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For real. The internet, music, etc. So much to do.
So much to keep our attention away from going to sleep until real late :vanora_sweat:

Same, though.
I'd like to fix it. But then I also just want to sleep.

Maybe you're getting a little sick?
Mine is just going away. Day or two more and I think I'll be all clear!

@Neko: Thank you!
I love your's too! You done really well with the layering and color distribution with what we have so far.


Been a pretty slow/chill day for me, too.
Yes, new items would be real nice!

Hey, how is everyone today?

That is quite a few threads. I'm usually only in a couple at a time maybe xD
Posted in • A Nalightful Quest • Posted 7 years ago
@dragoness129: Thank yoouuu <3
It was fun to draw!

And it'll just get better as we bet more items :vanora_sun:
I like how I've influenced some other avi's now. Yeeeee

I started 19 days. The pacing is real strange at the beginning. Either way, it's so cute! Not finished yet, but glad I started it. It's so funny xD I just passed a confession part and I was like :vanora_cry: :vanora_cry: :vanora_cry: tho. Sweet babes! At one point I posted a snapchat of one of the funny faces they make and one of my friends was like YYEEESSS I love this.

Awww that would be the cutest reverse pick pocketing ever! I don't know if I have enough chill for that. I'd be squeeing cause it's too cute. Instantly found out.

A closet system of some sort would be good. The only way we have right now is saving off the avatar image.
I have 615 posts overall.
It isn't too much, but Panda's threads definitely help me get more!

Looks like I gotta be here for Pg. 500! Who doesn't want to win Panda

Kaderin, we've been there before. Blows.

Star, welcome back!
-pats head-
How are you?

Kaderin, heat up water on the stove?

Yeah it's probably something like pancakes. Maybe put down some tin foil first. Idk. GOOGLE!

170 posts :D

..... It's not working D:

Next option: Look up how to do cookies on the stove!

Kaderin, same xD

It's a wall oven. And I'm short. This'll be fun

My oven doesn't work D:
I wanna make cookies!

Skull, I've had a pretty relaxed day.
Might go walking soon if it's not too muggy outside.

It'll be a while until we get any sort of layering option, probably.
But more commons is something we'll definitely keep getting :D

Hey Skull! Doing well, I hope.