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Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
“I would offer to see you home safely, but I’m sure that is not what you are thinking it would be.” He said warmly, “But do be careful.” He wanted to ask her.. but she seemed hesitant.
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
She hesitated again, staring down at the woman. It sounded too good to be true, honestly. Survival mode told her not to trust it, and to go about her business as she always did, but the curious part of her.. “I can’t afford to do that yet..” she eventually said.

Might as well be up front. Most of the travelers that came through were asking way too high a price to take a scrawny street dweller into their personal space. Every time she saved a bit from the little bit of work she could manage to get, she had to spend some on food or.. needed a new piece of clothing.
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
He just grinned widely at that. “Where are you headed?” He asked, leaving the question unanswered.
Posted in Thoughts Junk Drawer Posted 5 years ago
I.. should’ve ridden my bike today instead of packing. Although packing had to be done.. I can’t keep putting it off. Aaaa.
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
He blinked, and then again but grinned just as wide as before. “Caught him off guard I suppose.” He said cheerfully, glancing at the name tag on her uniform. “Lovely name, by the way. I’m the Doctor.” He said warmly, bouncing on his heels. He didn’t seem the least bit bothered by the fact she thought he wasn’t tough.
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
She paused at that. A ship? Should she dare ask? At her second comment she went a bit red, “I was looking for a place to sleep.” She mumbled embarrassedly. Artemis couldn’t figure out why it was embarrassing in the first place to say she had nowhere to go. She didn’t even know this woman. Why would she care?

“Don’t let the patrols find you either..” she said softly. Part of her was screaming to ask the woman to take her anywhere but this planet.. but the other part, the part that had been living on the streets for so long now, kept her from doing so. “Anyway.... I should get back to looking...”
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
He watched him run off and frowned. Definitely no manners. Oh well. He looked over at the woman now stomping towards him. “Nope, not at all. I assume this is yours then. Good, I won’t have to look for an ID to return it.” He said with a huge grin, handing it out to her without hesitating.

He rather liked the feisty attitude, reminded him of another companion.. He hoped she was doing well, since he couldn’t see her anymore.
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
Artemis had put herself on the second floor’s fire escape. She paused, looking down at the woman. Well.. she didn’t sound threatening, nor did she look it. She bit her lip, shoving the apples into her tattered hoodie pocket.

Against her better judgement, she spoke up. “You shouldn’t be out this late.. it’s dangerous.” She felt she should warn the woman.. didn’t want to find her mugged somewhere later.. or worse..
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
The man paused at the sound of someone shouting. He turned the corner he had been standing near and came face to face with the thief. Without much thought, he grabbed the bag as the man attempted to run past him. Some humans seemed to never learn courtesy. “Say, what year is it?” He was still curious! Looked like modern day..
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
She looked up from the fruit stand as she heard the noise, startled. That was a new sound to her. She had a moment of panic, standing there with two apples in front of an obviously closed stand. What if that was some sort of patrol?

She bit her lip and slipped down an alley, accidentally running into a tin bin and knocking it over.. which made a very loud noise. Crap. She looked around for a moment before settling on a nearby ladder.. Was that the only way out?

She was fine with people thinking she was human.. but if someone got close and found out what she really looked like.. Well, for some reason it caused a lot of staring and she didn’t want to find out why..
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
A strange noise could be heard nearby, a bit of a grating sound. The wind kicked up a bit down the street, a few leaves scraping the asphalt as they were tossed around.

A tall, skinny man stepped out of a blue box and frowned. “This isn’t Cardiff, ol’ Girl. Didn’t you want to charge?” He asked gently, although curious. Why would she land anywhere other than her favorite spot? Perhaps there was something she wanted him to do?
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
Artemis slipped down off the crates after every food stand had been covered up for the night. All of the shop owners had gone home and now was her chance. She slipped out of the shadows of the building the crates had been next to and moved for the stands.

She was cautious in every step she took, focus on the fruit stall in the middle. She kept herself aware of her surrounds, not wanting to get jumped by a nearby gang member. Most of the shop owners knew by now that some of the scrappy kids would sneak whatever they could.

She paused at the fruit stand, staring at the two apples that had been placed on top of the cover. Someone had seen her and, instead of raising an alarm.. set the apples out for her. She took the apples, setting a small coin down in its place. She’d have to get to the diner bright and early tomorrow and ask Tom for work.. and she hoped he had it for her.
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
((For gothtini and I. I’ll start this one up!))

Dusk. It was always the best time of the day on this planet to her. There weren’t many willing to be out any later than they had to be. This particular city was known for it’s rough edges. She had already finished the tasks she had to do to eat and stay alive.. now to find a spot to sleep.

For now though, she sat perched on a stack of crates, watching everyone left out close up shop. Perhaps she’d be able to snag a few apples from one of the unattended stands, it would make a great breakfast for the morning. She bit her lip, brushing some strands of reddish brown hair out of her face, eyes focused on her target as nonchalantly as possible.. waiting for the right moment.

She looked like a normal human, unlike the rest of the town.. just another refugee running from.. well whatever everyone here must be running from. However, unlike the rest of the place.. she didn’t have anywhere to call home. No warm bed, no door to keep her safe, and roof over her head- unless she found an empty building.. which she usually did.

One day, she’d get out of here. It was just taking too long to do. The diner she frequented didn’t always need her help. The owner was nice, but could only spare so much for her.. and she did have to eat still.. savings were scarce.
Posted in Arty’s Nerdy Hangout Posted 5 years ago
@Lufi: Omg I’ve done that! LOL