Xnovax's posts
Posted in Amusing My Past
Posted 5 years ago
Kaito took a moment to calm his breathing and glanced at Fijore. "I think the fever's back, I feel like I've been stuck in a hot spring." He murmured quietly.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 5 years ago
Maddie helped set up the toys and other things in any way she could, giggling as she watched Nimbus attack the scratching post. She giggled more when it fell over and shook her head some.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 5 years ago
Alice giggled and nodded, watching him leave with a small pout. For some reason, part of her wanted to keep Hikaru here with her, selfishly. But she kept those thoughts to herself and focused on eating her breakfast.
Takashi nodded and have his mom a hug before grabbing his bag and heading off. He'd go pick up his cousin, then head to school.
Tamaki and Kyoya had arrived early like always and Kyoya was looking for ways to help Derek get everyday my set up for his arrival.
Takashi nodded and have his mom a hug before grabbing his bag and heading off. He'd go pick up his cousin, then head to school.
Tamaki and Kyoya had arrived early like always and Kyoya was looking for ways to help Derek get everyday my set up for his arrival.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 5 years ago
Zero could see a lot of things in her dark eyes, and her emotions made since. He nodded some when she spoke, glancing at her. "A feral vampire will drain a human of their blood, even dozens. They have no control of their blood lust." He explained, running a hand through his hair and glancing out. Allen should be returning soon, and if not then he'd go out and look for him.

Posted in Amusing My Past
Posted 5 years ago
Kaito dozed off for a couple of hours before waking with a cough.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 5 years ago
Alice nodded and carefully hugged him, as to not spill her breakfast everywhere. "Be good, alright?" She teased, then released the big and slowly started to eat her breakfast while it was warm.
Takashi nodded as he finished his breakfast and proceeded to help his mother pick up the dishes and set them in the sink. He then briefly hugged his mom and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. "It's time to pick up Mitsukuni for school." He said with a chuckle.
Takashi nodded as he finished his breakfast and proceeded to help his mother pick up the dishes and set them in the sink. He then briefly hugged his mom and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. "It's time to pick up Mitsukuni for school." He said with a chuckle.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 5 years ago
Maddie giggled as she watched the kitten sniff eve and gently scooped him.up into her arms to hold and let him. "Everything here is just for you. I hope you like it." She said softly, kissing the top of his head before setting up back down and helping Clint set everything up.

Posted in Amusing My Past
Posted 5 years ago
Kaito smirked led some and nodded lightly before allowing his eyes to close and he tried to rest like Fijore had instructed.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 5 years ago
Zero sighed some and ran a ran through his silver hair. Maybe it was, and she was right, or maybe it wasn't and it was caused by the man who didn't kill him. Yeah, he knew about that too. Zero lowered his eyes some as Kaneko spoke, asking questions which seemed normal. "I knew the ones who lives in that manor, as far as where they went; my partner and I killed them. His master wanted nothing more to turn that city into a feeding ground and the others would've followed him. Allen had already left though, that was after your father tried to kill him. That's why he went back to nothing. Had he gone back after the fight, the would have turned on him like a pack of wolves." He explained.
"I'm a hunter of feral vampires, those drunk on the scent of human blood. But I'm also a guardian of humans and the few vampires that haven't lost themselves." He said quietly, nodding to her question about his parents. "They never stopped thinking he was alive, and wishing he would come home."
"I'm a hunter of feral vampires, those drunk on the scent of human blood. But I'm also a guardian of humans and the few vampires that haven't lost themselves." He said quietly, nodding to her question about his parents. "They never stopped thinking he was alive, and wishing he would come home."

Posted in Amusing My Past
Posted 5 years ago
Kaito blinked, and glanced at Fijore. "Actually.." He murmured quietly. "I might." He offered without knowing why he said that. Outsiders were usually welcomed without a good reason to be there, and he didn't want Fijore getting hurt for his sake.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 5 years ago
Alice carefully shifted when he knocked and slowly sat up, allowing her pillows to prop her up. She glanced at him when he set the plate and drink on her nightstand and tried to at least feign a small smile. "All I need to is call you if I need you, right? I should be alright, and it'll give me time to talk to your mom about the things I've been hiding from her.."
Takashi paused, sitting out what his mom had said. "She's different from other girls." He said shortly, rubbing the back of his head. What was he afraid of? He wasn't even sure if that himself. Possibly being rejected , or losing his cousin entirely. His happiness before now seemingly revolves around his cousin. He'd never felt like this about anyone before, not even his host club friends.
Takashi paused, sitting out what his mom had said. "She's different from other girls." He said shortly, rubbing the back of his head. What was he afraid of? He wasn't even sure if that himself. Possibly being rejected , or losing his cousin entirely. His happiness before now seemingly revolves around his cousin. He'd never felt like this about anyone before, not even his host club friends.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 5 years ago
Maddie shook her head and looked outside the window until he pulled into the driveway of his house. A small smile came to her lips and she nodded. "You make me feel stable.. Clint. I wouldn't give that up." She murmured softly, before getting out of the car and helped him unload their, but mostly her stuff, for the cat, into the house. Being careful not to let little Nimbus out.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 5 years ago
Zero nodded, understanding that she didn't actually trust him. But, she was. at least giving him a chance. He was gentle, holding her hand, and led her outside to the back of the house. Zero took her to a large willow tree where two graves rested beneath the leaves. "I know a lot about him and his past that he's forgotten, just not everything." He mused casually.

Posted in Amusing My Past
Posted 5 years ago
Kaito chuckled some and ran a hand through his hair. "A graveyard maybe." He semi joked.