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Dread, I can't remember the last time I watched a movie with online friends, woah! I'm sure I can swing some time ^_^

I don't have a lot of real good flea markets near me.
Some okay ones, though.
Hey bb in the same timezone


That does sound neat!
Flea markets are always interesting. Never know what you're going to find.

Hey everyone :)
@vengeance: Nice graphics shop!

I won't forget anymore :vanora_heart:
And that sounds like a great costume idea!

Well I'm off for the night, everyone. Talk to you later.

Dread, haha I forget who is or is not in my time a lot :vanora_xd:

I gotta get a costume together, too!
Thinking about being Georgie from IT

Unicorn, yeah I think it's a pretty neat project!

Hello there, Kozi :)
How are you?

I probably won't be on for too much longer. :vanora_tired:

@Unicorn: My friend I graduated with is having a recital concert in London.
It's halloween-y/supernatural related. While he plays, a powerpoint vid thing will be playing poems. He wanted the powerpoint to look good and wanted art for a few sections. He knew I do digital art and commissioned me to help. :D

Dread, yeah skeleton bones. The app is called KineMan
Are you on a pretty different time zone? Or just work a late shift? It's past 2am here xD

I want a blushing smiley .O. And a smooching one. And laughing cry face. MORE

I'm doing good! I took a nap earlier and probably shouldn't have cause I was hoping to go to bed early tonight so I wouldn't be as tired when I get up for my hair appointment tomorrow. How about you?

Yeah it's an online model skeleton thing I found.

Hey everyone :)
I need some skeleton poses for a drawing so I'm using this web app to move a skeleton around

Dinner is ready, I'm heading off for a little while.