Another Movie Addict's posts
Posted in Lina’s Beach (prizes and art)
Posted 5 years ago

There's nothing I want to play, read, watch, or listen to right now. But I want to do something. DX
what you think it is.

Posted in Lina’s Beach (prizes and art)
Posted 5 years ago

I am bored
what you think it is.

Posted in Lina’s Beach (prizes and art)
Posted 5 years ago

I mean fairies are a lot more bad ass and dark than people want to realize. Fairies is just a blanket term for a lot of different things. Like Red-Caps are fairies that murder people and dip their hats in the victims blood, giving them the name. Then unlike Brave would have you believe, Will O Wisps do NOT guide you to your destiny or fate. They lead unsuspecting travelers into swamps to drown them.
what you think it is.

Posted in Lina’s Beach (prizes and art)
Posted 5 years ago

We totally are.
what you think it is.

Posted in Lina’s Beach (prizes and art)
Posted 5 years ago

It was pretty boring really, read the whole thing. Was boring and convoluted as heck. A ton pages that don't matter. Also originally Beauty and Beast were cousins and Beauty was secretly a fairy princess.
what you think it is.

Posted in Lina’s Beach (prizes and art)
Posted 5 years ago

Yep. Which is why I like a lot of the modern adaptations much better.
what you think it is.

Posted in Lina’s Beach (prizes and art)
Posted 5 years ago

His crime for being turned into the Beast isn't even because he did something wrong. He was turned because he said no when an old ass fairy asked him to marry her and she got pissy about it.
what you think it is.

Posted in Lina’s Beach (prizes and art)
Posted 5 years ago

In this version Gaston or anything like him does not exist. Instead it's five sisters and six brothers of Beauty. Though they don't really do anything. There isn't really any threat at all. Only if Beauty will like the Beast after a few nights of 'hello, how are you, good night' moments.
Inventing Gaston is where Disney made the story a bit more dark. With his brutal death scene, and throwing her father into a nutter house. Hell Beauty has the 1740's equivalent to a tv to keep her from being bored all day. No wolf attack. No real threat. Like Beast is only pretending to be a dick because a Fairy won't let him not be a stupid prick.
Inventing Gaston is where Disney made the story a bit more dark. With his brutal death scene, and throwing her father into a nutter house. Hell Beauty has the 1740's equivalent to a tv to keep her from being bored all day. No wolf attack. No real threat. Like Beast is only pretending to be a dick because a Fairy won't let him not be a stupid prick.
what you think it is.

Posted in Lina’s Beach (prizes and art)
Posted 5 years ago

It's not really all that dark compared to some of the other stories Disney has cleaned up. If anything Disney made it a touch darker (and took out the slaves thing). Like I've read some of the darker variations to the others, this one is pure fluff.
It's not really all that dark compared to some of the other stories Disney has cleaned up. If anything Disney made it a touch darker (and took out the slaves thing). Like I've read some of the darker variations to the others, this one is pure fluff.
what you think it is.

Posted in Lina’s Beach (prizes and art)
Posted 5 years ago

I am reading the original 1740 French novella Beauty and the Beast, and as I read it I am preferring Disney's version more and more. There's some character points I'm not terribly happy with.
what you think it is.

Posted in Lina’s Beach (prizes and art)
Posted 5 years ago

@Lina: I decided to give it a try out of curiosity, and I'm kind not liking it all that much. Beast is boring as Hell, and Beauty is kind of a bitch.
what you think it is.

Posted in Lina’s Beach (prizes and art)
Posted 5 years ago

Reading the original Beauty and the Best, I have decided that I like Disney's much better.
what you think it is.

Posted in Lina’s Beach (prizes and art)
Posted 5 years ago

Lol it was really cool to see me being part of something getting created. 'Cause other people seemed to really like the idea too.
what you think it is.

Posted in Lina’s Beach (prizes and art)
Posted 5 years ago

Oh yeah, they did the dreadfalls that I requested a while back with a cyberpunk CI.
what you think it is.