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Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
She smiled a little, watching. “I.. yeah I did, sorry I didn’t mean to.. be out so long.” She said softly, looking over at the console curiously. The design was absolutely beautiful.
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
He blinked a few times and smiled warmly, “Wonderful. The tardis would love to meet you.” He said gently, moving towards the same alley.
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
Arty sat up after a few hours of sleep, looking around the room. She went red. Ah. So it wasn’t a dream? How long was she out? She stood up and went red, moving to the bathroom and getting into her clothes from yesterday.

She rubbed her arm, heading down the hall and into the console room, hoping she hadn’t been mad about her falling asleep so long. She looked around the console room, “Hello..?”
Posted in Arty’s Nerdy Hangout Posted 5 years ago
@LordLucre: Im sure you’ll do great at it! :3
Posted in Arty’s Nerdy Hangout Posted 5 years ago
@LordLucre: I’m hanging with my sister Saturday and my husband and I might go look at some filming locations from a show we love on Sunday. :3
Posted in Arty’s Nerdy Hangout Posted 5 years ago
@LordLucre: I’m good too. Trying to decide if I want to continue packing when I get home or not.. Probably should. We have 3 weeks to go before we move.. But then I have a 3 day weekend coming up I could do it then.
Posted in Arty’s Nerdy Hangout Posted 5 years ago
@LordLucre: Hallo! How are you?
Posted in Wanna chat? Posted 5 years ago
@SamSpyroxis: Mine was Solia. ;-; I tried other places and just didn’t feel as at home. But here I do! Everyone is so lovely here.

And that’s probably true. So easy to get sucked into a beautiful comic or something LOL
Posted in Wanna chat? Posted 5 years ago
@SamSpyroxis: That too. I’ve done that. When my favorite one revamped itself I kinda.. joined everything I could but never really felt the same connection. So I stopped all together for a little while.

This was the last place I joined before disappearing from them all. Now I’m back and gonna stay. Although I may sporadically poof because I’m easily distracted, I think this is internet home now. :3
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
“Mhm. Destination planet for vacation. Soft sand, great ocean water, giant mall.” He shrugged a little. “Just a one stop shop, basically.” He watched her quietly for a moment, hesitating but still the question lingered.

“Would you like to see?” He asked thoughtfully, wondering if she still thought of him as a creepy skinny dude.
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
She went a little red but nodded. “Alright.” And she slipped into the bathroom. After standing there, hesitating a moment and squirming shyly, she started a shower. Unfortunately if she took a bath she’d fall asleep in the tub.

After taking everything off, she folded her clothes on the sink, apples on top. She’d.. have to get something else to wear. Her clothes smelled bad. She slipped into the shower, washing up and then getting out and drying off, moving to look at herself in the mirror.

Was this a wise decision, taking the offer of a stranger she barely knew? She felt she could trust her with anything.. and everything, but.. she touched one of her ears softly. The filter had to come off too, it wasn’t waterproof. What would she say or do if she found out what she was? She wasn’t human.. but she wasn’t going to tell her.

She frowned a little, rubbing her eyes now and grabbing the bathrobe that was in the room and slipping her filter on. Yawning, she wrapped it right around her and slipped into the bedroom. A quick catnap.. and then she’d go to the console room. She moved onto the bed, immediately falling asleep in the middle of it. It had been too comfortable to resist staying awake any longer.
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
“The little shop nearby sells the best bananas.. although only Space Florida has the best frozen chocolate covered ones.” He said thoughtfully
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
“Thank you..” She said softly, looking over to her finally. “I appreciate it very much..” Maybe a quick bath and then she could take a small nap. She didn’t want to be a rude guest..
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
“Why would anyone fire you?” He asked curiously, “You’ve got a great personality.”