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I would feel stronger with graphic design for the site vs. character art. I like doing character art, too, but I don't have a real style that I personally like. Own critique and all that. D:

That's a good idea!
I do really like how they're mixing it up with the pixel art, character art, and then the more vector style for the graphics on the site.
Gives it a lot of style.


It'd definitely be a fun project, though!

I haven't. I just assumed they had everyone they needed.
I figured they would open up applications if they were open to more staffies. (Except the pixel artists they've picked up around the site)

Yes! I'll go send you a link now.

I'm trying to be, at least.
Make some use of my degree :vanora_xd:

If you're active on FB I could send you a link to that, too. Or instagram (which I'm terrible at upkeeping)
So many outlets D:

Yeah, I'll send you the more organized link xD My Behance

It's a book cover design.
I also have some illustration stuff to work on, too.

I'll make sure to go check it out!

Oh, and I think I just got another little freelance job :D

That's true. You just get one sent your account and that's that.

I don't usually see sites sell normal event items like that, but it's not a bad idea!
Can generate donations and help more event items get out there.

Though that'll also mean their value might decrease with how many may be circulating.

Yes, get all the event set! And get my posts in. And volts for posting.
All the stuff!

I also can't wait to see what the event items will look like!