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Posted in The sanctuary Posted 5 years ago
I wish they would stay out of mine...

Posted in How is your morning going? Posted 5 years ago
I guess so. We get Wolf Spiders like crazy. And it is usually on the day that my husband is gone early for a work meeting. DX
Posted in take my place Posted 5 years ago
@Vermii: ..So there won’t be any cuddles? ;—; LOL
Posted in take my place Posted 5 years ago
I should be asleep right now.
Someone else go to work for me tomorrow? I’ll sleep in like Verm.
Posted in Today, I am proud of myself Posted 5 years ago
Congrats! That’s wonderful!!

I’m glad you’ve kicked depression in the butt to go back to college! What are you going to major in?

I’d love to go back to college for art but I always feel like 40-50k a year isn’t something I could swing (the only school I want to attend is SCAD, aha..). I refuse to put myself in any kind of debt and I guess that holds me back.
Posted in First time I've been online in... years? Posted 5 years ago
Hello there! I also love your avi.

May I ask what the hair items name is?
Posted in Thoughts Junk Drawer Posted 5 years ago
I lack ideas for the role plays I want to do..
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 5 years ago
This is true..
Posted in Thoughts Junk Drawer Posted 5 years ago
Is it sad to talk to one’s self?
Posted in Thoughts Junk Drawer Posted 5 years ago
...I almost want to do an OHSHC..
or Harry Potter.. or.. I dunno..

But ideas, fail me..
Posted in Thoughts Junk Drawer Posted 5 years ago
I want to RP. But what...?
Posted in Thoughts Junk Drawer Posted 5 years ago
Rainy days are the perfect mood for me.
Posted in Thoughts Junk Drawer Posted 5 years ago
I wish it would thunderstorm.
Posted in Thoughts Junk Drawer Posted 5 years ago
Does that mean I should buy 4 more hot spots? T_T