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I bet you'll have some fun ideas planned for the thread!

I mean, everyone's posting is really about the same just a little different. So it's totally doable for everyone who entered, I believe.

Yes! The event should help me a lot!
Hopefully I'll have at least like 2 weeks of that, maybe.

Yeah, it's just the 1000 posts in a month.

I know D:
I gotta start trying to come in earlier. Or I'll have a lot to catch up by the end of my month.

I thought you might like that ;)
I do hope some more peeps hop on tonight so I can get some posts :vanora_sweat:
-clears throat for weather voice-
We are currently in a quiet front, but we predict more activity in the near future. :vanora_sun:
No problem <3

Yeah I wouldn't really worry about it at this time.
I mean, we also had those goals that were real close and everything that really got people pumped for posting. I'm like 90% sure that the event I keep hearing about will bring back a lot of activity again :)


And hey everyone <3

Well it had the new-novelty to it. It's still new, but there isn't a TON to work towards yet, goal wise for users.
It's not going to stay at the original pace it was at in the beginning (not counting events and such). As they get out updates and different fun things, people will be more active.

It'll always kind of fluctuate, I'm sure. Depending on the time of the year, personal stuff, events, etc.
WHY have I been counting in the 100's lol

I'm heading off for the night, goodnight everyone :)
Unicorn, I hope so too. I usually don't sleep aaall that well.
Panda, oh yeah I'm sure you're being responsible while also being generous!