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Mailguy is outside the norm, mostly I just get complimented on my mask and shirts.

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I have gotten those things before too. Lol we have a pizza delivery guy who complimented my shirt. He thought it was a Sailor Moon shirt, but it was from a local convention and had that year's theme on it. I do not leave my house very much, still getting randomly weird compliments.

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This guy looks like he might be my mom's age, maybe. I might be being ageist. Is a tiny bit unprofessional though, still gave me a great laugh for today.

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Maybe a bit of both? It was a compliment, but it was also from my mailguy.

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Well my life is very odd lol.

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So a few days ago, maybe a week ago, my mailguy said something to me that he thought might've been offensive. I didn't hear him and have no idea what he said. I only heard 'no offense intended'. Well today he asked if I was offended the other day. Told him the truth, that I didn't know what he said.


He approves of my hairy legs.

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@Wildfire: I love mythology, especially the more obscure stuff.

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@Wildfire: Not sure.

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Honestly most people won't really. The fact Lucifer was originally Phosphorus and a Titan, isn't widely known. A lot of these shows I've been appreciating because I love mythology and history.

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Oh dude I loved the new season, because it's pulling from much older myths than just Christianity. Like Lucifer was originally a Greek god that Rome stole and put into the bible. In his Greek myths he does in fact have a twin.

And I loved the Allstate guy being God.

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Uh Seven Deadly Sins, The New Adventures of Monkey, Lucifer, You, Cursed of course. Stuff like that lol.

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I've been looking for shows and books with like a snarky sense of humor. Lol though I'm out of shows right now. Caught up on everything.

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Indeed, it's an interesting take on the myth. And kind of funny.

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My gif is from the show.

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