Xnovax's posts
Posted in Amusing My Past
Posted 5 years ago
Kaito sighed quietly and gently ran his hand over his hair. "You will, someday. Baby steps." He said casually.

Posted in Amusing My Past
Posted 5 years ago
Kaito smiled and shook his head lightly. "It's okay, Fi." He murmured innocently. "You don't have to say anything." He said, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. He could feel it.

Posted in Amusing My Past
Posted 5 years ago
Kaito smiled and relaxed his hand, still holding his hand. "Good different, I hope." He semi teased.

Posted in Amusing My Past
Posted 5 years ago
(Ooc: omg yes! 💕 we did it! :D)
Kaito closed his eyes as he felt Fijore relax and his hand against his back. He slowly moved his free hand to Fijore's back as well, holding him and the kiss.
Kaito closed his eyes as he felt Fijore relax and his hand against his back. He slowly moved his free hand to Fijore's back as well, holding him and the kiss.

Posted in Amusing My Past
Posted 5 years ago
Kaito blushed as Fijore leaned closer to his face, and slowly brought his free hand to gently brush his cheek and closed the small gap between their lips.

Posted in Amusing My Past
Posted 5 years ago
Kaito gently placed his hand over one of his. "I know." He said quietly, wanting to show him how much he cares about him. Was it too soon for that though?

Posted in Amusing My Past
Posted 5 years ago
Kaito gave him a look, then shook his head lightly. "I'm going to.. I really care about you." He said with a small smile.

Posted in Amusing My Past
Posted 5 years ago
Kaito sighed quietly and looked up at the ceiling. "..sorry. I know I haven't helped any, being sick and all." He murmured and glanced back at him. " I'm sorry for making you worry so much.. "

Posted in Amusing My Past
Posted 5 years ago
Kaito frowned some and held his hand to him. "Is that why you woke up so upset?" He asked, remembering how Fijore woke up screaming. He knew it was understatement but he didn't know how else to word it.

Posted in Amusing My Past
Posted 5 years ago
Kaito nodded. "I kind of figured that, I didn't mean now." He said calmly.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 5 years ago
Zero nodded some. "You're quite welcome."
Allen had the most fun outside throwing snowballs and tackling Zero into the snow. He also tried catching some snowflakes on his tongue. Zero chuckled as he watched him and rubbed the back of his neck. How long had it been since he enjoyed himself like this, either of them?
Allen had the most fun outside throwing snowballs and tackling Zero into the snow. He also tried catching some snowflakes on his tongue. Zero chuckled as he watched him and rubbed the back of his neck. How long had it been since he enjoyed himself like this, either of them?

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 5 years ago
"Cookies?" Allen asked, slightly confused. Zero smirked and glanced at Kaneko. "We'll make cookies the night before Christmas., I can help if you want." He offered. He hadn't made cookies for some time now, and you couldn't really Christmas without cookies and a glass of milk.
Allen chuckled and offered her a smile. "I'm sure we'll like whatever you got us." He assured her.
Allen chuckled and offered her a smile. "I'm sure we'll like whatever you got us." He assured her.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 5 years ago
Zero understood what she was doing more than Allen did. He found Allen's protesting amusing and had tried to protest in his own way, chuckling when it didn't work.
Allen sighed and made his way to a chair to sit. What was there to talk about? Allen still didn't know who Zero was or how he knew so much about himself, then again he hadn't really asked. Zero stood by the window and watched the snow fall outside.
Allen sighed and made his way to a chair to sit. What was there to talk about? Allen still didn't know who Zero was or how he knew so much about himself, then again he hadn't really asked. Zero stood by the window and watched the snow fall outside.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 5 years ago
Zero found training Kaneko rather amusing. He had to push aside memories of his late partner, and remind himself that she was not her. She was still afraid to pull the trigger, afraid to hurt him so he made a target for her. Handmade of course, along with just a sliver of his blood so the bullet would react as if hitting a vampire. He had given her tips on how to hold the gun steady when she fires it, and ways to make sure she'd hit the target every time. She wasn't perfect, but she had come a long way And could very well stand her own against the council or any threat they sent towards them. That's not saying she could take them down entirely, but she could at least stand her own if needed.
And he had sparred with Allen several days to perfect his fighting with the aid of all of his other senes, while also trying to set him off. He needed to see how far Allen could be pushed before breaking, and each time it took more to break him. Which was good. It meant he was gaining control. The council was very good at breaking their victims, so if he could fight with his senses and keep his head leveled, they wouldn't be able to break him. That's what they needed.
And he had sparred with Allen several days to perfect his fighting with the aid of all of his other senes, while also trying to set him off. He needed to see how far Allen could be pushed before breaking, and each time it took more to break him. Which was good. It meant he was gaining control. The council was very good at breaking their victims, so if he could fight with his senses and keep his head leveled, they wouldn't be able to break him. That's what they needed.