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Star, that cat image is too cute!

So many avatar-related site I've never heard of xD

I knew an EOS online, I thought, but I really disliked their avi's.
So it's probably not what I'm thinking of.

Noah fence is much better, though. hehe

Some people just can't take criticism. I've known sites staff to be like that before. :/

Hey guys!
I need to get some more posts in before it gets too late :vanora_xd:

I'm making orange juice Popsicles :D

I also don't like pickles / the taste of pickled and vinegar-y things.
Also not too into a lot of veggies >_>

I'm not sure what we're having for dinner.
I know there is sausage in there and beans. xD

I am also a picky eater. For one, I don't usually eat beans.

dragon, welcome back :D
Work was okay today, I hope.

Posted in • A Nalightful Quest • Posted 7 years ago
@dragoness129: I've seen a few of the superhero ones. They're on my list to watch sometime.
And fantasy is nice! Have you seen Merlin? That was pretty good and popular.

You not dumb
Still no response. >_> But I think she was busy yesterday and at work. But other good news, a friend (we graduated together) who is currently in London for music needs some digital art work and thought of me! So I have a pretty big commission thing to work on.

Well Dark Heaven literally has dark in the name :vanora_xd: Killing Stalking has a lot of fans currently, and that's really dark an d intense. Not the for the light hearted, that's for sure.

Oh, I was just making a flyer. Going to put it at the post office and stuff for another outlet for people who might need art :D
Hey guys!
I saw we reached the site post goal, that's awesome!

Posted in Where do you live? Posted 7 years ago
Apollo Im Burning:
@sunny: No problem! And it can get hectic at times, at least traffic-wise. @~@

@Nalight: What area, if you don't mind me asking? :) In Texas, I mean.

I never saw this xD
Born in Waxahatchie. Moved around a lot mostly in the north east area near Tyler/Texarkana.
Yeah they'd scatter to other sites, but not as many people would find avatar sites.
Gaia was also my first avatar site. I didn't enjoy it all that much, but it led me to other ones!

But isn't it still like the biggest avatar site?

I just don't think anyone really knew about it.
You just posted it not too long ago xD

And people are still getting confused on the countinganyway. So people do always go back and re-read the first page. I wouldn't have if you wouldn't have mentioned it.

@panda: Actually, now that I think about it--
Having people count their posts AND big doesn't bode well, either. So moving it is probably best.