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Yes, that'd be great!
Bum, woah, go you guys!

Shadami, or purple socks :D
I want sock commons!

Oh cool, thanks!
I thought it was just the pig. Didn't notice it had multiple poses.

What are those sparkles on you guys?

I just RP with like, one person now.
I use to do it a lot more.

Shadami, yeah that's a fair way to look at it.
I just need to narrow down what suits the character best.

Bum, that's awesome!

Yeah I didn't know how to explain it really xD
It's not exactly skill trees. But like, combat, magic, other thing, basically. It's a real cross-class-like character.

Yeah that's how I always am with my characters!
The race/class I am now just has like, the broadest range of things it can do which make it hard to focus on area. Actually, I'm literally blocked from solely focusing on one thing. Cause we have 3 focus trees, basically. No one tree of mine can be 2x the combination of the other two. I should have chose an easier class lol

Leveling my table top character took longer than I thought.
I'm so slow and picky :vanora_xd:

dragon, oh yeah? That's cool!
Is it d&d? Or maybe that supernatural one?

Hey guys!
Usually I have my table top session today but we're missing a few characters and decided to hold off this week. Going to level my character, though. Now I'll have more time to chat in here :3

I love it! :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart:
I just watched the second Guardians of the Galaxy again like two weeks ago.

Well I'm heading off for the night. Have a good night :)

It's Rocket?!
AAAHHHH that's great!

Star, my day was good. Pretty chill.

Probably about to head off, actually.