An envelope gently falls in front of you, pausing you in your tracks. You glance up from it and see two individuals holding stationary and pieces of paper with pens. Before you are able to make sense of the situation, you hear a loud boisterous voice.
"Come all! Send your questions and receive a letter in return! Let us all become better friends!" A large bearded man cheers while holding up an empty piece of paper, his entire person beaming with enthusiasm. You recognize this man to be Berinhard from Cirque ad Infinitum, the man with a bulking figure and an impressive X scar on his eye.
Before you can make sense of what is happening, the woman beside him sways towards you with an enchanting smile. She picks up the fallen envelope and winks. It was none other than Arika, the snake charmer.
"Do you want to know more about us? Or maybe another citizen from Voltra...?"
You see the glint in her eye. She offers you the envelope, along with a pen and a piece of paper.
"Let me deliver your letter... I'll make sssure they get it and anssswer your questionsss."