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Posted in Alch's Random Rainbow Posting Place Posted 11 months ago
Ahh, not too bad, actually a little bright on the ends!
I almost feel like I should reverse it xD
Posted in Alch's Random Rainbow Posting Place Posted 11 months ago
Testing a posting format for Camden - this might be just a little too dark
Posted in Alch's Random Rainbow Posting Place Posted 11 months ago
Testing to make sure Camden's post style is working
Posted in Tree's and Leaves Posted 11 months ago
@FUZZY: I'm really, really bad about remembering to update mine, and I think I have like 5 IG profiles, ahaha. Pretty sure I have one I've only ever made a single post to xD

Do you have any plans for Halloween?
Posted in ୨♡୧ Ana's Wardrobe ୨♡୧ Posted 11 months ago
Ana my lovely, I can't get over how GORGEOUS your avis are!! I especially love the black/red, purple/green/black, and black/rainbow ones!! ♥ ♥ ♥
Posted in The Alchemist's Lair - an event hangout Posted 11 months ago
@Koah: Hello hello!
I also love the creativity around Halloween costumes, the homemade ones are the best!
Ahaha watching little kids be all mischievous on Halloween is so cute. Makes me wish trick-or-treating was more acceptable for teens and 20-somethings T_T

Oooh, Tootsie rolls are one of my faves too! I also love Mars bars (I think the closest thing in the US is Milky Way bars?)

I didn't know Fear Street was a book series, and now I kinda wanna read it! I enjoyed the movies, especially the 2nd and 3rd
Posted in The Alchemist's Lair - an event hangout Posted 11 months ago
@Vozzy: Hi Vozzy, thanks for stopping by ^^

Ooh, I don't know if I've seen Halloweentown yet. I just recently watched the 3-part Fear Street series with my fiancé, it was pretty good!
Posted in The Alchemist's Lair - an event hangout Posted 11 months ago

Hi Voltie friends! I wanted to make a casual place to chat and earn candy for Reaping Ritual!

What are your favourite things about Halloween? Any favourite horror movies or shows? What's your favourite Halloween candy or other treat?
And because I'm a Pokemon-lover: What's your favourite
Ghost-type Pokemon? =D

I love Halloween so much, it's my favourite holiday ♥
Posted in Tree's and Leaves Posted 11 months ago
@FUZZY: Totally understand, a lot of my chainmaille stuff is put away at the moment. I have an Instagram for my jewellery but I'm really bad about keeping it up to date. I haven't made anything in quite a while >_<
Posted in Tree's and Leaves Posted 11 months ago
@FUZZY: Oh nice, that sounds awesome! I do most of those as well, although I don't do nearly as many necklaces as I do earrings and bracelets. D'you have any photos of your jewellery?

I wasn't meaning to imply that people wirewrap with steel or aluminum, that's just what I have experience with from chainmailling. I think sterling silver would be too soft for chainmaille, but copper would work.
Posted in CLOSED ~ Thank you all Posted 11 months ago
@Ghostie: Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!
Posted in Tree's and Leaves Posted 11 months ago
@FUZZY: I use different metals and gauges in chainmaille, so I totally understand that some are harder to manipulate than others. Aluminum is far easier to work with than steel, but then again steel probably doesn't get used much for wire wrapping, it looks like copper is the more common one.
I would've loved to have seen some of your work =) What kind of jewellery do you make?
Posted in Tree's and Leaves Posted 11 months ago
@FUZZY: Ohh, wire wrapping is so pretty! I've seen so many pieces I absolutely love, and kinda wish I could wrap (haha) my head around how to do it. I think it'd be neat to combine a wire-wrapped pendant with a chainmaille necklace

Do you have any photos of your work? I'd love to see ♥
Posted in Tree's and Leaves Posted 11 months ago
@FUZZY: I mostly do earrings and bracelets, and helped a friend make a keychain with some LEGO pieces last week which was really fun. I'd like to get back into experimenting with incorporating beads more.
I also started trying to learn macramé at one point and wanted to try and make bracelets with some of those techniques and was thinking it might be neat to combine the two

It amazes me what some people do though, I've seen sculptures and clothing beyond just 'maille armour that just blows my mind. I think there's also a few people that have knitted armwarmers with the scales typically used for scalemaille.

Do you do any arts or crafty things?