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Posted in It started as 4 am ravings of a sad woman Posted 5 years ago

In other words... I'm learning the basic Grammer of French still I guess. So yeah. Kindergarten levels. . . I do have higher than that because of my previous experience with it. but it's strange how I've forgotten some of the basics.
I remembered that there is formal and informal words, but I didn't remember the differences.
Like salut being hi and bye informally. I straight up forgot about the word completely, but seeing it again it all came flooding back.

I also remembered that bonjour doesn't technically mean hello... But I remembered it as good day, though the app is saying good morning...
And then I remembered the counter part Bonne nuit... That i have been pronouncing wrong for years. But it means good night.

I remember these things. If only in vague memories.
I completely did not remember good evening. Bonsoir

Actually... How that I'm looking at my notes I'm kind of curious. Why is have a good evening/ have a good day- Bonne Soirée and Bonne journée and their just greetings are singular words bonsoir and bonjour... But good night is Bonne nuit? Is there no "have a good night?"

And if anyone knows this. It has come up in the lessons but I keep getting it wrong. What is the difference between mange and manges?
I'm think that it's "is eating" and "are eating" but I'm really unsure of myself.

I also probably shouldn't be practicing ask at the same time. But I've been brushing up on at least my baby signs so that I can talk to my baby like I did my first two.

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C* Posted 5 years ago

That is super awesome!!!

Posted in It started as 4 am ravings of a sad woman Posted 5 years ago

I talked about this a bit in another post but wanted to actually write over here in my journal? Rant? Get things off my chest thread.
Whatever you want to call this.

It has to do with my issue with learning languages.or languages in general I guess . I don't actually seem to have a problem learning them. Getting my mouth to do what I want it to is another issue, even with my English first language.

Take french for example. The language I am currently practicing on duo lingo. I took four or five years of it. I can't even remember which anymore .
The results of that study? I can read parts of it.... I can speak it partially.... I can't pick up the words that are said to me. And I struggle to recall the correct things to say.
As my French teacher said back then, I franglais things. (Combine french and English) in order to get my points across.
Because just like english. I forget certain words needed to say what I want to say.
Even of I do actually know the word, I just can't recall it.

But I wanted to practice a bit on here. For fun. As notes? As practice. Something. Whatever.
I want to practice and practice and retain. And maybe one day even be able to pick it up like I pick up English when people speak. Or at least enough to talk to my French speaking friends.
... Who usually resort to English when talking to me.

So per the rules of voltras, I will be translating. And also it's going to be what .. kindergarten level french? XD
Without further ado...
Bonjour, je suis Shadami. (Hello, I am Shadami.)
I have learned how to say "un homme et une femme" which means a man and a woman. As well as their younger counterparts "un garçon et une fille" a boy and a girl.

I guess I could have put those in spoilers but eh. This works for me I think...
The animals the app has taught me..
Un chien, un chat, et un cheval. A dog, a cat, and a horse.
I find it interesting that the food I've been taught so far look exactly the same in French and English, just have slightly different pronounciations: pizza, orange, and croissant... I have an issue with un and une for these. ^^;;

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C* Posted 5 years ago

I got distracted by my duo lingo app. I decided a few days ago that I wanted to brush up on my French as a way of trying to feel accomplished. Figure if I can get through learning a language and retain more of it... I'll feel better. :D
Cause language has always been a huge barrier for me even though I want to learn other languages.

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C* Posted 5 years ago

@TeaTales: we drink 1% and I think the next lowest would be skim? And I never liked the flavor of it. I just generally avoid milk and so when I'm pregnant eat a lot of ice cream to get the dairy my body needs xD

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C* Posted 5 years ago

My mother in law is allergic to weed too. Once she was on a call. I forget if it was a firefighter or emt call. And she FELL into a secret growery room.
Oh. my. Lord.
That did not go well for her. I couldn't have her over to our apartment to babysit for over a year because the apartment across from us in the same hallway was growing stuff as well and blaming it on us.

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C* Posted 5 years ago

Also the current one that I'm dealing with because I just had a bowl of cereal with cow milk... I now feel like absolute garbage and like I'm gonna be sick...

But it's not the lactose. Because I've tried the lactose free milk. And.. well.. I had the same reaction. But almond milk is fine, and I eat sour cream and cheese all the time. Why am I so weird!!

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C* Posted 5 years ago

Allergies are weird
Like i'm pretty sure I'm allergic to some kind of preservative. XD

Examples: peanuts. Mmm mmm yummy. Peanut butter? I'm curled up in a fetal position with stomach pain if it gets to my stomach and it makes my mouth feel funny.
Green grapes. A okay. Red grapes and Concord grapes. I'm feel strange. Grape juice or grape jelly? Forget about it! I break out into a super itchy rash ... In my elbow.. just my elbows. I have no idea why .

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C* Posted 5 years ago

Allergic to yellow?! Never heard of that allergy, but I can believe it completely. Is it like being allergic to that red dye 40 or whatever it's called in drinks?

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C* Posted 5 years ago

How does turning a living thing into something inanimate work anyways? Is it still alive and will turn back at some point? Or is its life snuffed out?

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C* Posted 5 years ago

Yellow seems to be my color because I'm also team instinct xD

Good night myotis
Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C* Posted 5 years ago

I'm a Hufflepuff

That's my order of all the various tests I've taken and they're all pretty even percentages.

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C* Posted 5 years ago

Hufflepuff! Join the fun house with us! :D

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C* Posted 5 years ago

It wasn't showing up in a glowy green box either. XD which happens to me sometimes. So I had to go through all the tabs to reset it. And Bam there it was