Mokona's posts
Posted in ♥ ~ ♡ Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop ♡ ~ ♥
Posted 4 years ago

what a perfectly themed event hangout!
i think after living through several site shutdowns/endings it's difficult to get attached as easily.
at least that's how it feels for me.

i think after living through several site shutdowns/endings it's difficult to get attached as easily.
at least that's how it feels for me.

Posted in CycloneKira's Mood Checker + Chat
Posted 4 years ago

@CycloneKira: yeah, so many states are imposing another lockdown. this is a bad time.

Posted in CycloneKira's Mood Checker + Chat
Posted 4 years ago

@CycloneKira: Are you going to see a gynec soon?

Posted in CycloneKira's Mood Checker + Chat
Posted 4 years ago

@CycloneKira: That definitely sounds like PMS. But I'm no medico.

Posted in Jabberwocky Junction (come chat!)
Posted 4 years ago

@MoodyB: I can't believe that your art skills are not very good. I mean, I literally can't tell.
Your art looks good when I look at it so now I'm having a bit of a crisis lol.
But I hope you focus as much on what you enjoy about making art, as you do on what you want to improve.
Your art looks good when I look at it so now I'm having a bit of a crisis lol.
But I hope you focus as much on what you enjoy about making art, as you do on what you want to improve.

Posted in Jabberwocky Junction (come chat!)
Posted 4 years ago

@Ava: HIHI!
Yeah, I don't often have the same usernames on different sites. Maybe I should.
It's good to have a relaxing tea before you go to bed, too. Help you sleep better!
My day didn't start out great but it's definitely improving! I'm looking forward to lunch and in the meanwhile I'm watching videos on how to make gnocchi.

It's good to have a relaxing tea before you go to bed, too. Help you sleep better!
My day didn't start out great but it's definitely improving! I'm looking forward to lunch and in the meanwhile I'm watching videos on how to make gnocchi.

Posted in Jabberwocky Junction (come chat!)
Posted 4 years ago

@Ava: On Trisphee I was called Exulansis, then Sternum, now I'm daikokunyo
On Mene I was starferry for a while, then Dandelioness, then Siren Sonder.
Getting tired of my old usernames was a bad habit I had but I'm pretty happy with my usernames now lol.
Chatting while sipping tea sounds like a lovely way to relax and get your online time too!
My timezone is half a day's difference from people in the US so I'm usually online now.
(It's noon for me.)

On Mene I was starferry for a while, then Dandelioness, then Siren Sonder.
Getting tired of my old usernames was a bad habit I had but I'm pretty happy with my usernames now lol.
Chatting while sipping tea sounds like a lovely way to relax and get your online time too!
My timezone is half a day's difference from people in the US so I'm usually online now.
(It's noon for me.)

Posted in Jabberwocky Junction (come chat!)
Posted 4 years ago

@MoodyB: I'm jealous of your art skills, to be honest.
But I also know that in your shoes I would be demoralised too.
I wish I had any suggestions but I can't understand it either.
@Ava: Absolutely, this is an open hangout!
Plus we've talked before, on this site as well as Trisphee and Mene
I already think of you as a friend or at least a very familiar acquaintance.
And I'm happy to have one more person to talk to in this hangout!
I like that. I should branch out more too.
But I also know that in your shoes I would be demoralised too.
I wish I had any suggestions but I can't understand it either.
@Ava: Absolutely, this is an open hangout!
Plus we've talked before, on this site as well as Trisphee and Mene

I already think of you as a friend or at least a very familiar acquaintance.
And I'm happy to have one more person to talk to in this hangout!
I like that. I should branch out more too.

Posted in CycloneKira's Mood Checker + Chat
Posted 4 years ago

@CycloneKira: And usually, the mood swings continue during your period? Or do they usually hit during your period instead of before it starts?

Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 4 years ago

hello guise
i love rain, love the smells that come with it and how cool it becomes. as long as i'm indoors with something warm to eat or drink.
i live in a tropical country. sunshine is important for me but we get more than enough sunshine to spare.

i love rain, love the smells that come with it and how cool it becomes. as long as i'm indoors with something warm to eat or drink.
i live in a tropical country. sunshine is important for me but we get more than enough sunshine to spare.

Posted in What is a book your favourite book/series you love to reread?
Posted 4 years ago

I love rereading most of Barbara Comyns's novels, but especially: The Vet's Daughter, The Skin Chairs, Sisters by a River and Our Spoons Came From Woolworths. She writes like an unsettling fairytale. Honestly I wish she wrote more novels. I'm trying to get ahold of A Touch of Mistletoe, but it's out of print so it's not easy to come by.

Posted in What are you currently listening to?
Posted 4 years ago

Bambi by Baekhyun

Posted in Voltra's Runway | Fallin' for Autumn | ENTER BY NOV 25TH
Posted 4 years ago

@Wildfire: I like the creatureliness of your spring entry!

Posted in CycloneKira's Mood Checker + Chat
Posted 4 years ago

@CycloneKira: So the mood swings happened before your period hit? Or they didn't happen this time?