn't very disappointed is cause I didn't have much expectations.
However I get how it might be demoralising in the case of an art shop.
You'll wonder if your art isn't good enough and that's why people aren't buying it- when actually people probably aren't looking to buy art.
And that's why they're passing by your shop.
But it would affect you mentally if you thought your art wasn't appealing to buyers.
So I'm sorry that happened :viosad: but your art is lovely and I'm glad you decided to do away with the shops if they weren't serving you and your art. And decided to focus more on developing your art further.

Posted in Jabberwocky Junction (come chat!)
Posted 4 years ago

@MoodyB: yeah, i guess self-criticism is good as long as it's constructive and not crippling
and we remember to be kind to ourselves too.
wanting to improve at something you enjoy is a good motivation

i understand. i prioritised different things too as time went on.
do people tend to buy a lot of art on avi sites? i feel like you might have better success at selling art on a big site like gaia or on places like deviantart, maybe.
but i also don't know much about selling art or where people tend to concentrate selling art.

Posted in Jabberwocky Junction (come chat!)
Posted 4 years ago

@Juliette: yeah. i don't think any generation before ours had this need to achieve success and have our lives in order so soon.
it's not normal to want to monetise all our hobbies and 'self-optimise'.
or to believe that we need to be achieving something with every bit of our time.
capitalism wants to make it look normal,
but all that 'hustle' and influencer culture... isn't normal.
it's just given me burnout.
things will slowly get better, yeah.
it has been so long but change will come.
i love chocolate! chocolate and coffee flavoured desserts are amazing. i also love citrusy desserts like lemon tarts and berry compote on cake.

Posted in Jabberwocky Junction (come chat!)
Posted 4 years ago

@Juliette: i know that feeling. but i also think that the point of doing all those things in life is supposed to be my own happiness.
and i'm in my 20s now but i might still be figuring things out like my career and stuff when i'm in my 30s tbh.
i'm not too fussed about achieving things right now. i'll do what i can, but sometimes i can't find anything to do.
i used to feel guilty whenever i wasn't 'productive' but i've tried to change that.
i also feel like it's partly covid? my life pretty much came to a halt when covid hit the scene.
i don't know when things will really change, but there's not much i can do about the pace of my life right now.

Posted in Jabberwocky Junction (come chat!)
Posted 4 years ago

@Juliette: :viosad: *hugs* i hope it gets better.
i never know how to deal with my funks either so i don't really have advice.
treat yourself if you can, to get a little serotonin boost.
i do that when i can afford it.
@MoodyB: i can't tell, actually.
i mean i'm not an artist so my opinion isn't knowledgeable. but i really liked the way you used colours in the Saturn piece.
you'd know better than i do about where you need improvement. but i also think we're our own harshest critics.
i understand. it's nice that you decided to focus on art.
i go to kofk for the pets and recolor to RP, i'm also starting up a couple of RPs on here.
but this is probably where i chat most.

Posted in Jabberwocky Junction (come chat!)
Posted 4 years ago

@MoodyB: oooh that's beautiful.
i really like your style and the way you use colour

i understand. i was like that with my writing for a bit.
i've been on loads of hiatuses from kofk but i can never leave that site
because of all the knuffel i collected, it's the only pet site i play.
even though the economy on the site is such that it's near impossible to get older items,
i still log on to get the monthly commons and participate in the events.
i find that it's easier to keep up with an avatar site if it slows down.
but if it slows down it's less exciting and there's less to do,
so i don't feel drawn to go there much.
(i've always been a huge avatar site addict, joining every one there was.
but i'd end up active on only a few.)

Posted in Jabberwocky Junction (come chat!)
Posted 4 years ago

@MoodyB: wow, i'd love to see your art! do you upload it anywhere? do you have an art thread here on voltra?
also, i was wondering where i'd seen your username before. it was kofk!

Posted in Hello, I'm New Here
Posted 4 years ago

@Ark: I have a hangout on here called Jabberwocky Junction, feel free to stop by to chat!

Posted in Hello, I'm New Here
Posted 4 years ago
@Ark: welcome to voltra! your avatar is already heckin' cute!

Posted in [B] Lethal Dose, etc. [S] Event/Common orb items
Posted 4 years ago

Posted in [B] Lethal Dose, etc. [S] Event/Common orb items
Posted 4 years ago

Posted in The Surge [Breaking News!]: Knick-Knacks Galore!
Posted 4 years ago

Posted in Period cramps
Posted 4 years ago

whereas homeopathy is often made for chronic issues.
so i definitely think you should try a homeopathic medicine. you could try the one i told you about, or you could consult a homeopath to find out the right strength/dosage for you, or any other medicine that could alleviate your pain.