Xnovax's posts
Posted in Chapter Two: Major Volkan
Posted 5 years ago
I'm not very good with riddles.. I'll try my best though!

Posted in Amusing My Past
Posted 5 years ago
Kaito's cheeks redeemed some when he was called out by Fijore. If course he wasn't used to it.. He was used to being by himself. The only one he ever had to look over, after the incident, was himself. He managed a small sheepish smile. "Thanks." He said.

Posted in Amusing My Past
Posted 5 years ago
Kaito rubbed the back of his neck, nodding some when he spoke. "I um.. I'd feel better if you laid down with me.. Or at least in one of the beds in the living room.. " He said a bit nervously, at then he'd be able to keep an eye on him, in case he got worse.

Posted in The Reaping Ritual Gift Exchange
Posted 5 years ago
Team Trick >:D

Posted in Amusing My Past
Posted 5 years ago
Kaito frowned some, slowly and gently raising his hand to feel his forehead. "You're warm.." He said quietly as he pulled back his hand. What could be do? Fijore was the doctor..

Posted in Amusing My Past
Posted 5 years ago
Kaito nodded and led him back to the house, taking a pace they were both comfortable with. He needed to take his meds anyway, didn't want to miss anymore doses of he could avoid it.

Posted in Amusing My Past
Posted 5 years ago
Kaito shook his head some when he spoke, and folded his wing back. "It's alright.. We'll go home." He said, gently holding his hand and slowly helping him up.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 5 years ago
Allen sat down at the table and smiled. "Thank you." He said. It always smelled so good when she cooked, better than any restaurant he ever walked into. "I can get it." He said casually. She had already cooked breakfast, he could get his own drink. Zero went into the kitchen and got himself a glass and the Orange juice, then put it back and say at the table with Allen.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 5 years ago
Maddie smirked. "I think I already draw attention, even when I don't try to." She murmured, nodding some when he mentioned making food and getting the kitten some. She went and got a can of wet food and opened it up, then got a spoon to dish it out into the bowl. "Time for lunch buddie, I really hope you like it." She said softly as Nimbus came rushing over at the smell of salmon. She gave his head a light stroke before standing and tossing the empty can into the trash, and quickly washed the spoon.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 5 years ago
(I think they might but it doesn't matter lol)
Alice took her time eating, and sipping from her water, with some time she managed to eat all of her salad. She set the plate aside and leaned back against her pillows briefly before deciding to slide out of bed and picked up her plate. She put on her slippers and wandered out of her room, going downstairs and into the kitchen to put her plate in the sink.
Takashi lowered his eyes back onto the road. "Mistukuni, tomorrow after school would you like to go to the park?" He asked curiously. He didn't know what was going on with the other members, but he knew it bothered his cousin. So being a good cousin, he wanted to try to take his mind off it, and this way he could talk to his mom about it.
Alice took her time eating, and sipping from her water, with some time she managed to eat all of her salad. She set the plate aside and leaned back against her pillows briefly before deciding to slide out of bed and picked up her plate. She put on her slippers and wandered out of her room, going downstairs and into the kitchen to put her plate in the sink.
Takashi lowered his eyes back onto the road. "Mistukuni, tomorrow after school would you like to go to the park?" He asked curiously. He didn't know what was going on with the other members, but he knew it bothered his cousin. So being a good cousin, he wanted to try to take his mind off it, and this way he could talk to his mom about it.

Posted in Amusing My Past
Posted 5 years ago
Kaito stayed awake, glancing at Fijore when he started to twitch and slowly extending a wing around him in hopes of calming him or soothing him even if only a little.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 5 years ago
((Their mother needs a name lol))
Alice nodded and watched her go before picking up her cell and checking it for any texts from either her mother, or the twins. Seeing none, she slowly sat up and fixed her pillows so she could prop up against them. She had to be careful with how tight her chest was, otherwise she'd have a coughing fit. Luckily that didn't happen and she smiled some when the woman came back. "Thank you." She said, setting the plate down on her lap and slowly starting to eat.
Takashi chuckled and shook his head. "I'm just wondering what you're thinking, Mitsukuni." He said casually .
Alice nodded and watched her go before picking up her cell and checking it for any texts from either her mother, or the twins. Seeing none, she slowly sat up and fixed her pillows so she could prop up against them. She had to be careful with how tight her chest was, otherwise she'd have a coughing fit. Luckily that didn't happen and she smiled some when the woman came back. "Thank you." She said, setting the plate down on her lap and slowly starting to eat.
Takashi chuckled and shook his head. "I'm just wondering what you're thinking, Mitsukuni." He said casually .

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 5 years ago
Zero smirked at her words. She was actually willing to teach him, cool. "Sounds like a plan, and thank you for giving me a chance." He said quietly, turning to go get Allen when she asked him to. Breakfast was almost ready.
"Allen, breakfast is almost ready. Come on out." He said as he approached the bedroom doorway. Allen glanced up from the book and nodded. "Alright, thanks." He said, setting the book aside and standing. "You're you feeling?" Zero asked curiously. "Fine, I guess. Vision's still foggy but at least it's there." He murmured. Zero nodded and headed back to the kitchen with Allen not far behind.
"Allen, breakfast is almost ready. Come on out." He said as he approached the bedroom doorway. Allen glanced up from the book and nodded. "Alright, thanks." He said, setting the book aside and standing. "You're you feeling?" Zero asked curiously. "Fine, I guess. Vision's still foggy but at least it's there." He murmured. Zero nodded and headed back to the kitchen with Allen not far behind.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 5 years ago
(( Don't think they've even had lunch xD they had breakfast, then went to the store :p ))
Maddie chuckled quietly when He ruffled her hair and nodded. Of course, she'd have to use the house phone since she didn't have a cell phone, and she wasn't about to ask Clint for one. "You could put a bell around my neck to act as a beeper, if I ever get lost." She semi jokes before wondering into the kitchen to look for food. She was getting hungry, and she was pretty sure they hadn't eaten since breakfast.
Maddie chuckled quietly when He ruffled her hair and nodded. Of course, she'd have to use the house phone since she didn't have a cell phone, and she wasn't about to ask Clint for one. "You could put a bell around my neck to act as a beeper, if I ever get lost." She semi jokes before wondering into the kitchen to look for food. She was getting hungry, and she was pretty sure they hadn't eaten since breakfast.